Heaven this week: catch Comet Leonard on its best (2024)

Find a photogenic comet, the morning return of Red Planet and Geminid Meteoren shower peak from 10 to 17 December.

DoorAlison Klesman|Published: December 10, 2021|Last updated on May 18, 2023

Leonard's time to shine

COMET C/2021 A1 (Leonard) is on a great display this week after passing the Sferian cluster M3 early in the month.

Chris Schur

Friday 10.december
The moon passes 0.5 ° north of asteroid 2 pallas in Waterman on. 8 o'clock in the morning;Meanwhile, asteroid 44 nysa resistance in De Stier de Stier.9.00.Find these asteroids'S at night hemel.

Pallas is the third largest asteroid in the main belt.After two hours after sunset, the moon left slightly and is 6.2 ° East-northeast for the 10th size of asteroid.Δ] aquarii).Pallas is 3.7 ° north northeast of this star tonight.

Nysa is about a size lighter than Pallas.You give it until around 10 pm.07:30th room time to be long enough for a good view of the bull that is in the air above Orion when the pair rises in the east.NGC 1807 and NGC 1817.

The moon passes 4 ° south of Neptunus. 20th, still in Waterman.Light lighter than our two asteroid target tonight, Neptune shines in the order of 7.8 as a "flat" blue -green disc that spans 2 ″ through a telescope.

Finally, the moon of the first quarter of tonight takes place. 20.36.est.

Sunrise:7:11 am
Sunset:4:34 pm
Moonrise:12:32 pm
Moonset:11:49 PM
Moon phase:Crescent grow (47%)
*Times for sunrise, sunset, moon and moonlight are given in the local time of 40 ° N 90 ° W. The lighting of the moon is given in the room of the same place.

Saturday December 11
Mars has appeared again in the morning sky.Border.The closest clear star, size 2.6 Arcab in Scorpius, is 5 ° east of the planet.Mars will cross late in the morning of the 15th against Scorpius and then go to Ophiuchus before the 25th.

The small planet is currently almost 2.4 astronomical units (AU, where 1 au is the average earth -sonbite) off the ground and only spans in the air.able to find out its orange red color with or without optical help.

Sunrise:7:12 am
Sunset:4.35 pm
Moonrise:12:56 pm
Moon phase:Gibbous grow (57%)

Sunday December 12
This week isComet C/2021 A1 (Leonard)Is time to shine!Today, the nearest approach to earthen tracks, and also the day on which observers have to change from looking for the comet in the previous heaven to look for it in the evening sky, instead.

If you try to get a final glimpse of Leonard in the morning, you will find it in Ophiuchus, which flows within 5 ° from both the M10 and M12.Light dawn.Lleonard is about 6 to prevent the danger to harm your eyes.

This evening Leonard is 12 ° above the western horizon at sunset., approx. 5.5 ° northwest of the order of 4.6 MU (μ) Optiuchi.

The best comet display for the rest of the month will be in the evening sky while Leonard pulls away from the earth, but the sun is approaching and slowly falls to the order of 8. Keep looking at this great comet all week;When it appears in the air near Venus.

If you cannot catch the comet yourself, you can consider clicking overAstronomi livestreamerer David Brewer's YouTube -kanal, where he streamed the comet daily (the weather permits) from Denver, Colorado.

Sunrise:7:13 am
Sunset:4.35 pm
Moonrise:1:19 pm
Moonset:12:52 pm
Moon phase:Gibbous grow (67%)

Monday December 13
The Gemini -Tweeling is our goal for tonight and climb higher in the east when the hours cross until midnight.In the evening the heads of the twins, Bright Ricinus and Pollux, are easy to recognize Gemini's Northern Foot, depicted by Mu and Eta (η) Geminorum. In Nærken is two beautiful open clusters: M35 & NGC 2158.

Let's start with lighter M35, which lights up with the size of 5.3 less than 2.5 ° North Northwest of ET.The cluster comprises 28 ′, contains hundreds of stars and is visible under good conditions as a smear with the naked eye.

NGC 2158 is approximately.15 ′ southwest of M35.It is smaller and weaker, glows around the order of 8.6 and only includes 5 ′.You need binoculars or a telescope to see it, well within the same field of vision as M35.But it is only less in relative terms - this cluster is more compact and contains more stars than the M35.

