Et living offering — Life Pointe Church (2024)

Et living offering — Life Pointe Church (1)

What does it mean to “present your body as a living sacrifice”? Why would we want to do that?

Listen to Pastor Jim's sermon here, or read it below.

This is how you live because you believe

I therefore appeal to you, brethren, by the grace of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that through trial you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Romans 12:1-2

Romans 12:1 functions as one wholehinge pointin Paul's letter. The word THEREFORE is like the pin in the hinge. It reads: “Taking full consideration of everything I have written about in eleven chapters, here is the correct answer. This is how you, the Christian community in Rome – you, Life Pointe Church in Thurston County – should live, because you believed, and therefore you are justified by the grace of God alone, through personal faith in His Son, Jesus Christ alone .”

Et living offering — Life Pointe Church (2)

The stories of John, Shelia and a man in the field

Before we continue this morning, I want to tell you about two people. We call them John and Sheila. They don't know each other.

The story of John

John and his wife are young, have one child and live on the East Coast. John is a history buff. He has furnished his home with Civil War antiques and is always looking for more.

John heard that there was a house for sale in the Deep South that was built in the mid-19th century and the asking price was $200,000. Not only that, the house was filled with Civil War-era furnishings that would be included in the sale. John and his wife had only been married for two years and didn't have much extra income, but he couldn't resist the idea, so he got in his car and drove hundreds of miles to see this house.

Not surprisingly, many other people had the same idea and walked around the house and garden. John came in and immediately started identifying which pieces of furniture were actually antiques and which were reproductions. He was happy and quite excited when he saw that most of the furniture was authentic. The house was full and the idea occurred to him to check out the cellar.

John opened the door to the stairwell that reached into the darkness, found a switch for a single light bulb hanging at the bottom of the stairs, and went downstairs. The light from that lamp was not enough to illuminate the entire basem*nt, so he waited until his eyes adjusted and then began to look around. He looked at a rolling table covered in dust and cobwebs, wiped it down and opened it.

He remembered that many old desks from that era had hidden drawers or compartments, so he started searching around until he found a drawer with a false bottom. He opened it, reached inside and felt a leather bag far back. He took it out, opened it and found ten Confederate gold coins. He knew immediately that they would be worth millions. So he took the bag and the coins back to the secret room, locked everything up, went back upstairs and called his wife...

Sheila's story

Then there's Sheila. Sheila is a single woman in her thirties who works as a freelance artist. She's on a road trip vacation in the Midwest. While driving through a pleasant town, she sees a sign at the local elementary school for a local fundraiser. Something pulls her, so she stops, parks and goes inside. There are all the predictable items for sale: baked goods, crafts, agricultural products and the like. But she also notices that at the front of the room there is a Picasso reproduction on an easel that can be purchased for $25,000.

Sheila's master's degree focused on 20th century artists, with a particular concentration on the works of Pablo Picasso. So she went and was told that the reason the price was so high was because the quality of the reproduction itself was so high. But, she was told, it was clearly not an authentic Picasso because the artist had simply written his initials instead of signing as Picasso would have done.

Sheila paused and thought for a moment, remembering from her studies that in the first year Picasso's work was published, he had not signed his full name, but actually only his initials. So she reached into her bag, pulled out a magnifying glass and, thanks to her training, quickly realized that this was either an incredibly masterful reproduction or an original Picasso worth millions. She was living hand to mouth at the time, and the $25,000 price tag was far more than she could reasonably afford. Or was it?

Sheila grabbed a pen and paper and started counting. She came to the conclusion that she would have to sell her entire personal collection, her beloved older Volkswagen Jetta, and empty her bank account to pay for the painting. What if it really was just a reproduction? But if it was real...

What should John do? What should Sheila do? To answer the question, both must weigh risks and benefits. How would you advise them?

The man in the history of the field

Before you answer, here's another vignette: a parable told by Jesus. It consists of only one verse.

The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered. Then in his joy he sells everything he has and buys that field.

Matthew 13:44

Imagine that. A man is walking through a field with his walking stick and suddenly, as the stick hits the ground, he hears a hollow thud. He walks back, knocks, and again he hears a beating. He gets down on his knees, digs down and pulls out a wooden box. When he opens it, he finds a treasure chest. What would he do? Again: what are the risks? What is the reward? The risk was that the field would cost him everything he had. So he had to rush the transaction, but the reward would be that he would become enormously rich. He assessed the situation and made a decision. He sold all his possessions to buy the field.

What did John do?John called his wife and together they agreed that the purchase was worth the risk in light of the reward. So they bought the house and the coins turned out to be worth about ten million dollars.

