Fed keeps the interest rates stable, lowers the prognosis for only one reduction in 2024 in the midst of high inflation (2024)

WASHINGTON - Federal Reserve again held his most important interest rate unchanged on Wednesday and scaled back his prediction from three interest rates to just one this year after inflation picking up by the beginning of 2024.

The prospects will probably disappoint the markets that expected Bold to show pencil in two cutbacks after an encouraging report at the beginning of Wednesday that inflation delayed more than expected.

In a statement after a two -day meeting, the central bank acknowledged a resumption of at least some profit in its struggle to tame inflation that Americans has grated in the past three years.

"In recent months, modest further progress has been made in the direction of (FED's) 2 percent inflation objective," Fed said.

At the beginning of May, civil servants had quoted a "lack of extra progress" in their struggle to limit the price increases.

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But the Central Bank also repeated that it is not expected to be suitable for reducing the target area before it has gained more confidence that inflation will now run around.3% to 3.5%) moves sustainably against the goal of 2% ofThe Fed.

During a press conference, FED chairman Jerome Powell said: "We will see more good data to strengthen our confidence that inflation moves sustainably to 2%."

Is inflation now increasing or does it fall?

Inflation reportOn Wednesday, cooler than expected, which strengthens the position that a gradual moderation has resumed after the price increases were accelerated in the first quarter.% and pushed the annual increase to 3.4% of 3.6% the last month, according to the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

"We see today's report as progress and construction of trust," said Powell."This is a step in the right direction, but it's really just a lecture."

How many treadmills are expected in 2024?

Civil servants now estimate that they will lower the federal fund interest by a quarter percentage to an interval of 5% to 5.25% after the end of the year, according to their median estimate.The three falls, they projected in March.

However, politicians are shared, with eight who predict two cuts this year, seven predicts one and four in search of none, which suggests that the median could change, depending on how inflation develops in the coming months.

Civil servants expect four bargains next year and another four in 2026, more than the previously expected, a plan that would lower the most important rate to 3.1% by the end of 2026. It is in line with their Marchestimate.

Some economists still believe that Fed will lower prices twice this year.

"In general there is nothing that excludes a rate in September," wrote Paul Ashworth of Capital Economics in a note to customers.To be the start of a renewed disinflatoire trend that we expect that this year is two interest differences, still the most likely result.

Interesting of lower loan costs for consumers, stimulating the economy and the juice on the stock market.Marketwork firm despite new signs of a delay.

What is the fat -rent today?

Fed's decision to be pat for now his benchmark short-term interest rate at a 23-year height of 5.25% to 5.5%.Take advantage of more generous bank savings income after years of lean return.

Since March 2022, the Central Bank has struck 11 times through the federal fond rate from almost zero to correcting an inflation tip induced by Pandemie, but it has left the speed unchanged since last July.

After influencing a 40-year height of 9.1% in mid-2022, annual inflation last year led considerably when COVID-related product and labor shortages were resolved.Increases for services such as food and hairstyles.

In April the inflation again showed signs of softening, but at a slower pace, and the CPI report on Wednesday showed the withdrawal of collected force last month.Rise, immersed and airlines, 3.6%.Economists expect the costs for rent, car insurance and health care for the coming months, when delayed pandemic effects fade, but it is not certain how fast it will be.

What is inflation expected in 2024?

Fed -Officers estimate their preferred objectives for annual inflation, press -index for personal consumption costs (PCE), which drops from 2.7% to 2.6% in December, over the 2.4% they predicted in March.

A core -pce inflation that reads, which seems to be more closer, is expected to remain stable at 2.8% at the end of the year on the earlier estimate of 2.6%.% by the end of 2025.

What happens to the economy in 2024?

On Wednesday, Fed said that the economy will grow 2.1% this year, which corresponds to the earlier estimate.

The economy grew a robust 3.1% by 2023 (measured from the fourth quarter of 2022 to the fourth quarter of 2023).largely exhausted Covid savings and mass credit card debt built up while spending high criminal relationships,

Will the brakes of the labor market?

The current 4% unemployment rate is expected to end 2024 unchanged in accordance with the prediction of March, the median estimate of the Fed after enduring serious pandemic related labor shortages, but this benefit is expected to fade later in the year, what theWage profits limited.

