Hypertrophy -REP series: How many repetitions do muscles have to build up? (2024)

How many repetitions do you have to do to get muscle mass?In strength training it is a popular way to get a grant to get five repetitions a day. Set.But in Bodybuilding, where the goal is to build larger muscles as quickly as possible, does most sets of 8-12 reps .hhillk rep ow -row more muscle growth?

Do we have to use different rep intervals for different lifts?If you do 5-repackets on the bank press, do we need our shoulders we need a lower Rep-interval?

Finally, what if we want to use a rephage that helps us get both muscle sizeInPower?Does this mean that we have to use a mix of lower and moderate repetitions? Til from 3 repetitions to 20 repetitions perput? Set?

So is there a Hypertrofy -Rep series?

Table of contents

  1. A moderate REP interval is often the best
  2. Are high repetitions good at getting muscle mass?
  3. Are low repetitions good to get muscle mass?
  4. Which rep -interval is best to gain strength?
  5. Are 5 × 5 routines good at getting muscle mass?
  6. Is there a Hypertrofy -Rep series?
  7. Different Rep -Intervals for different lifts
  8. So how many repetitions do you have to build muscles?
Hypertrophy -REP series: How many repetitions do muscles have to build up? (1)

A moderate REP interval is often the best

Set with everywhere from 4 to 40 repetitions, muscle growth will stimulate pretty well, but most studies show that doing 6-20 repetitions per day. Set isThe most effective way to build muscles.Bodybuilders often use the center of this interval and are in favor of 8-12 repetitions per day.

Of all studies that compare represses - intervals for muscle growth is the most famousThe studyBy Brad Schoenfeld, PhD discovered that the same amount of muscle growth by performing seven low-rep sets as from performing three moderate rep sets.

  • The strength training group has sets of 3 repetitions.It took them 70 minutes to end their training, and at the end of the examination they complained about painful joints and general fatigue.Participants fell from the study due to injuries.
  • OfHypertrofie trainingGroup made 3 sets of 10 repetitions.It took them 17 minutes to finish their training sessions.They wanted to lift more.They finished the survey and felt fresh, and they got the same amount of muscle mass.
Hypertrophy -REP series: How many repetitions do muscles have to build up? (2)

This warning is of course that the group with 7 sets of 3 repetitions has achieved much more 1-REP Maximum Power, which shows that low-rep training is actually an important part of training for strength.Massa, the use of moderate Rep -intervals is much safer, more effective and easier to recover, so that we can stimulate more overall muscle growth.

The results of this study have been replicated several times (inspection,,inspection,,inspection).For example,In De Recently Studie van Keitaro Cubafound out that people make 7 sets of 4 repetitions (7 × 4)Bench pressachieved the same amount of muscle mass as that of 3 sets of 12 repetitions (3 × 12).Intervals were found to be a more effective way to stimulate muscle growth.

However, a problem with these studies is that they matchVolume—Otal pounds removed - instead of matching the number of challenging sets.A systematic review of 14 studies, We see that sets of 6-20 repetitions stimulate a similar amount of muscle growth per day. Set, provided we take these setsClose enough for failure.× 12 to see, stimulating more muscle growth, match the volume and compare 7 × 4 with 3 × 12.

These volume-matched studies clearly show that taking 3 sets of 12 repetitions stimulates as much muscle growth as 7 sets of 4 repetitions, but weDo notKnow how much muscle growth will be stimulated by performing 3 sets of 4 representatives.Women to come to all, perhaps an equal amount of muscle growth stimulated by the first 3 sets, at what time no more muscle growth was stimulated.Crazy.

Are high repetitions good at getting muscle mass?

There is a lot of evidence that the judge sets can be good at building muscles.When we look atA study by Schoenfeld et al,We see that making sets of 8-12 repetitions stimulates the same amount of muscle growth as making sets of 25-35 repetitions.

We have other examples of higher Rep -intervals that stimulate a lot of muscle growth per day. Also set:

  • A twelve -week surveyComparison of 3 × 20 against 3 x 10, it turned out that both Rep -intervals produced the same amount of muscle growth.
  • Another study of twelve weeksComparison of 3 × 20-25 and 3 × 8-12R it turned out that both rep intervals produced the same amount of muscle growth.
Hypertrophy -REP series: How many repetitions do muscles have to build up? (3)

So the good news is that if you are forced to use light weights orBody weight trainingTo build muscles, you can start in -depth with these higher rep intervals.

However, lifting in higher Rep -intervals is a fetet night mare, especially when making the larger composite lift. Shoefeld noted that the participants who made sets of 25-35 repetitions in unfair pain and would often surrender after completing the completion oftheir sets.

Are low repetitions good to get muscle mass?