Sunrise:7:14 am
Sunset:4.35 pm
Moonrise:1:42 pm
Moonset:1:53 am
Moon phase:Gibbous grow (76%)

Geminid Meteor Shower

Your best attempt to catch the most gemid meteors is the first to wait for the moon to sit in the morning shower.

Tuesday December 14
Let's go back to Gemini today, such as the annual GeminidMeteor rainPieks this morning with a growing moon in the fish.It means that the clear moonlight will rinse the sky until around.3 am Local Time (when the moon settles), so that is when you want to step to scan to shoot stars until dawn.

The radiation is approximately.65 ° high in the west around room period.awayFrom the radiation.Stay outside, with numbers that fall as a dawn and the sky glows.If possible, choose an observation site far away from any light pollution, bundle (for those in colder climate), and avoid using a telescope as its small field of vision.Or eliminate all the stripes that you can see at the place, scans heaven with your eyes or binoculars to catch most meteors.

Sunrise:7:14 am
Sunset:4.35 pm
Moonrise:2:05 pm
Moonset:2:54 am
Moon phase:Gibbous grow (83%)

Wednesday December 15th
The moon passes 1.5 ° south of Uranus to 1 pm in the morning.At that time, the pair is relatively high in the west, located in the southern part of Ram.Our moon is a growing gibbous approximately.87 percent enabled while the distant ice giant Uranus shines in the order of 5.7.

Once you have found the planet, you may notice that his small, 4 ″ -a -disc is colored gray -blue.Uranusis known for its strange - and extreme - slope, which is almost 98 ° and essentially places the planet on its side.point of view .

Sunrise:7:15 am
Sunset:4:36 pm
Moonrise:4:30 in the afternoon.
Moonset:3:54 am
Moon phase:Gibbous grow (90%)

Thursday December 16
Venus has become an unmistakable man in the evening, sitting in the northeast of Sagittarius and about nominates. Two hour after the sun.In the vicinity there is only a constellation in Capricorn, Saturn and glows a much more muted size 0.6 to the spectacular size of Venus –4.9.The last two weeks.In the evening they reach their nearest approach, separated by 14 °.Jupiter, now size –2.2.

Take the time to enjoy these planets via a telescope.Nvenus is the smallest of the three, but also closest to the ground.Reduces but the size grows for the rest of the month.To see this planet with a telescope while it will sink to the horizon in the coming weeks.Only lies in the direction of the east of the planet, while IO, Ganymedes and Callisto extend closest to the farthest, IO, Ganymedes and Callisto in the west.

Sunrise:7:16 am
Sunset:4:36 pm
Moonrise:2:58 pm
Moonset:4:55 am
Moon phase:Gibbous grow (95%)

Venus meets Leonard

On December 17, Comet Leonard 5 ° foams under Venus in the evening sky.

Alison Klesman (via TheSkyx)

Friday December 17
Let us check in tonight with both Comet C/2021 A1 (Leonard) and Planet Venus, which will only float 5 ° apart in the evening sky tonight..

If you can't see it without optical help, don't worry..Fordi it is on the edge of the naked eye level, Leonard can best be shown on photos and photographers will certainly want to record this great scene with two clear solar system bodies in the vicinity of the air.

The Moon reaches Apogee, the furthest point of the earth in its track, on. 9: 15. The time at that time it will be 252,475 miles (406,319 km) of our planet.

Sunrise:7:16 am
Sunset:4:36 pm
Moonrise:3:32 pm
Moonset:5:56 am
Moon phase:Gibbous grow (98%)


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Heaven this week: catch Comet Leonard on its best (2024)


Where is the Leonard comet right now? ›

Comet Leonard (C/2021 A1) is currently in the constellation of Ophiucus, at a distance of 1,316,547,054 kilometers from Earth. The current Right Ascension of Comet Leonard (C/2021 A1) is 16h 09m 39s and the Declination is -07° 59' 23” (topocentric coordinates computed for the selected location: Greenwich, UK).

Is Comet Leonard getting brighter? ›

Comet Leonard will round the sun at perihelion on January 3, 2022, at a distance of about 56 million miles (0.6 AU, or 90 million km). Comets are typically brightest around perihelion, and the comet has been brightening and is still getting brighter.

When should I watch Comet Leonard? ›

It will be the closest to the sun, or at its perihelion, on January 3, 2022. December 12, when it is closest to Earth, and December 18, when it is closest to Venus, are among the ideal dates to try to find Comet Leonard, The Saint Louis Science Center says on its website.

