How to earn money 5 hectares or less [not just market garden work!] (2024)

The number of traditional farms is fast.5 hectares of land or less.

To earn money on a small farm with 5 hectares or less country, you have to find out what is profitable, find a room to work in, to make an extensive business plan and start small..

Let's look at some of the best ways to make money if you only have a small farm of 5 hectares or less to work with.

How to earn money 5 hectares or less [not just market garden work!] (1)

We discuss a few things to remember in the planning phase, indicate the best crops to grow on less than 5 hectares of land and share some ideas to help you earn a regular income from your small farm.

We will also share a number of small success stories with farmers with you for inspiration!So let's get this show on the road and get the most out of your limited space.

Ways to make money from small rules and housewives

Curtis Stone, also known as the urban farmer, you thinkbe able toEarn money agriculture 5 hectares or less.

Be oninternet, he offers counseling, classes and video tutorials about how to do that.He saysYou don't even have to possess the countryu farm;You can rent or rent a small reason for the country to start your own micro-yard.

Yet it takes more than any garden space to see a profit.

1. You need a large crop to grow and sell

How to earn money 5 hectares or less [not just market garden work!] (2)

If you want to earn a decent income from your small farm, you need a number of ideas about what kind of high -quality crop you should sell.

You can choose between tons of different things, from eggs to mushrooms.Some things are easier and faster to produce than others, which often leads to higher profit.

Usually the most profitable crop for Curtis StoneMicrographer. Microgreener takes up very little space, has a high value and has a rapid turnover as they grow quickly.

But there are many other choices, fromSalad green for worm lying, broilers and even snails.

Of course you will learn as much as possible about the special crops that you want to sell.

But you goThink like a companyIngrows what you can sell.

If no one in your area wants to eat Rutabaga, this does not pay your bills, so it does not pay your bills or give you a full income.

Moreover,Rutabaga is good animal food, So if you can't eat it, your animals will do that!

It may be necessary to ask your community and do some solid research before you get started, so that you can discover what people need to grow.

Don't miss this series about people who give up their daily job to become farmers for the first time;We can learn a lot from this:

How to earn money 5 hectares or less [not just market garden work!] (3)

My dream farm

My dream farm follows the first time that they give up their ordinary, urban live to live from the country.

read more

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2. You need stable customers to buy your product

There are many different ways to find stable customers.For example, a breeder that you can sell to gastronomic restaurants, create or participate in a CSA, market for or rent friends and family, sell in farmers or even start a vegetable areas along the road.

Customers are the keyTo grow your small farm company because you don't earn money without them.

Read more -57+ Best Careers for Off-Grid-Life!

3. Other things to think about

How to earn money 5 hectares or less [not just market garden work!] (4)

Maybe you also want to sit down and oneFormal business planSo you have something to follow and keep track of your progress.Or your ideas cannot come true and you cannot earn a decent income from your small farm.

Some expected expenses to remember are:

  • You might needpackageTo your product, such as egg boxes.
  • Or maybe you need a place to save your product, such asCoolers.
  • Maybe you have onevehicleTo deliver your crops to your customers, unless your customers come to you.
  • If you areBreeding animals or cattle, you have to find ways to feed them, house and control their fertilizer.

How to earn money 5 hectares or less [not just market garden work!] (5)

Business plans can be very useful for breeders.

4. Start small

How to earn money 5 hectares or less [not just market garden work!] (6)

Mini -Landbouw: Self -supply of 1/4 hectare

$ 18,95$ 10,49

This book shows how you can produce 85 percent of the food of an average family in just a quarter of hectares - and earn$ 10,000 cash per yearAlthough it spends less than half the time, a regular job would be needed.

Even if you've never been a farmer or gardener, this book covers everything you need to know to get started: buy and save seeds, start seedlings, settled swollen beds, soil fruit, composting, dealing with pests and disease problems, crop, crop rotation, agricultural planning and more.


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04/15/2024 01:20 AM GMT

It can be tempting to leave your daily job and live out of the country.But unless you are independently rich, you probably have to keep working while you start your small farm.

So just start small.

