Digimon Story CS Cases List and how to complete it (2024)

Welcome to NGB and our Digimon Story CS Cases Guide for Digimon Story Cyber ​​Sleuth: Complete Edition.

Digimon Story CS -Sager

  • A game, an error and an emphasis task
  • A life crisis!?
  • A pet Digimon
  • A bad guy filmmatic
  • Boy one
  • Broad daylight
  • Broadway Food Tour
  • Broadway I Brand!
  • Destroyed sleep
  • Comeback -show
  • Constant paltwerk
  • Could it be ... a stalker!?
  • Desperately looking for babysitter
  • Dr. Datamon Medicine Complete
  • Dr. Datamon develops medicines
  • Dr. Datamon's Medical Test
  • Heaven dream
  • Escape to unemployment!
  • Expansion of Nokia Corps!
  • Find the missing!
  • Flowers to Sakura
  • Ghost Cat Building
  • Home Safety Guard
  • I am not a flower person ...
  • Miss
  • Living doll, dead person
  • Nakano's legendary busters
  • Nakano Underground
  • Nanimon on Sunday
  • Enigma -even
  • Nightmare -eater
  • Not to eat enough
  • Numemon hits back
  • Badly cold Digimon
  • Princess signed CD
  • Problems at Digipedia
  • Problems at Digipedia continued
  • Rare comic collection
  • Red fist and hot sweat!
  • Reiko Tawas Sagsfil
  • Reena shinomia'i sutdogging
  • Ryota's Jeugd
  • Scramble Pentagram
  • Search for the desired hacker
  • Shinjuku Food Tour
  • Exclusive Screp of Terriermon!
  • Gamer nr.1!
  • Time capsule Snowwoman
  • Top quality beans
  • Two faces
  • Seventh
  • Urgent case of Mirei
  • Wow!

    A game, an error and an emphasis task

    Difficulty:1 ster



    Details:My telephone game has been released, but there is a really big mistake in it!

    After accepting the A -Game, an error and an immiled vacancies, you will immediately be teleported to Shinjuku to talk to the customer.When you are asked, select "Yes" to jump on the mobile phone and take the road and take the road.Teleporte at the end to go to the next area.

    In this next area you will find 2 boxes with Pearl X2 and Topax X3.When you're done, talk to Poyomon with!.

    When the conversation with the customer is complete, return to the detective desk and communicate with the board to end the case.

    Rewards:1000 yen, 300 CSP, Bank Expansion Drive x1

    A life crisis!?

    Difficulty:3 stars


    Place:Broadway 1F

    Details:Click on ... I lost ... a gear ... click ... if ... I don't ... click ... I think it ... click ... I die!.. Click here!

    Once you have started a life crisis!?The wall.The path to the end to reach the small equipment.

    • SP confirm D - Take the left floor portal from the starting point.
    • Confirm D - from the starting point, take the right soil portal.Go to the west to find the coffin.

    Digital space Digimon

    • Bluemeramon
    • Dolgamon
    • Greymon
    • Knightmon
    • Pikmin

    When you're done, return to the detective desk and communicate with the board to close the case.

    Rewards:500 yen, 300 csp, exciting meat x2

    A pet Digimon

    Difficulty:2 stars



    Details:My master has always treated me well.

    After taking a pet -Digimon case, you will be sent to Shinjuku to meet the customer.When you have the details, use an access point to travel to Eden The closed shipping area to find a hacker boy to talk to to get "digivolution" key word.Must go to the undo and talk to the retired Oude Hacker to get the key word "De -DigiVolution".The case with the help of the board.

    ASAKUSA on

    Rewards:1,200 Yen, 300 CSP, Farm Expansion Plugin X1, Wood Symbol X1

    A bad guy filmmatic

    Difficulty:4 -ster


    Place:Broadway 3F

    Details:A customer is punished for taking film roles!Stop this before it gets really bad!

    After accepting a shared kimathic cause, go to Broadway 3F and then go to the bookstore.Certainly to collect the four boxes on the way.That will completely heal her and her allies.