Set of low rep sets will stimulate muscle growth, but not as effective as moderate or right-wing kit.For every low rep set that you do, you can only stimulate 50-80% as much muscle growth as you would do by performing a moderate REP set.This makes strength training an effective but ineffective way to build muscles.

The most controversial question is far as trueUndersideCut -off is.The promise in higher Rep -intervals is so painful that most people don't.It is not a popular training style.The proponents of it.But lifting in lower Rep -intervals is quite comfortable and lightweight.Suping for five repetitions is much easier than being ten representatives.War is low repetitions good to build muscles?

Hypertrophy -REP series: How many repetitions do muscles have to build up? (4)

So in the first place we have some evidence that shows that lower representatives do not stimulate that much muscle growth:

  • IThis study, The participants who picked up 2-6 repetitions were needed to make 24 sets of the squat and bench presses to build so many muscles as participants 8-12 repetitions for only 13 sets.
  • IThis study, the participants who have lifted 2-4 repetitions for 3 sets received less quad-size than the participants who lifted 8-12 repetitions for 3 sets.
  • IThis study, The participants who lifted 13-15 and 23-25 repetitions, received a considerable amount of muscle size in most muscle groups, while the participants did not do that 3-5 repetitions.

These findings indicate that heavy loading training is superior to maximum strength goals, while moderate charging training is more suitable for hypertrofir-related goals when an equal number of sets is performed between the circ*mstances.

Brad Schoenfeld, Ph.D.

It is important to note that one study ofMangine et alIt showed greater arm growth of performing sets with 3-5 repetitions than of making sets of 10-12 representatives.Their bodies, the effect disappear.with certainty.

When repetitions are low, the number of hard sets is not a good proxy for hypertrophy.

Mike Zourdos, Ph.D.

It seems that when we do less than six repetitions a day. Sets, we have to match the volume - total pounds removed - when we compare these sets with moderate rep -intervals.sets, quite a bit.

When it is possible that doing a set of five repetitions stimulates as much muscle growth as a set of six representatives.And although it is not the case, the difference is certainly small., where suddenly people change from winning pure muscle size to getting pure 1-Rep Maximum power.

On the other hand, even minor differences in REP intervals can lead to different amounts of muscle growth in the longer term, and it can even apply within moderate Rep intervals.Then to do sets with six repetitions.sport:

Although there is not necessarily sufficient evidence to say that the 15 repetitions would offer greater hypertrophy than the 6-repair example If sets are equated, it is worth the long term to do differential hypertrophy results in the very long term in the long termto consider.

Mike Zourdos, Ph.D.

There is nothing wrong with lifting in lower Rep -intervals, but it can have to do more sets to stimulate a similar amount of muscle growth.Resting timesAnd can be somewhat difficult to recover from the use of lower repetitions with an opportunity.For powerlifters, but for people who are more interesting to get bigger, stronger, fitter and better, this advantage disappears.

Which rep -interval is best to gain strength?

A larger muscle is stronger, so every rep series that helps us build muscles also helps us to get strength.But if you define strength after how much you can take to a single repetition, the best of 5 -10 repetitions to build muscles in a way that your 1 -Rep Max will improve.

Many people are simply interested in building larger muscles.When I was thin, I was much more desperate after I was bigger than I was to get stronger.Selle just comparisonThe popularity of bodybuilding versus strength training,We see that bodybuilding is more popular several times:

Hypertrophy -REP series: How many repetitions do muscles have to build up? (5)

Yet most of us are also interested in at least littleImprovement of our overall health,,The algemes fitnessand general strength.The promise in moderate Rep -intervals is great for improving our overall health and fitness. Set, place larger demands on our cardiovascular systems and building more muscle mass is all good for our health and fitness.But what about our general strength?

Powerlifters measure their strength on the basis of how much they can take a single repetition-the max-strength of 1-rep.This is a special skill that we can practice by lifting closer to our 1-Rep Max..

This can be confusing because bodybuilding and hypertrophy education do not have an official way to measure strength.No official lifts, no rules to perform them, and not 1-Rep Max test.To test their 1-repel. To see how strong they are.And to improve their skills to raise 1-repel Maxes, they change to strength training as they should be-that is what it is.

However, this can lead to people assuming that heavier rep -intervals are better at developing strength, while moderate rep intervals are better in developing size.To help us get muscle size, the representative - intervals that are best to help us become stronger.in generalIn fact, we can usually make it more efficient by lifting in the 6-20 REP area.When we become stronger within this REP interval, we also become stronger in general.

Hypertrophy -REP series: How many repetitions do muscles have to build up? (6)

However, there is another important aspect of general power.Biceps curlsWill make our biceps bigger and stronger, but it will not necessarily help us to manage more weight.It must build larger hips, spinal cordForearms.This is the problem that many relaxed bodybuilders come across.