First start a market garden in your existing garden.

If you earn a small income, you can add more.

You will be more successful when you start in the small one and build until your farm earns money instead of when you throw caution against the wind and go all pigs, so to speak.

The best profitable crops to grow on 5 hectares or less

How to earn money 5 hectares or less [not just market garden work!] (7)

If you are looking for ideas to earn a large income from a small farm, you will probably start choosing the best crop or other products to grow on your 5 -hectare land.

Although this task may seem daunting, it is always a certain effort to follow the chain of supply and demand.

Some of the best crops and animal products that are profitable, a lot of demand for and that do not require much space include:

1. Microgreener

Approached selling price$ 50 per lb
Approach the production costs$ 2 to $ 7 for sufficient seed/water/soil/electricity to grow 1 pound of microgener
Estimated merit$ 48 for $ 43. Laboratory

Microgener is the best crop to grow on a small farm of 5 hectares or less because they need very little space, have a fast turn and have a high cash value.

With regard to the production of agriculture, Microgreenes are very easy to grow and bring it to the market. They look great at the farmers' markets!

How to earn money 5 hectares or less [not just market garden work!] (8)

Microgreens: Insiders Secrets to Growing Gourmet Greens & Building a wild Successity Microgreen Business

$ 14,95

Microgreenes have the potential to beNext world health madness, and you can benefit while they are still relatively unknown - wherever you live in the world.

Not only what you can deposit on the craze, using business starting advice and top tips from Donny Greens, the founder of aMicrogreen BusinessIn New York it earns $ 8,000 a day. Month in gross income.


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04/15/2024 06:25 GMT

2. Salad Green

Approached selling price$ 2.15 to $ 3.18 per LB loose salad vegetables
Approach the production costsInseeds (costs less than one cent)
Estimated merit$ 2.14 to $ 3.17 per LB loose salad vegetables

Salad Green is easy to grow and has a quick turnover. The demand is very high because people love salad vegetables and for that reason they eat regularly.

3. garlic

Approached selling price$ 2.00 to $ 7.00 per.peer
Approach the production costs$ 0.19 to $ 0.23 perpeer
Estimated merit$ 1.81 to $ 6.77 Pr.Peer

One of the easiest, most profitable crops to grow is garlic, especially gastronomic garlic.

If you only plant 50 pound garlic bulbs, you must be able to harvest according to the 400 and 500 pounds, according toDigesting profitable plantsIt is a great opportunity for a family income.

How to earn money 5 hectares or less [not just market garden work!] (9)

Growing large garlic: the final guide for organic gardeners and small farmers

$ 22,95$ 16,99

The first garlic book that is specially written for organic gardeners and small farmers!

To grow Great Garlicis, the final producer guide written by a small farmer who lives by growing more than 200 trunks of garlic.


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04/15/2024 12:36 AM GMT

4. Wormgiets and tea

Worm hostons are in fact worm fertilizer.This is a completely natural fertilizer of high quality that gardeners love.So if you produce wormcasts, you are actually a worm producer!

You can easily start oneWorm farmIn your basem*nt or extra room with a few garbage cans.

You can feed them all your remaining food residues and garden products, so they are also excellent for recycling.

5. Black Soldier Fly Larven

How to earn money 5 hectares or less [not just market garden work!] (10)
Approached selling price$ 4.00 to $ 12.00 per 100 black soldier fly larvae
Approach the production costs $ 12.39 per 100 black soldier fly larvae, including costs
Monthly food costs$ 2.10 per 100 caterpillar
Estimated profit in the 1st month$ -8.39 to $ 0.39 per100 larvae
Estimated monthly profit after 1 month$ 1.90 to $ 10.10 Per100 larvae

A friend of mine recently showed me his Aquaponics cash, and by the way we wandered along an interesting setup that resembled a worm farm hill.

When I asked him about it, he explained that he is breeding black soldier larvae to feed his chickens.


The goals of our family have always been completely self -supply.Carnivorous animals such as chickens and pigs!

And not just that.They are also selling black soldier fly larvaeSurprisingly profitable!