How fast is the comet Leonard? ›

In this case, we have to say hello and goodbye to Comet Leonard. This is its final passage [in our solar system]. It has an escape velocity, moving at 44 miles per second, or 70 kilometers per second, which is sufficient for it to be flung out from our solar system forever.

When was the last time Comet Leonard passed Earth? ›

Comet Leonard is just one of 13 comets that Leonard had discovered as of December 2021, but it was special because its orbit brought it close enough to Earth for it to be spotted with a backyard telescope or binoculars. The comet made its closest pass by Earth on Dec. 12, 2021.

What is the next big comet? ›

Newly discovered comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) is on its way into the inner solar system and already grabbing headlines as the next possible “Daytime Comet.” Early estimates say it may outshine the brightest stars in the sky and become visible to the naked eye during daylight hours for a brief time in October ...

Can you see Comet Leonard with your eyes? ›

A magnitude of +6.3 would make Comet Leonard just bright enough to be visible with the unaided eye by sharp-eyed observers under pristinely dark skies, although those with less-than-perfect viewing conditions could readily sight the comet with the aid of binoculars and a knowledge of where precisely to look using a ...

What is the brightest comet in 2024? ›

This extreme brightness was also attributable to forward-scattering. Some calculations suggest that Tsuchinshan–ATLAS might become as brilliant as Venus around Oct. 8, 2024 — although in the sky — like the comets of 1927 and 2007 — it will also be very near to the position of the sun.

How close will Comet Leonard come to the sun? ›

Although Comet Leonard did not get unusually close to the sun (perihelion was 57 million miles, or 92 million km), its brightness profile suggested it would probably survive.

What time can I watch the Green comet? ›

C/2022 E3 (ZTF) appears green because the sunlight is interacting with carbon and cyanogen in the comet. The best viewing times are after the moon has set, just past midnight for those in the Northern Hemisphere.

Will I see a comet in my lifetime? ›

On average, every five years, one can expect to see a major comet visible from the Earth. However, the variability around that average is also about five years (one standard deviation). This means that, on average, a major comet arrives every five to 10 years.

When should I watch Halley's comet? ›

Halley's Comet, Comet Halley, or sometimes simply Halley, officially designated 1P/Halley, is the only known short-period comet that is consistently visible to the naked eye from Earth, appearing every 75–79 years. It last appeared in the inner parts of the Solar System in 1986 and will next appear in mid-2061.

How old is Comet Leonard? ›

A comet. On December 12, the Comet Leonard—dubbed as the "once in a lifetime" comet—will pass closest to Earth, blanketed in a greenish glow. Named after Gregory J Leonard, the astronomer who discovered it back in January 2021, the Leonard or C/2021 A1 comet will approach the Earth after nearly 35,000 years.

What is the biggest comet to hit Earth? ›

The Vredefort impact event, which occurred around 2 billion years ago in Kaapvaal Craton (what is now South Africa), caused the largest verified crater, a multi-ringed structure 160–300 km (100–200 mi) across, forming from an impactor approximately 10–15 km (6.2–9.3 mi) in diameter.

What is the fastest comet ever? ›

The fastest comet known appears to be 2I/Borisov, reaching 175000 km/h. The speed of light, which is roughly 300000 km/s, is over 6000 times faster than that.

Where is Halley's comet now? ›

Comet Halley (1P/Halley) is currently in the constellation of Hydra. The current Right Ascension is 08h 14m 00s and the Declination is +03° 25' 03”.

Where is the Hale Bopp comet now? ›

Comet Hale-Bopp (C/1995 O1) is currently in the constellation of Octans. The current Right Ascension is 23h 14m 59s and the Declination is -85° 00' 10”.

Did Comet Leonard disintegrate? ›

The comet disintegrates

On February 23, 2022, Martin Masek imaged the comet and noticed that it was lacking a central condensation. Other observers confirmed that the comet was now becoming a ghostly streak. The SLOOH telescope in Chile took images that show what is left of the comet.

Where is Christmas Comet Leonard? ›

Comet Leonard's closest pass on Jan. 3, 2021 will take it within 56 million miles (90 million kilometers) of the Sun, slightly more than half Earth's distance. If it does not disintegrate, current orbit calculations show that its path will send it out into interstellar space, never to return to our solar system.

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