To become strong in general, we must become better in lifts that develop our general strength.If we want to pick up and carry heavy things, we may doConventional deadliftsAnd loaded bears.If we want to lift things over our heads, we have to make liftsOverhead.If we want to be able to wear things for our body, we can spend more time doingfront squats. And if we want to be able to pull our body about things we can doKin-ups.

Hypertrophy -REP series: How many repetitions do muscles have to build up? (7)

So building general strength has more to do with building larger musclesLarge composite lifts, less to do with lifting in the lower rep intervals.We can lift a lot on a variety of Rep -intervals.For example, a person who can bench 300 to a single way is strong in the same way for someone who can bank 275 for 5 repetitions or 225 for 10 repetitions.

Perhaps even more important is going from bank 185 pounds in 10 repetitions to bank 225 pounds for 10 repetitions show a significant improvement in strength.

Are 5 × 5 routines good at getting muscle mass?

5 × 5 routines are good for building muscles, but it is even better to do a little more repetitions.5, keep your training shorter or fairly more time for other lifts.

5 × 5 routines are often used in the massa phases of strength training programs because they enable us to lift fairly heavily (more than 80% of 1-Rps.) While they still enter the total volume to build muscle mass.work.You can actually build muscles with 5 × 5 training sessions.

Now the most research shows that we build more muscles per year. Inserted when we are at least 6-8 repetitions per Doet set and that can be true.But sets with five repetitions are just ideal for getting muscles.

Hypertrophy -REP series: How many repetitions do muscles have to build up? (8)

In the latest edition ofMonthly applications in strength sports, Greg Nuckols said he suspects that sets of 3-5 repetitions are not so good at stimulating muscle growth as moderate repetitions, but that they are notbeeFar away.We don't necessarily have to dotwiceLike many sets, but we might have to make oneparof extra set.

My personal lunch is that a kit with a low reps (with about 3-5 repetitions) is slightly less effective for muscle growth per day. Insert the base, but not entirely to the point that they have to be equated with volume tax.

Greg Nuckols, MA

Instead of making 3 sets of 12 repetitions (3 × 12), for example, we can do 5 sets with 5 repetitions (5 × 5).Stronglifts 5 × 5, and therefore people will often claim that it stimulates more muscle growth than programs with a lower volume likeStarting force, with the help of 3 sets of 5 repetitions (3 × 5).

Does this mean that 5 × 5 training sessions are good at getting muscle size?Not necessarily.To make 5 × 5 on the bench press, the same amount of muscle growth can stimulate the bench press, yes, but we must also consider that these lower representatives require longer rest times, that they can be more difficult on our joints and that we are more totalSets must do to get a similar advantage.An hour later to make their 5 × 5 on squat, to finish and feel a little tired and then paint it by a 5 × 5 on the bench press and then the full training takes 60-75 minutes, they only have threeMade lifts and they wanted them to work pretty hard.

Hypertrophy -REP series: How many repetitions do muscles have to build up? (9)

The problem is that we spend so much energy on so few lifts that it becomes difficult to work on all our muscles.Is not ideal for stimulating growth in our triceps (inspection).If we want to maximize the growth of our triceps, we also need triceps extensions.How these training points can be quite long.

Moreover, this assumes that muscle growth is maximized with only three sets per day. Spiergroep Pertraining. If we look atThe ideal training volume to get muscle size, that does not seem to be the case. Spiergroep Pertraining.It means that we would not make five sets out of five for muscle growth, we would make 6-10 sets of five.When the quantities start to climb higher, because it can afford to have a lighter and more effective way stimulate muscle growth.

If we compare with how a bodybuilder trains, we can see the advantage of using moderate rep - intervals.Skull Crushers. For the same time frame of 20 minutes, they stimulated the same amount of breast growth they havedoubledTheir triceps growth and they probably still feel quite fresh.

So it is not that we cannot build muscles with 5 × 5 strength training programs, it is only hypertrophy -training (aka Bodybuilding) programs that help us get muscle size faster and more effectively.

Is there a Hypertrofy -Rep series?

Set of 1-5 stimulates less muscle growth than sets of 6+ repetitions, making them less effective."

Hypertrophy -REP series: How many repetitions do muscles have to build up? (10)

According to experts such asGreg Nuckols, MA, sets of 4-40 repetitions are ideal for getting muscle mass.Mike Israetel, Ph.D., Sets of 5-30 repetitions are best for building muscles.

The hypertrophic stimulus and fatigue generated by each set between approximately.5 and 30 repetitions are about the same.InIntensity causes growth and fatigue and when someone goes up per day. Set, the other goes down to maintain an approximately smooth effect.