Here is:

How to earn money 5 hectares or less [not just market garden work!] (11)

6. Become a gardener of the market

How to earn money 5 hectares or less [not just market garden work!] (12)

A market garden is one that grows washed on a farm, usually on a small scale.

This type of garden is great for homemade because you only need a small area.

How to earn money 5 hectares or less [not just market garden work!] (13)

The New Organic Producer: A Master's Guide to tools and Techniques for Home and Market Gardener

$ 29,95$ 24,02

Gardeners who work on 2.5 hectares or less find this book particularly useful, because it provides proof that small manufacturers of small market and seriously homemade can lead a good life close to the ground and earn money at the same time.

The new biological producerIs ideal for young farmers who have just started, or gardeners who want to expand to a more productive company.


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14-04-2024 07:10 PM GMT

7. Mushrooms

Approached selling price$ 6 TOT $ 10 per.pond
Approach the production costs$ 3 TOT $ 5 per.pond
Estimated merit$ 3 TOT $ 5 per.pond

Fungal farmhouse is slightly more complicated than other crops, but can be made in a small room.

Mushrooms pick up great prices and you can grow them on a quarter of hectares or less.The will even grow up in a shed!They are some of the best home plants to grow because you don't even need a garden!

You can even grow mushrooms without dirt in your house.

How to earn money 5 hectares or less [not just market garden work!] (14)

Gourmet -toad chairs grow for profit

$ 14,99

In recent years, the demand for gourmet has been shot up, creating opportunities for new breeders.

With the help of the "Grow Bag" method, experienced breeders can grow 12,000 pounds gastronomic mushrooms in a 500 -four foot room every year.mathematics.


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04/15/2024 03:11 AM GMT

8. Ginseng

Approached selling price$ 300- $ 700 per.Pond
Approach the production costs$ 2 to $ 3 for work, seed and soil per1 pound harvested ginseng
Estimated merit$ 298 for $ 697.1 Lab Ginseng

It can be difficult to find a plant to grow in the forest.

Ginseng likes to grow under hard trees.Many people grow ginseng plants, but it is one of the more profitable special crops.Mother Earth NewsAnd the beautiful book below.

How to earn money 5 hectares or less [not just market garden work!] (15)

Growing and Marketing Ginseng, Goldenseal and Sander Bos Medicine

$ 49,99$ 27,49

In this fully revised and updated edition, the authors show the more than a dozen sought -after species can generate a larger profit on a robust, otherwise inactive tree castle than almost any other legal crop in an equally large area with a liberated country.

With some capital investments, but a lot of sweat capital, patience and common sense, small landowners can retain and improve their steps and at the same time earn additional income.


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15/04/2024 05:49 PM GMT

9. Bamboo

Approached selling price$ 60,000 a year from a quarter of the ACRE.
Approach the production costsDepending on how many plants you start and how patient you are.
Estimated merit$ 60,000 per year a year. Quarter acre, when grown from a propagated shoot

Bamboo grows in popularity and if you live in a warmer climate, you can earn $ 60,000 a year in the bamboo surplus of just a quarter of the hectare of land.

Although bamboo does not produce fruit, you can sell the recordings like food, and collect bamboo trees a good price.Increase bamboo trees for a cattle income.

10. Quail

How to earn money 5 hectares or less [not just market garden work!] (16)

QuailCan make a large income from a large housekeeper with five goals.The takes very little space, has a good conversion rate for feeding with feeding, reproducing and grows quickly and is not as regulated as chickens.Meat and egg.

Read more -Homeesteader's Guide to Farming Quail

11. Broiler chicks

Organic or grassland chicken chickensCan also make a neat profit in a housekeeper with less than 5 hectares to work with.

With a chicken tractor you can move a chicken run every day to offer your couple fresh grass.

Chickens chickens grow fast, so you will be able to raise, slaughter and sell them quickly.

Read more -To eliminate pheasants and chickens for profit on your house

How to earn money 5 hectares or less [not just market garden work!] (17)

The small -scale poultry herd: a completely natural approach to raising chickens and other chickens for home and market growers

$ 39,95$ 18,48

The most extensive guide so far to eliminate all natural poultry for the small farmer, home and professional producer.The small -scale poultry herdOffers a practical and integrative model for working with chickens and other household chickens exclusively based on natural systems.