    Rewards:5,000 Yen, 300 CSP, billionaire USB X1

    Boy one

    Difficulty:5 stars

    Client:Hea to be you

    Place:Tokyo metropolitan office

    Details:I want to do something from the past.

    When you accept the boy, you will be sent to Tokyo Metropolitan Office tag to meet Arata that gives you the details of his request.Valhalla server.Work in the next area to find Arata just beyond the access point.Virus Digimon with you to do extra damage to him.He likes to use a lot of physical attacks that can affect multiple party members, and then move that increases your defense or reduces his attack, will also be useful.are treated with a small scene and then the examination will be completed.

    Rewards:2,500 yen, 300 CSP, Memory Up X1, Death Barrier Dx X1

    Broad daylight

    Difficulty:2 -Tar

    Client:Also fine


    Details:An invisible slasher is violent in Shinjuku.fang the perpetrator for something serious.

    Once you have accepted the broad daylight, you will meet Matayoshi to go over the details.When you regain control of Sleuth, Nakano leaves and travel to Shinjuku.g go to Shinjuku Downtown.Will be another burnt place further on the sidewalk to communicate with.After you have defeated it, you will be sent back to the desk.


    • monster
    • Birdramon
    • O'clock

    Rewards:800 Yen, 500 CSP, Bank expansion drive X1

    Broadway Food Tour

    Difficulty:1 ster

    Client:Undercover eter


    Details:I am an undercover eater for food reviews and I need someone to help me investigate something ...

    After accepting the Broadway Food Tour case, an event will activate.Then you have to dine in the three places below.close the case.

    • Chinese Restaurant - 1F for the escalator at the entrance with a yellow billboard
    • Tea House - 1F for the escalator at the entrance with a white/brown billboard (opposite the Chinese restaurant)
    • Sushi Restaurant - 2F to the right of the stairs

    Rewards:900 Yen, 500 CSP, Bank extension drive X1

    Broadway I Brand!

    Difficulty:2 -Tar

    Client:Chinese restaurant owner

    Place:Broadway 1F

    Details:There is something wrong with the Broadway climate system.

    After accepting Broadway on fire!Came here.This time there will be a Bluemeramon.Return to the board to complete the case.

    Rewards:500 Yen, 300 Income, SPD -Happiness E X1

    Destroyed sleep

    Difficulty:3 stars

    Client:Sleep -Updoed person


    Details:It is also outside Waaaaay!

    After taking the broken sleeping box, travel to Shinjuku and then go to the east side of Shinjuku station Square to spot Leomon and Cyclonemon.Is a virus type and then plan your party accordingly.

    Rewards:3,000 Yen, 300 CSP, Farm Expansion Plugin X1, Searcher Patch X1

    Comeback -show

    Difficulty:5 stars

    Client:A businessman in Nakano?


    Details:Do you remember me!?

    To get this case, continue with Chapter 19 and then go to the end after beating leopard mono.

    After accepting the comeback showcase, you will be treated with a video with our favorite musician!Be 3 people with one!Below:

    • Demonic Poppenhacker
      • Gekomon (virus) x2
      • Shogungeekomon (virus)
    • Demonic Kleipophacker
      • Metalyrannomone (virus)
      • Guardromon (virus)
    • Demonic Waxwork Hacker
      • Pumpkin Farmo (Data)
      • GotSumon (data)

    After the 3 hackers are defeated, go to Shibuya records.When approaching the building will activate a video that leads to a match with jimika!He uses two skull meramons and a boltmon;Those you would normally do.

    Rewards:5,000 Yen, 300 CSP, Memory Up X1, Hard Disk X1

    Constant paltwerk

    Difficulty:3 stars



    Details:Banchholeomon does not stop bragging!My friend warned me ... Someone you need to stop Bancoleomon!

    Once you have started the constant bragging case, you travel to Akihabara.If you are there, you take the street by following the page to the left and reaching Sega Arcade.The digital space.

    Follow the path in the digital space that swings to the left around the area.Let the two ledge fall and take the type of chain vessel in the middle of the area.Chest there, which contains a defiral retail chip B.Look to the left of that chest to spot a ledge that you leave.

    Talk to Digimon, Betamon to him and then again with Bancholemon.Him, the two will have a small conversation about his boasts that the investigation will end.