In the meantime, the average annual wage growth has fallen to 4.1% of 5.9% in terms of 2022, but risen from 4% in April.

Do you want to learn more?USA Today explains the news of interest.

Fed keeps the interest rates stable, lowers the prognosis for only one reduction in 2024 in the midst of high inflation (1)

Fed is interested

Fed Wednesday, the benchmark kept interest rates unchanged in the short term at 5.25% to 5.5%, as seen in the graph below.

-James Sergent, Bailey Schulz

What does FOMC stand for?

FOMC is the Federal Open Market Committee, a 12-person branch of the Federal Reserve System, which votes for interest groups.

The committee includesThe seven members of the Fed board;President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York;And four other reserve bench presidents who have a rotary basis for a year.

How do shares react to the FED framework?

Shares remain Bullish, with more than two-thirds of the S&P 500 shares that point upstairs and half the trade over their 50-day advancing average, according to Liz Sonder, the most important investment strategist of Schwab.

But under the surface there are changes closely, analysts said.

"Higher inflation and interest rates have weighed the prospects for consumer costs, because surplus savings have largely been used," wrote LPL -economic Strategen Adam Turnquist and Jeffrey Buchbinder in a report.

Industries, on the other hand, have benefited from "increased infrastructure costs, recognition activity and defense costs," they said."Industrial is also an artificial intelligence (AI) game given their role in the construction and maintenance of data center."

-Medora Lee

Stock market today

Shares are on the news on Wednesday that inflation does not rise and that fat can start reducing prices this year.

Dow Jones, S&P 500 and Nasdaq all rose in the minutes after the market was opened about an inflation report that was even boring: exactly what the market wanted.April.

Dow ended the day with 0.09%.s & p rose by 0.9%and Nasdaq jumped 1.5%and ended the day at record highs.

-Daniel de Visé,,Bailey Schulz

How can bond markets respond to FED?

If the fat looks as if it is willing to reduce the rates of a pure prognosis, instead of actual evidence, for inflation that slows down to its 2% goal, American bond investors had to worry, "said Steven Ricchiuto, said, said Steven RicchiutoVs.chief Economist at Mizuho Securities USA.

"Javisst, those fat claws to lower the rates, but to facilitate the policy of a weak economy and a high level of unemployment is very different from the macromy environment that FED currently stands for," he said.The labor market remains tight, the labor costs and wages of unity are increasing faster than what is consistent with 2% inflation.

If inflation responds or remains high, the bond return will also be.

-Medora Lee

What happens to credit cards?

Credit cards are stillClimbing even with fat -pressed waiting.

"Consumers must understand that the cavalry will not come soon, so the best thing you can do is take things in your own hands when it comes to reducing credit cards," said Matt Schulz, credit analyst of LendingTree.

-Medora Lee

How can I manage credit card debt if the rates are high?

According to LendingTree -credit analyst Matt Schulz, the options are:

  • To get a credit card with 0% interest on balance transfers and buy
  • Consolidation of debts with a personal loan with low interest rates
  • Ask your card publisher for a lower rate
  • To searchCredit advice
  • Looking around for the lowest prices and the best deals

- Medora Lee

Can Bold feel busy to lower the rates in steps with Canada and Europe?

Last week the European Central Bank and Bank of Canada each lowered their most important rates with a quarter point.

Put these movements under pressure to lower the rates in the United States?

"Bold has to say that there is no pressure, but in private it can be a consideration," said Stephen Bittel, founder and chairman of Terranova Corporation, and noticed that companies can go abroad to borrow cheaper.

But to protect the purchasing power of consumers, experts say, Fed must concentrate on reducing inflation.

"The average person goes through hell," said David Lynd, CEO of the real estate company Lynd Company., that doesn't go down.

Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kaskarki says that consumers give "visceral hatred high inflation" and prefer recession instead of inflation."High inflation affects everyone. There is no one I can lean because everyone in my network experiences the same thing, I experience."

And there is still a risk that high inflation can continue to exist."The economy has repeatedly surprised its head since Fed stopped walking and began to predict cuts," said Steven Ricchiuto, Vschief Economist at Mizuho Securities USA.