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15/04/2024 03:45 PM GMT

What is the most profitable crop per hectare?

To live well, it really helps to grow the most profitable crop per day. Aacre.Gentlemen are some of the most profitable crops per day. Aacre and their current market value:

  1. Safran.Modern farmer saysSafran is worth $ 5000 to $ 10000 a day. Pond.
  2. Ginseng.See above.$ 300- $ 700 per.Pond.
  3. Truffles.Sort truffles yield$ 95. Osand white truffles$ 168. Os.
  4. Bamboo.
  5. Sandalwood. From. For $ 200.kag

How much farmers earn - examples in real life

It is difficult to say how much a novice farmer can produce from a 5 goals large agricultural production.

After all, consider the costs of things such as soil, soil, seeds, animals, fertilizer, construction and irrigation systems-I can continue to indicate things, but you understand.

However, there isGood success storiesTo give you an idea of what is possible.

1.The urban farmer

How to earn money 5 hectares or less [not just market garden work!] (18)

Curtis Stone says you can earn a gross income$ 100,000 a year of agriculture only ¼ of a hectareYou don't even have to live in the country - you can be a market garden from your home, in your backyard or from an empty party.

While the huge figure is not the totalgain, which will be smaller, the costs are a one -off investment in advance.

Curtis Stone does his best to help hopeful farmers realize this gross income in their country and to publish tons of great sources such as this book:

How to earn money 5 hectares or less [not just market garden work!] (19)

The urban farmer: cultivation of food for profit on rented and borrowed land

$ 29,99$ 16,49

The urban farmeris an extensive, practical, practical manual to help you learn the techniques and business strategies you need to live well with growing with a high yield, high -quality crops in your own backyard (or that of someone else).


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04/15/2024 04:22 PM GMT

2. Such -

Will makeTalking about making a page congestion of your hobbygård as a market garden.

They claim that theyCommercial cache the 8 feet are with 40 feetCan produce a gross income of a maximum of $ 3,700 each month, depending on which factories you grow and sell.At least $ 60k.But with such a high income margins you can easily pay that investment within a year.

More information about thisher.

3. Rockstar Gardener

J.M. Provide, "Rockstar Gardener", is known for its very profitable micro-farm in Quebec, Canada.

He strives for$ 100,000 peracre in gross incomeWith his market gardier small farm companies.This is his site.

The Fortier book below has received a lot of international attention for its simple and simple approach to profitable small agriculture.

For example, the use of the methods of Fortier,Two carrotsFarm in Colorado earned around $ 75,000 in their first production year.

How to earn money 5 hectares or less [not just market garden work!] (20)

Market Gardener: a successful breeders' manual for small -scale organic agriculture

$ 29,99$ 17,39

It can be closer than you think than you think.

The secret of their success is the production methods with low tech they have developed by concentrating on better growing rather than becoming bigger, making their operation more lucrative and more viable.


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15/04/2024 10:05 GMT

4. The Terra Farm

The owners of this small market garden farm, known as New Terra Farm, brings in a coolFor $ 50,000.hectareIn gross profit.To look at.

5. Joel Salatin

Polyface Farms, made by Joel Salatin, is a permanent believer in the grass poultry.

From a hectare, Salatin started to earn $ 25,000 from an excess of 20 hectares of 6 months.Time continued to grow his farms as time progressed, and he now has a 2,000 hectares of farm that draws the proceeds2 million dollarsa year.

Polyface Farms uses many techniques to get the most out of a small home.

6. Lush planned kindergarten

How to earn money 5 hectares or less [not just market garden work!] (21)

This is our previous company and I could not help to record this because it would be a large company for many of you.

We propagated ornamental plants and fruit trees and sold them through our site to customers throughout the country.

We mainly liked the propagation of plants that you can distribute (plants with rhizomes or dividable root systems) such as Canna, Gingers, Heliconias, various herbal varieties and, for example, many base lids.