    Rewards:1500 yen, 300 CSP, Vandymbol

    Could it be ... a stalker!?

    Difficulty:3 stars



    Details:I feel that someone is following me.I don't know who, but I don't like it.

    After allocating it can be ... a stalker!?The perpetrator and ask them to stop by crossing the street head directly near the store to find Wargreymon.If you want to work from him quickly, make sure you bring some Digimon data type to the party..This will put an end to the investigation.Know back to detect the agency and communicate with the board to close the case!

    Rewards:2100 yen, 300 CSP, Bank Expansion Drive X1, Spriti Disk X1

    Desperately looking for babysitter

    Difficulty:3 stars


    Place:Broadway 3F

    Details:We need a babysitter!We need you to play with the children.

    After you have taken the desperate babysitter, go to Broadway 3F and go to the food..Path to the west from the access point and then use Warp Pad at the end.

    To make contact with Impmon, go back to the access point and follow the path to the south to the exit.Then the next washing track follows the new path on the left to find the Digimon customer.attacks you.

    Rewards:800 Yen, 300 CSP, Redvegimon Medal X1, Gal fasting and X1

    Dr. Datamon Medicine Complete

    Difficulty:4 stars


    Place:Central hospital

    Details:I am a famous expert in making Digimon Medicine.ring for me 'Dr. Datamon. “I need help with my last experiment!

    Once you develop a medicine store with Dr. Datamon, you have to travel to the Central Hospital.When you have reached the lobby, go straight ahead, a right -of -door datamon nearby in the digital space when you arrive.You are coming.You can just follow the path to Rustyranomon.No Digimon to start the fight.This is a virus type, so make sure you bring some vaccin Digimon for extra damage.Skills.When health is low enough, an event will activate.There is again with Digimon to start with Round 2. Vefa him again to end the investigation.

    Rewards:2,200 Yen, 300 CSP, Memory Up X1, Def confirm an X1

    Dr. Datamon develops medicines

    Difficulty:3 stars


    Place:Central hospital

    Details:I am a famous expert in making Digimon Medicine.ring for me 'Dr. Datamon. “I need help with my research.

    After starting Dr. Datamon, a medical business develops, you have to travel to the Central Hospital.When you have reached the lobby, take a straight through the brochure rack and connect the jumps in the panel on the wall. Datamon in the digital space when you arrive.

    Take the driveway to the right of Dr. Datamon, and then the ledge to reach a part of the path with a glowing object. Datamon requires extra objects: Lucemon's Wings and Platinumsukamon stuff.Breast collection with 3 Alexandrite) until the end where you can find the wing on the floor.To transfer them.

    Rewards:1200 Yen, 300 CSP, plug -in for the expansion of the farm, holy symbol

    Dr. Datamon's Medical Test

    Difficulty:4 stars


    Place:Central hospital

    Details:I am a famous expert in making Digimon Medicine.ring for me 'Dr. Datamon. “I need help with my prototype.

    When you start Dr. Datamon's Medical Trial Case, trip to the Central Hospital.When you have reached the lobby, take a straightforward run over the brochure rack and then close in the panel on the wall to reach data.Digimon in the digital space to take the medicine.

    Start by going from the exit to the south and follow the path to the left and take a Warp path there.Previous area and take the path to the right.Take the first washing program that you come across and follow that path to the end to find Megakabuterimon.Follow the panel.Medicine.After giving all four Digimon medicine you will be sent back to Datamon to report the results of the test.This ends the study.

    Rewards:2000 Yen, 300 CSP, Memory Up X1, Friendship X3

    Heaven dream

    Difficulty:1 ster



    Details:Biyomon Dream is to fly through the sky!But it doesn't matter how much biyomon is trying it is not good ...

    After accepting the dream of the Sky case, you travel to Shinjuku and find Biyomon on the east side of Stationsplein.In Shibuya.rejs there and then drive to Shibuya Records to find Hawkmon and Biyomon at the entrance.Back to the detective desk and communicate with the board to close the case!

    Rewards:1800 yen, 300 CSP, Bank Expansion Drive X1, SPD Bevestig B X1

    Escape to unemployment!