-Medora Lee

When can I expect the mortgage interest will fall?

Fed does not determine a mortgage interest rate, but what it does with the federal fund rate can influence them, along with the bond market and inflation.

"There is a good chance that we will have to get used to around 7%again, at least until we get better financial news," says Jacob Channel, senior economist at the LendingTree comparison site.summerHomebuying season is expensiveAnd difficult for many buyers. "

It should not stop you from buying a house that you love and you can afford.

"If you spend too much time waiting for the 'perfect' relationships that occur, you can ultimately have many good opportunities waste," he said.

You can also refinance when the rates fall, experts said.

The average 30-year-old fixed priority percentage was 7.38% on 7 June. The average rate was 6.59% at a fixed interest rate of 15 years.

-Medora Lee

How are car loan rates influenced by fat?

The rates of the borrower on car loans are usually based on factors such as credit history, car price, down payment, and the lender's loan costs and risks. Significant interest rate movements have only a small effect.

Nevertheless, the interest rates on new and used car loans are increased and analysts inhibit the sale of car countries.

In the first three months of the year, the average April for new vehicles was 7.1%, which marked the fifth quarter in a row.11.7%of that end of last year, Edmunds said with car comparison.

Even the return of stimuli in new vehicles is not enough to combat high interest rates andClimb negative equity, said Jessica Caldwell, head of Insight of Edmunds.Negative equity means that the value of your car is less than what you have paid.

-Medora Lee

How much do I get into social security?

The latest estimate ofSocial Security 'S-cost adjustment for 2025Slide up to 3%After the government reported3.3% Inflation I Maj, showed new calculations on Wednesday.

Kola -adjustment in 2025 convenience with inflation after aUptick rather this year.But the increase probably lowballs, which seniors need to keep track of inflation, said Mary Johnson, a retired analyst for the non -profit -Senior Citizens League that follows and calculates Cola estimates.

Consumer Price Index (CPI), a broad degree of costs for goods and services, rose by 3.3% in May from the year before.3,4% i april.

The adjustment of social security costs is based on the "Consumer Price Index for Urban Employees and clergymen" or CPI-W.The figures fell 3.3% of3,4% aprilBut it still surpassed3.2% Cola Social Security - Recipients started to receive in January.

-Medora Lee

Estimated glue:Social Security Cola estimates Dips, but seniors remain in a hole.Here is why.

When did the daring lower interest rates do?

A lot has happened in the last three years.

Since a few months, market forecasts have been speculating when the Federal Reserve would discuss the interest rates.

The last time Fed was actually lowered, the interest in March 2020 at the top of the pandemie was.In an emergency meeting on March 14 and 15, Fed moved to reduce its target interest with aFull percentage point, from a range of 1%-1.25%to a number 0.25%: effective, zero.

The next time the Fed traded at the interest rates, two years later, almost before, during a meeting on 15 and 16 March 2022. Gred over the rising inflation ordered a quarter -point increase, to a target area of ​​0.25 %Up to 0.50%.

It's all uphill Defra.

-Daniel de Visé

Of economics:With 3.3%, inflation remains too high for fat.

Today's mortgage credit

Although the recent FED campaign with interest rates does not directly affect mortgage interest rates, the rises are attacked by the economy and mathematics have made it more difficult for buyers of Huizen.

Tuesday30-year-old fixed mortgagewas 7,50%.

At the end of last year, the mortgage interest rate reached a peak of 7.79%.Bankrates Mortgage Romising.This is more than $ 1,000 higher than payments on a comparable priority loan before Fed started fighting for inflation.

The mortgage interest rate has risen from the start of the year and well above the 10-year-old median.

Not surprisingly, as the mortgage interest rate has risen, the existing home sales have fallen.At the same time, average house prices rise because there are fewer houses on the market.Give them on.

-Jim -sergeant Og Daniel de Visé

How's the American economy?

American unemployment rose to 4%in May.The monthly number, which represents the percentage of people who are unemployed and are looking for work, crossed from 3.9% in April.

Unemployment rises slowly, which can suggest that employers withdraw to work.

The US economy produced $ 22.7 trillion goods on an inflation-corrected, annual basis in the first quarter of 2024. This activity pushed the GDP by 1.3%-Recently adjusted from 1.6%- from the fourth quarter of 2023.