Our planting school lasted about 5 hectares, but this included a large dam and lots of space between greenhouses.

Our income was already$ 80,000 a year.

You can readOur series of starting a plant plant school completely again, reproducing your plants and much more on the Mother Earth site!

Different ideas for small agricultural income

Looking for more ideas to earn a solid income from your small farm?

Added products are products that can add somethingValue for your business results.This is extras that you can produce and market the products that you increase.

For example, if youLift goats to goat milk, you canMake extra milk for goat's milk soap. A person who is not interested in drinking goat milk may just be willing to buy a small soap.

These are goods that make large impulse purchases to your regular customers.

Read more -How to start home with a small budget!

1. Soap

Making soap is a great way to stay self -sufficient, but it is also a good idea if you want to increase the income of your small farm.

You can act a fancy soap of goat milk, herbs and even a few flowers that you might already grow in your garden.SoapIs one of the bestHomesteading -Skillshave with.

2. Crafts

You can make all kinds of crafts of the things you grow and already have on the farm.Grapevines, fresh flowers or pinecones.

Maybe you want to make herb bags with fast -growing herbs such as lavender, thyme, sage, fennel and mint?

Perhaps you can sew reusable shopping bags for your customers to take their fresh products home every week?

Or save all the ball yarn and make a number of macrame plants brackets, crocheted coasts or spiral -shaped baskets with it.

Heaven is the limit when it comes to finding new ideas to increase the income of your small farm!

3. Jam and Gelei

If you are good at preserving, you can try to make extra cucumbersdickAnd extra fruit in jam and jelly. This is a particularly good idea if you have an excess of berries or woodcut fruit.

Involving the family is one of the many ways to scale up your production and to make an even better way of life.

4. Homemade baked products

Homemade baked products are easy to make and easy to sell. If possible, you may have all the equipment you need or you don't have to invest much to work this idea at home.

5. Meer, herbs and starts

Another good way to get sales is to share your extra vegetable sowing (such as tomatoes) in the spring, to divide your perennials in the fall and sell extraSpicesIf your herb garden gets too drunk.

These types of plants are often easy to put on the market - many people like to buy seedlings to grow their own food.

6. Hatchlings

Whether you are travelinggauge,,QuailOr turkeys, you can sell extra shutters for profit, especially in the spring.fertilized eggswhich can be sent to most areas of the United States.

Hatchlings does not take a large part of your country and does not need much food.

7. More ideas

Find some additional ideas about how you can create extra agricultural income in our article, “43Lucrative side mutins for homesteaders“.

How do you earn money from money 5 hectares?

Five hectares may not sound like a lot of country, but many small farmers have been successful in earning the stay of life on 1 hectare and 2 hectares., but it can be done.

What methods would you opt for the stay of life?What are your favorite ways to earn an income on a small farm?

Thank you for reading and having a great day.

Read more

  • Bamboo agriculture for family income (start a bamboo yard!)
  • To increase, vs gets goats - what is best for profit and pleasure?
  • Lives from the country 101-homesteading tips, off-grid and more!
  • Here you can read how you can start a house today without money!
How to earn money 5 hectares or less [not just market garden work!] (22)
How to earn money 5 hectares or less [not just market garden work!] (2024)


How to make money farming 5 acres or less? ›

A Way to Make Money on Small Acreage
  1. You Need a Great Crop to Grow and Sell. If you're going to farm for profit, you need a high-value crop to sell. ...
  2. You Need Steady Customers to Buy Your Product. ...
  3. Other Things to Think About. ...
  4. Start Small. ...
  5. Microgreens. ...
  6. Salad Greens. ...
  7. Garlic. ...
  8. Worm Castings and Tea.

How can I make a lot of money on a farm? ›

  1. Specialty vegetable farming. Grow niche or exotic vegetables that command higher prices from consumers and supermarkets. ...
  2. Organic crop production. ...
  3. Herb gardening. ...
  4. Beekeeping and honey production. ...
  5. Aquaculture. ...
  6. Agrotourism. ...
  7. Livestock breeding. ...
  8. Mushroom farming.