    Difficulty:2 -Tar


    Place:Kowloon LV.4

    Details:I want to be like a person ... Get a job and earn some money, but I can't find a job!

    After an escape of unemployment!The man who wears the white polo with one over his head.Back back to Piedmon to deliver the good news.Some the questions he asks wherever you want.close the case.

    Rewards:1.300 yen, 300 CP, Thundermon Meda X1, Sleuths Secret X1

    Expansion of Nokia Corps!

    Difficulty:4 stars

    Client:Rebel Tamer (Yasu)

    Place:Galacta Park, Kowloon

    Details:I want to help Akkino!But I am completely powerless ... I need you to help instead of me!

    During the expansion of Nokia Corps!Agreement as before, go deeper into the area to find Nokia again and activate another cene, except that this will lead to a match against the BlackWarRerruymon and Metalgarurumon virus type (BLK).Close the housing by communicating with the board.

    Rewards:850 Yen, 500 CSP, Friendship DX X1

    Find the missing!

    Difficulty:3 stars

    Client:Jumpy Hacker


    Details:Demidevimon!Demidevimon!I can't find my Demidevimon!

    After finding the missing!This Demidevimon has a much higher defense.After a new victory you have to return to the office and communicate with the board to close the case.

    Rewards:1,500 Yen, 300 CSP, Bank extension drive X1, void symbol X1

    Flowers to Sakura

    Difficulty:1 ster

    Client:Ryota Takei


    Details:Oh ... what should I do!?What can I do!?

    Accept the flowers to the Sakura case to start an event and choose Nokia when they will be asked.You are back to the desk of an event.Wise to reach Eden and then drive to Kamishiro Enterprises.

    Rewards:900 Yen, 500 CSP, FlameMenYMbol X1

    Ghost Cat Building

    Difficulty:4 -ster

    Client:Old man Mizushima


    Details:I have been looking for so long.Min Miko ... my poor cat.Find Miko.

    Once you have accepted the Ghost Cat Building Case, Kyoko will fill in the details and send you to K-Cafe on Broadway 4F.After an interaction with the door to the cafe, a fast event will activate before it is both Deltimer Sacchan.And K-Cafe has to activate another cutcene that you place in front of the detective agency.Digital network.

    Work your way through the digital network to arrive in the digital space.From the exit, use the nearby Warppad to travel to a new area in the digital space.van het Noorden to reach a blue database on the ground.Another area, follow the Bendebrug to the south to find a different database.Grab it and then leave the walkway to the lower section to the left.Wall will be Noord) to find the third database.Go to the north to the firm wall and use the wall crashed LV 4 to remove it and plunder the breast to a SP -pressing chip B. Use the nearby pit area.Floose the path to the end where you can find the 5th database.To close the case!

    Rewards:5,000 Yen, 500 CSP, Memory Up X1

    Home Safety Guard

    Difficulty:2 -Tar

    Client:Luke-in Boy's mother


    Details:My shut-in son likes to chat online.There is a girl that he really likes, but has to know if she is right.

    After accepting the Home Security Guard case, you meet the customer in K-Cafe to discuss the details.With having to connect jumping in the chat site.Search and talk to Minervamon to start a fight against Digimon of the virus type.Besle her to activate an event.


    • Demidevimon
    • Go oh my
    • Hal
    • Syakomon

    Rewards:1.500 yen, 300 CSP, ATK FASTEN C X1, DEF FASTING C X1

    I am not a flower person ...

    Difficulty:2 -Tar

    Client:Hete vent


    Details:I have all these photos of flowers stored on my phone.

    After accepting I am not a flower person ... The business, you meet the customer to get the details of the business and connect to his phone.See the list below) to reach the perpetrator from the starting area, take the southeast teleportje and follow that path through two more teleport pads.Then report the case in the board in the desk to close it.


    • Palm
    • Tanemon
    • Wormmon
    • Yokomon

    Rewards:1,300 yen, 300 CSP, Agunimon Medal X1, Gif Barrière X1


    Difficulty:4 -ster


    Place:Zaxon -forum

    Details:I have some worries about Nokia.There is something that I have to ask you ...