Mike Israetel, Ph.D.

When we make sets of 1-5, the sets are usually more difficult on our joints and connective tissue, they can have higher damage speeds and they can take longer to recover.Most we have to bring closer to the lack of muscle to a reliably provoking muscle growth.Rep -sets can cause an enormous amount of muscle damage, making our training more difficult to restore.

Since training with more moderate taxes can be more time -efficient and a lower loss risk, it is best to spend the majority of your training time in the more moderate tax interval, with low repetitions mixed to strength benefits, variation and personal preference.

James Krieger, MS

Finally we haveA new systematic reviewVan Dr.Brad Schoenfeld concluded that any load above 30% of our 1-repel Max can be heavy enough to stimulate muscle growth, provided that we bring our set close enough. Set while it is more stress on our joints, while sets withHigher REP sets last longer and is a little more painful.

So although sets of 4-40 can be good at stimulating muscle growth, it is often easier to build muscles if we spend more of our time with lifting in the 6-20 rep area.To different Rep -intervals, which further contains it.

Different Rep -Intervals for different lifts

When choosing our rep series, our goal is to challenge our muscles with sufficient general volume, to ensure that we are not limited by our cardiovascular fitness and to prevent injury and pain.So practical.But as you can imagine, different lifts challenges us in different ways.

When we squat and deadlifting, we have a lot of muscle mass, they lift heavy loads, share the load between different joints and we move the weight through a large movement area.It is often better to use lower repetitions: 4-10 repetitions press set.

When we areBulking of our neckHowever, our neck flexors and extensors are quite small.-40 repetitions press set.

So instead of making 6-20 repetitions for each lift, we want to use different parts of the REP series at different times.Our five large Hypertro fiftiesof saying:

  • Deadlifts:4-10 repetitions press.
  • Front squatS: 5-12 repetitions press.
  • Bank press: 6-12 repetitions press.
  • Overheadpers: 6-12 repetitions press.
  • Kin-ups: 5-12 repetitions press.
Hypertrophy -REP series: How many repetitions do muscles have to build up? (11)

And then the ideal rep row climbs higher for help and accessories, which are lighter, less tiring and sometimes a bit of technology distribution.Insulation promises:

  • Biceps curls:8–15 repetitions press.
  • Rows:8–15 repetitions press.
  • Dips:8–15 repetitions press.
  • Dumbbell Bench Press:8–15 repetitions press.
  • Skullcrushers:8–15 repetitions press.
  • Romanian deadlifts:8–15 repetitions press.
  • Zercher squats:8–15 repetitions press.
  • Lateral increases:10-20 repetitions press.
  • Overhead extensions:10-20 repetitions press.
  • Print:10-30 repetitions press.
  • Wrist curls:12-30 repetitions press.
  • The Necks Roll:15-30 repetitions press.
Hypertrophy -REP series: How many repetitions do muscles have to build up? (12)

Genetics and personal preference will be included in which repetitions you prefer., while others are twisted before they can finish a set of ten.This is enough space for personal preference.

So how many repetitions do you have to build muscles?

To do about 6-20 repetitions per do set is usually best for building muscles where some experts go as wide as 5-30 or even 4-40 repetitions per day. Set.For larger lifts, 6-10 repetitions often work best.

Hypertrophy -REP series: How many repetitions do muscles have to build up? (13)

If you have painful joints, this can help you use higher REP intervals and do 12-40 repetitions per day. Set. And if you are interested in improving your 1-Rep Max, you may be able to repitgive intervals and do 4-10 repetitions per day. Set.or It is best to spend the majority of your time making 6-20 repetitions per day. That occasionally goes as low as 4 repetitionsAnd as high as 40 repetitions per day. Set.

Hypertrophy -REP series: How many repetitions do muscles have to build up? (14)

If you want an adapted training program (and full guide) in which these principles build, you can check usOutlift Intermediate Bulking Program.Or, if you are still thin, try ourBony to Beastly(Hom) ProgramofMiserly bomb(Women's) program.If you liked this article, I think you would love our full programs.

Shane Duquette

Shane Duquette is co -founder and creative leader ofForgive,,Bony to BeastlyInMiserly bomb, and has a diploma in design from York University in Toronto, Canad.He personally received 65 pounds of 11% body fat and has ten years of experience helping more than 10,000 thin people who are on bulking.

Marco Walker-ng, BHSC, Punten

Marco Walker-NG is co-founder and strength trainer forForgive,,Bony to BeastlyInMiserly bomb, and is a certified trainer (PTS) with a bachelor's degree in Health Sciences (BHSC) of the specialty of the University of Ottawa..

Hypertrophy -REP series: How many repetitions do muscles have to build up? (2024)
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