What about Sheila?I mean, she had to give up her beloved Jetta and the works of art she had collected over the years. But if the so-called reproduction were actually an invaluable original, it would all be worth it. Her training and experience told her it was, so she did so and paid $25,000. She later discovered that the painting was not worth the $25,000 she paid. Instead, it was worth $30 million.

Why am I sharing these stories?Because in the text we read together earlier, Paul made an appeal to his followers of Christ in Rome, which parallels each of these vignettes. He asks them to give up something in exchange for something infinitely more valuable.

Et living offering — Life Pointe Church (3)

Paul's call to believers

Show i Paul's apple

Therefore I appeal to you,brothers…

Romans 12:1

Paul could have given a command. Remarkably, he does not address them in a condescending manner from his position of authority as an apostle, but instead lovingly appeals to them alongside them, as a brother in Christ.

The basis of Paul's call

Therefore, I appeal to you, brothers,by God's mercy...

Romans 12:1

In eleven chapters Paul has unfolded God's mercy. The gospel is precisely God's mercy for undeserving sinners, by giving his Son to die for us, by freely justifying us by grace through faith, by sending us his life-giving Spirit, and by making us his children . It can even be argued that the key word in chapters 9 through 11 is actually “grace.” Note that "grace" is plural. Paul says that there is no greater incentive to live holy lives than to consider the full range of all of God's expressions and demonstrations of his grace and kindness toward us, and the cross towers above them all.

The substance (or substance) of Paul's appeal

Therefore, I appeal to you, brothers, by the mercy of God,to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God...

Romans 12:1

Paul uses temple language here. He imagines worshipers making a sacrifice in the temple. Some sacrifices in the Old Testament were sin offerings. A worshiper brought an animal or a bird and the priest sacrificed it to God by shedding its blood for the forgiveness of their sins. But now there are no more sin offerings because Jesus IS our sin offering. The sacrifice to which Paul calls us is therefore not a sin offering. The sacrifice of our bodies cannot and should not be interpreted by us as a way to be made righteous before God.

Another form of sacrifice was a 'burnt offering', a valuable animal from the flock. It had to be blameless (holy and spotless). Why? That animal is financially expensive and valuable for what it produces. When someone offered that animal to be burned, it was meant to symbolize a greater truth: that everything you have is at God's disposal. You didn't give God your leftovers—whatever was left at the end of the month—or whatever you really didn't want. The burnt offering was always completely burned and represented complete surrender and devotion to God.

Are "a living sacrifice' means to be completely at God's disposal – to be available and willing to obey God in whatever He asks or commands.

The term 'living victim' is itself something ironic or paradoxical, isn't it? I mean, we all know what the word "alive" means, but the word "sacrifice" means to kill something, to make it dead. So a living victim describes an intentional, living murder. This is clearly what Jesus had in mind when he said in Luke 9:

If anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.

Lukas 9:23-24

I once heard someone say:In Jesus' day, no one took up a cross who was not headed for his own execution.When we offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, we make the decision daily that my desires must die so that I can be free to do with my body what God wants. In the same way that you once used your body to serve yourself and fulfill the lusts and passions of your flesh, Paul calls you by the Spirit, in light of all that God has done for you, to now give God full control about your body. : your eyes, your nose, your mouth, your ears, your hands and feet, your voice, your sexuality, your intellect and imagination. He's worth it all.

Paul adds two adjectives in describing this sacrifice to which he calls us.

  1. The first is "HolyTo be holy means to be morally and spiritually pure. It also means that you are completely set apart as God's property for His purposes.

  2. The second adjective is the phrase: "Approved by God.“The apostle Peter said that as Christians we are:”To be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.“It is not that we alone are acceptable to God, nor can we make ourselves acceptable to Him. Instead, we are only acceptable to God through Jesus Christ, and what we offer to God is made acceptable only through Him.

It would be easy to rationalize and spiritualize this. What I want you to think about first is that your body is the instrument through which you sin. In chapter 3 we read this description of sinful humanity separated from God:

"Their throat is an open grave; they use their tongue to deceive." "The monkeys' poison is under their lips." “Their mouth is full of curses and bitterness.” "Their feet quickly shed blood..."

Romans 3':13-15

Paul says, “Now in view of God's mercy toward you, use your whole physical body to serve God.”

In the church I grew up in we often sang these words, which clearly express what Paul calls us to do.

Take my life and let it be dedicated to you as Lord;

Take my moments and my days, let them flow in unceasing praise.

Take my hands and let them move according to the impulse of your love.

Take my feet and let them be fast and beautiful for you.

Take my voice and let me sing always, only for my king.

Take my lips and let them be filled with messages from you.

Take my silver and my gold; I would not withhold a mite.

Take my intellect and use any power as you please.

Take my will and make it yours. It will no longer be mine.

Take my heart, it's yours; it will be your royal throne.