    Once you have accepted the La Missel case, use an access point to travel to Eden and go to the Zaxon forum.Bench with a!Data type.After winning you will be sent back to the desk to report to Kyoko.

    Rewards:1,200 Yen, 500 CSP, Memory Up X1

    Living doll, dead person

    Difficulty:3 stars

    Client:Occulte Research Club's Mei


    Details:Have you heard of "Super Ultra True Puppets?""We brought our exchange there ...

    After accepting the living doll, the dead person will activate an event.You are looking for, the unstable nerd is near where you first load in the area.You end up on the right and interact with the Arcade machine near the Sega race for another event.

    In the digital space, if you take the northern portal, you will come across a breast.Another chest.!Over his head to another event.


    • Bootamon
    • Keramon
    • Colomon
    • Punimon
    • Tsunomon

    Rewards:800 yen, 500 CSP, Stun Barrière DX X1

    Nakano's legendary busters

    Difficulty:1 ster

    Client:Live today


    Details:This is a case of the Broadway management.There are strange rumors in Broadway.Lessons with these guys.

    After accepting the legendary Busters case of Nakano, a cut scene will activate where the occult club will appear for a briefing about the Kyoko case.On the first floor by looking at the rumors of three -legs Matthew.alt with each of the occult members mentioned below:

    • Kenji - Van End staircases near the Information Center
    • May - Outside the Detective Bureau
    • Lily - In addition to the elevator past Big Yard
    • Bead - immediately large garden

    After talking to the 4th person, the group will have a quick conversation and then decide to go to the 2nd floor where they will be kata cata.

    • Mei and Kenji - From the toilets to the right of the map shop
    • Manaka and Lily - near the rainbow player

    Again, after talking to everyone, the group will have a different conversation and then go to the 3rd floor to keep investigating Kata Kata.

    • Manaka and Lily - For Fantasy Mansion
    • Mei - I Food Court
    • Kenji - Foran Mandrake

    Immediately after talking to the last person, the team meets again and decides to go to the 4th floor to see if they can find the Reaper lift.Board to close the case!

    Rewards:800 Yen, 500 CSP, Farm Expansion Plugin X1

    Nakano Underground

    Difficulty:3 stars


    Place:Nakano Downfall

    Details:This is a case of the government.The ear in the Nakano division has been unlocked.

    After accepting the underground case of Nakano, an event will activate., You have to work your way to the next area and then go to the north to find some yellow data..Back to log out and use the path to return to ruin.You restore the checking of the treasure hunt, you work your way through the underpass to the north.You will finally activate another event that you bring back to the detective agency.

    Underpass Digital Spacce Digimon

    • Bootamon
    • Tentomon
    • Tokomon

    Leave Nakano and travel to the Tokyo Metropolitan Office for an event. So you have recorded it, use the Southwestern Teleport -Pad to reach the next area.The white plate to close the case.


    • Agumon
    • Beoomes
    • Gomamon
    • Patamon
    • Tentomon

    Rewards:800 Yen, 500 CSP, Farm Development Kit X1

    Nanimon on Sunday

    Difficulty:1 ster


    Place:Central hospital

    Details:I have a message for you.com and ask what to buy.This is all.

    Take Nanimon on the Sunday store and then travel to the Central Hospital.To hear that he needs a newspaper.To the customer and then return to the desk to close the case on the board.

    Newspapers participating in 100 yen

    Reward:300 yen, 300 CSP, Earth Patrol x1, windsymbool x1

    Enigma -even

    Difficulty:3 stars



    Details:Help my sister!

    As soon as you have accepted the night of the Enigma case and the event with trigger with Pete.You are back on the desk.Interests with the Board of Directors to close the case.

    Rewards:900 Yen, 500 CSP, Farm Expansion Plugin X1

    Nightmare -eater

    Difficulty:2 -Tar

    Client:Manaka from occult research club

    Place:Eden Entry / Digital Space

    Details:My Digiline is weird ... It keeps going without doing anything.

    Acceptance of the Eater case starts an event with Manaka.When you get control of your treasure hunt, you are at Eden Entrance.Stone column..the case.