How much can you make per acre in a market garden? ›

The amount of money that can be earned per acre on this type of farm varies considerably, based on the length of the growing season and differences in management practices. It could be $20,000 per acre for mixed vegetables to $35,000 an acre or more for high-dollar salad mix, herbs, or cut flowers.

How to make money on 5 acres? ›


With an adequate water supply, five acres is suitable to raise poultry for meat or eggs, as well as small ruminants (goats and sheep). It may be possible to produce hay or silage, even on non-irrigated land, if harvest can be contracted out.

Can a garden be profitable? ›

Gardening can, in fact, be very profitable but requires a lot of time and energy. On the other hand, garden money-making can consist of simply earning a little pocket change to spend on new gardening tools or something else you enjoy.

Does gardening really save money? ›

Growing your own food is a healthy way to save money and enjoy fresh produce at home. When done correctly, even the smallest backyard plot can produce copious amounts of fruits and vegetables and possibly even a significant saving to the grocery budget.

What vegetables make the most money? ›

10 Vegetables That Provide the Best Payback
  • Tomatoes. These aren't the easiest to grow, but if you can nurse tomato plants through issues such as blight, septoria leaf spot, and groundhog attacks, the payoff is huge. ...
  • Peppers. ...
  • Cucumbers. ...
  • Asparagus. ...
  • Onions, Leeks, Shallots, Garlic. ...
  • Lettuce. ...
  • Squash. ...
  • Rhubarb.

How do small farms make money? ›

Try direct-to-consumer marketing and sales tactics like PYOs, CSAs, co-ops, local restaurant sales or farmers markets. Sell your byproducts, “ugly food” or flowers. Tap into the demand for farm education. Use new farming methods to increase your products' value proposition.

What kind of farm makes the most money? ›

Corn, soybeans account for more than half of the 2022 U.S. crop cash receipts. Crop cash receipts totaled $278.2 billion in calendar year 2022. Receipts from corn and soybeans accounted for $148.5 billion (53.4 percent) of the total.

How do I start a farm with little money? ›

Here are some of these strategies for keeping your costs low so you can get off the ground and start making a profit quickly and easily.
  1. Start on a Small Parcel. ...
  2. Buy Used Equipment. ...
  3. Grow Food for Yourself and Livestock. ...
  4. Get Your Family Involved. ...
  5. Work with Locals to Reduce Your Costs. ...
  6. Use Natural Resources. ...
  7. Make Compost.
Jan 31, 2022

How many acres does a farmer need to make a living? ›

To attain $30,000 net farm income – approximately 4½ acres at $19,000 gross income per acre ($6,650 net income); approximately 7 acres at $12,000 gross income per acre ($4,200 net income); and approximately 12 acres at $7,000 gross income per acre ($2,450 net income).

What crop makes the most money per acre? ›

Dubbed "red gold", saffron's high market value makes it arguably the most profitable agricultural crop. Though it requires careful cultivation, the potential profits per acre are unmatched, highlighting its viability for small farms looking to maximize their earnings.

What is the most profitable market garden produce? ›


As a result, microgreens are potentially the most lucrative crop per acre, they're scalable and they're also a fine choice for urban gardeners who don't have outdoor growing space. If you're interested in growing microgreens for profit, some of the easiest microgreens to grow include: Radishes.

What is the most profitable farming per acre? ›

Dubbed "red gold", saffron's high market value makes it arguably the most profitable agricultural crop. Though it requires careful cultivation, the potential profits per acre are unmatched, highlighting its viability for small farms looking to maximize their earnings.

How much money can you make per acre farming? ›

Gross income per acre: Direct to consumer sales – (organically certified) - $20,000 - $22,000. Direct to consumer sales – (non-organically certified) - $16,000 - $18,000. Institutional sales – (food cooperatives, restaurants) - $12,000 - $14,000.

Can a small farm be profitable? ›

The short answer is 'yes', of course small farms are profitable. The slightly longer answer is 'yes, provided you have put real thought and effort into your model of operations'. But the good news is, there is more than one path to small farm profitability.

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.