Take my love, my Lord, I pour his treasure at your feet.

Take me and I will always, alone, do everything for you.

The grounds for Paul's appeal

Therefore, I appeal to you, brethren, by the grace of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God.that is your spiritual worship.

Romans 12:1

I don't know why someone chose to use the word "spiritual" when translating this verse, but it has confused many people, including myself. What is 'spiritual' worship? I mean, I understand the concept, but why such a vague term?

Well, I have good news. The word Paul uses there is the word from which we derive our word 'logic' or 'logical'. It is also translated as 'rational' and 'reasonable'. Paul says, “Look, presenting your body to God as a living sacrifice only makes sense. It is the logical, intellectually rational answer. Thinking clearly and wisely about the outpouring of God's mercy in your life will cause you to respond by giving yourself For him, to do otherwise – that is to say, to give yourself half-heartedly or not at all – is illogical and highly irrational.'

The Stoic philosopher of the first centuryThe greatonce said: 'If I were a nightingale, I would do what a nightingale does, and if I were a swan, I would do what a swan does.logic(a rational being), so I must praise God.”

Et living offering — Life Pointe Church (4)

Paul calls us...

For deliberate non-conformity with the world system

Only dead fish go with the current!

Do not be conformed to this world...

Rome 12:2a

Don't let the world around you push you into its own mold...

Romeinen 12:2a, J.B. Philips' paraphrase

Don't become so attuned to your culture that you fit in without thinking.

Romans 12:2a, The message

William Barclay zei: “We should not be like a chameleon that takes its colors from its environment."

To cooperate with God in his transformation process

However, do not be conformed to this worldto be transformed...

Romans 12:2

Notice that Paul does not say, "Transform yourselfHe is not calling us to a new level of fear. He says, “Be transformed.”

After calling us to offer our bodies, Paul now turns to our thoughts. Do you know that God wants your spirit? Do you know that God wants you to offer Him your intellect and your imagination too?

The process begins with the total renewal of our faculties and reasoning

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformedby the renewing of your mind...

Romans 12:2

I like the way J.B. Phillips reproduces this phrase: "Let God transform your mind from within."

Remember, what Paul said in chapter 1 is the situation of the person who refuses to acknowledge or worship God:

And when they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them upa lost mindto do what should not be done.

Romans 1:28

And in chapter 8 he wrote:

For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, because it is not subject to the law of God; it's actually not possible.

Romans 8:6-8

Sanctify them in truth; your word is truth.

Johannes 17:17

Paul wrote to the believers in Ephesus:

Be renewed in the spirit of your mind…

Ephesians 4:23

He exhorted the believers in Philippi:

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is righteous, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

Philippians 4:8

Paul is talking about an internal job. God wants to change us from the inside out. He does not seek external conformity, but internal transformation.

Why is it so important that we be transformed by renewing our minds? It is precisely because we started out with a corrupt mind, as a result of our separation from God through sin. So the controlling influence of our mind must now be reoriented. Our imagination must be captured by Christ. The operating system that controls our basic thought processes needs to be replaced and a new operating system downloaded – one given by the Spirit of God and informed by the Word of God.

He challenged the Christians in Colossae:

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.

Colossians 3:16

Oh, how I love your law!

It is my meditation all day.

Your commandment makes me wiser than my enemies,

because it is always with me.

I have more understanding than all my teachers,

for your testimonies are my meditation.

I understand more than the old,

for I keep your commandments.

Verse 119:97-100

Et living offering — Life Pointe Church (5)

God's transformation allows us to discern His will

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind,that by trial you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Romans 12:2

If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me a question like, “What is God's will for my life?” Or, “How can I discover God's will for my life?” I wanted to be a rich man.

These are important questions. God wants you to know His will for your life.But He will only reveal it and you will only receive it when your heart is ready.God is not obligated to show you His will if you see it as only one of the options for your life. Your thoughts need to be changed. Your inner being must be transformed. And when he is ready, and he knows you are ready, he will give you insight. He will give you power. And He will give you the desire to do His will.

When God renews our minds, we can discern and appreciate His will and decide to obey it. You will know God is doing His work in you when God's Word, the Bible, begins to make sense to you and truths will leap from its pages that you have never understood before. It will confront and comfort you; challenge you and encourage you. God will use it through His Spirit to change you from the inside out, make you the person He wants you to be, and empower you to do what He wants you to do.

This post is based on the transcript of Pastor Jim Hays' sermon from November 3, 2019. Due to the nature of oral sermons, thoughts and ideas from outside sources may be included in addition to those expressly quoted. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about what he shared, please feel free to do soContact usofVisit usnext Sunday!

Transcripts of sermons

Emily Sidley


Et living offering — Life Pointe Church (2024)
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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.