    • Impmon
    • Address
    • Tsumemon
    • Tyrannomon

    Rewards:600 Yen, 500 CSP, Memory Up X1

    Not to eat enough

    Difficulty:2 stars


    Place:Broadway 3F

    Details:My master is really sad and doesn't even eat.

    After you have not taken it enough lunch box, you have to leave the desk and go to Broadway 3F.This goes with dinner and you will find a ventilation shaft on the left.From the area where you can find the client, Gromlmon.He will ask you to follow a mutremon in the area and to borrow his bone.South and take at the end of the chain path.That's why you have to see Orgremon.To Grumlmon so that he can make some windows. Navit.rop Rame to exclude the service.Inserts with the desk council of the desk to receive your reward.

    Rewards:800 yen, 300 CSP, krachtpaddenstoel x3, Aegis Apple x3

    Numemon hits back

    Difficulty:3 stars


    Place:Central hospital

    Details:Digimon always makes me ridiculous ... today they don't laugh!

    After accepting the Numemon Strikes Back Case, go to the central hospital and connect the jump in the water cooler in the lobby.To make it go faster, you can add a Rookie or higher Digimon to your party to use LV2 function callshacking to force meetings.Type Shellnumemon.bejr the snail and then return to the desk and communicate with the board to close the case.

    Rewards:1,300 Yen, 300 CSP, Sustainability Patch X1, HP Restraint Chip A X1

    Badly cold Digimon

    Difficulty:1 ster

    Client:Cheek -hour girl

    Place:Candy Store, Broadway 3F

    Details:I saw a metalgreymon when I went outside.

    After accepting the poor cold Digimon case, you will be sent to the candy store to talk to the customer.Downtown and use the stealth -chekhacking --ability to sneak past the guards.Return her to Broadway 3F to deliver the package that ends the case.

    Rewards:600 Yen, 300 CSP, Plug -In for the expansion of the farm, Power Pine X3

    Princess is signed CD

    Difficulty:4 -ster

    Client:Fanboy nerd


    Details:You know the singer, princess, right?Instead, I will be part of the event.

    After accepting the signed CD case of the princess, you meet the customer in Shibuya.He asks you to attend the Princess event and get him a signed CD..

    • Pabumon - can be found just outside Shibuya Records in Shibuya
    • Tanemon - Traveling to undoing to find her in the garden
    • Tokomon - Journey to Akihabara and go to the store to find this
      • Will have to fight against a tamer using blackgatomon (virus) and anthylamon (data)
    • Bukamon trip to Nakano and then drive to K-Cafe on Broadway 4F
    • Nyaromon - Journey to Asakusa to find it for the sanctuary
      • This will ask you.The answer is one.
    • Yokomon - Travel to Shinjuku and then drive to the Eaern part
      • You have to fight the Vegimon virus type

    After you have received the last stamp, you will be sent back to Shibuya Records, where Event Manager will verify your stamps and Princess will present a CD.This will put an end!

    Rewards:3800 Yen, 300 CSP, Farm Expansion Plugin X1

    Problems at Digipedia

    Difficulty:2 stars

    Client:Manager of the dictionary site


    Details:Have you heard of Digipedia?It is an online dictionary site that I run.

    After accepting the problems in the Digipedia case, you will be sent to K-Cafe to discuss the details of the customer.When you're done, jump to the nearby laptop to reach the digital space.Tentomon, while grabbing the four boxes spread over one of them, will be behind an LV4 -Firewall.When you're done, interact with Tentomon to start a fight with Digimon of the vaccine type.The office and communicating with the board to close the case.


    • Birdramon
    • Woodmon

    Rewards:1,600 Yen, 300 CSP, Electric symbol X1

    Problems at Digipedia continued

    Difficulty:3 stars

    Client:Manager of the dictionary site


    Details:The same problem has happened again.Digipedia is in a high risk!

    After you had accepted the problems in Digipedia, you will be continued, you will be transported to K-Cafe to meet the customer.When you are done, you must communicate with the laptop to connect jumps with the digital space.Area to reach the next area, go to the access point.To solve the problem with the site.Return to the desk and use the board to close the case.