In other words, the American economy is still growing, but not at a very fast pace.Producers.

-Jim Sergent

Why is inflation still increased?

The annual inflation seems to have put in the range of 3% to 3.5%, a spaceIt has been occupiedSince the beginning of the year.

Why does inflation remain increased?

One of the "uncontrollable" inflation components isRent that remains highAnd good for about a third of the curve with goods and services used to calculate the consumer price index, said Stephen Bittel, founder and chairman of Terranova Corporation, an alternative investment company that specializes in commercial real estate.

Last month on oneConference I Amsterdam, Fed -Hairman Jerome Powell called house inflation "a bit of a puzzle".

Friday is surprisingly strongTaak report, in combination with a year-old jump of 4.1% in wages, "had to run a rebound in consumer costs," said national chief economist Kathy Bostjancic.Furthermore, the timeline of any Bold -Rentet rates delayed.

-Medora Lee

How will inflation news influence Fed's decision?

Wednesday's inflation report should come as welcome news for the Federal Reserve, the analysts and the prognosis.

Inflation wasessentially flatIn May the fear of an overheated economy feared.

"As we hear from FED later today, today's inflation data must be another spring in the limit of President Powell and trust in the rest of the members entitled to vote," said Charlie Ripley, senior investment strategist for Allianz Investment Management.The calendar, the distance from here, looks at the first speed that is applied from the cycle to approach quickly.

But analysts warned that the new inflation report was hardly final.

"In general, today's inflation numbers will be a welcome sight for Bold, but certainly not enough to push them to lower the rates," saidElizabeth Rent, a data analyst at Nerdwallet, the personal financial site.

"Fed will be happy to see inflation slowly in this report," says Bill Adams, chief economist for Comerica Bank. "But they will wait for clearer progress in the direction of their inflation goals before they start to lower interest rates."

Comerica's prediction has held the interest rates stable today, and again during the next July meeting, after which they lower interest in September, with a likely reduction in December: two total two.

- Daniel de Visé

When is the next FED meeting in 2024?

After today's meeting, the Federal Reserve still has four chances of shopping at the interest rate this year.

Here are the remainingFed -Meetings planned for 2024Including this week's session:

  • 11.-12.June
  • 30.-31 July
  • 17.-18.september
  • 6-7 november
  • 17-18 december

- Daniel de Visé

When is inflation cooled sufficiently for fat to lower the interest rates?

The benchmark of Fed, the short -term interest rate has been at an altitude of 5.25% to 5.5% since July, when Fed waits for inflation to cool down.

Annual inflation baptized to3.3% and MayFrom 3.4% in April - well below the peak of 9.1% in June 2022, but still on FED's target of 2%.

The chance is slim for a rate reduction this summer.Aaligvar is still futures -marketsBet on a cutThis year, probably in September, because inflation will retire, according to the CME Fedwatch tool, which measures the expectations of the market of changes in benchmark interest.

Already in March the median prediction called on three treadmills this year.Surprisingly slow to fall, and economists expect the panel to be cut at a lesser speed.But a cut or two?

-Medora Lee

What is inflation now?

OfMay Consumer Price Index (CPI)Is from who come a few hours before the Fed meeting ends and new inflation data can influence the interest members of Fed.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics released the Consumer Price Index of May on Wednesday morning.

Although inflation does not peak, the annual rate that has been stabbed more than 3%is.

The inflation report "could influence the tone" during the thick meeting, wrote the most important economist of Deutsche Bank Matthew Luzzetti in a note.


Will the interest rate fall in 2024?

Almost nobody expects the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates when civil servants will end their two -day meeting on Wednesday.in year.

When they entered the year, many economists predicted that the rates would already fall.The expected this year the rates expected no fewer than six or seven treadmills.

But inflation lasts, and at the moment most economists have reduced their interest rate for two, one or no in 2024. A few experts, including Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kashkari, have even suggested a rate increasewill not happen at all.

Interest rates are the most important tool that FED uses to combat inflation.

-Medora Lee

Fed keeps the interest rates stable, lowers the prognosis for only one reduction in 2024 in the midst of high inflation (2024)
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