    Rewards:2,800 Yen, 300 CSP, bank expansion drive X1

    Rare comic collection

    Difficulty:2 -Tar

    Client:Sanda looks like

    Place:Eden Community Area

    Details:A mysterious man has issued a challenge: a struggle for rare comics at stake!

    Once you have accepted the rare comic collection case, use the access point in the desk to travel to Eden and then go to Eden Community.The western side of the Broadway 3F near the bookstore and use the keyword "Address to St. Sleete" that wears a white dress on Manga Nerdjongs.Go to the Eden Free Area and talk to the rare comic book sponsor that wears a purple/black shirt to activate an event.

    • Game Master in Low Level-Jags Community Area Wear a blue shirt and gray hat
    • Mid-Range Game Master-Canging Submission with a Purple Shirt on a bench at the top of the second staircase
    • Top-Tier-Game Master-Up Community Space with a Yellow Shirt And Black Hat

    Rewards:1,000 Yen, 500 CSP, Farm Expansion Plugin X1

    Red fist and hot sweat!

    Difficulty:3 stars

    Client:Boxing Association -Personale


    Details:Site views for the association are via the roof!The site has fallen ... is there something that sabotages us?

    After accepting the red fist and hot sweat!Where you are greeted by a match against the Gaomon data type.After the fight you have to beat five more Gaomon.One chest and scan every Digimon in this area in which you are interested.After meeting the customer you must return to the office and communicate with the board to close the case.


    • Armadillo
    • Pill
    • See

    Rewards:1,100 Yen, 300 CSP, Defender Patch X1, ATK RESTRUINT CHIP C X1

    Reiko Tawas Sagsfil

    Difficulty:3 stars

    Client:Zero tower

    Place:Shibuya Records I Shibuya

    Details:There have been a number of weird jokes on Shibuya Records where I work.We need help from a Cyber ​​-Speurthuid!

    After accepting Reiko Tawa's Case file, you will be transported to Shibuya records.All with the 3 people with the keyword "Strange Pranks".shift in the back of the store.

    Once in Shibuya ???, you have to make your way through the area that strives for Ethemon.Rent back to that place, where you have thought it in.A fight with the virus type Etemon.besejr him to activate an event.

    Digimon (Digital Camer)

    • Elecmon
    • Pikmin

    Rewards:600 Yen, 500 CSP, 1 farm expansion plug -in

    Reena shinomia'i sutdogging

    Difficulty:5 stars

    Client:The senses shiomiya


    Details:I want a match with you!I'll show you my passion!

    When you accept the challenge case of Rina Shinomiya, you will come across the details of Kyoko that you will send to talk to Mirei.Rejs to talk to Digilab and to talk to her and choose the different options.You to go on her and then say that she is in Asakus.leading to a fight against her and the Ulforveedramon vaccine type.Make sure you use some Datype Digimon to tackle with double damage.That deal with a lot of damage.You can limit this by increasing your defense.

    Rewards:1,800 Yen, 300 CSP, Memory Up X1

    Ryota's Jeugd

    Difficulty:1 ster

    Client:Ryota Takei


    Details:Ugh ... work ... work ... work ... I want an easy job with a lot of money.There are not many jobs like that ...

    After accepting the youth case of Ryota, you have to return to K-Cafe to discuss the details of Ryot.When the event ends, talk to more people around Broadway.There are locations as follows:

    • Dodgy Makelaar - Broadway 1F in the corridor beyond the escalators
    • Odd Laundry-OWE-OWE-Broadway 3F in the northeastern corner of the bathrooms
    • Occult Journal editor - Broadway 3F van de Boekwinkel

    Once you have spoken to everyone, another event will activate.After the event you return to the detective desk and use the access point to travel to Kowloon LV.3.zodra you are there, go to the next area.him to activate an event.

    Rewards:750 Yen, 500 CSP, 1 farm expansion plug -in

    Scramble Pentagram

    Difficulty:1 ster

    Client:Inoden Occult research club

    Place:Broadway 1f/2f/3f

    Details:The legend of "Shibuya Hirasaka ..." I have to help to verify it.

    Once you have accepted the Scramble Pentagram case, an event with President Mei will activate after accepting searches.

    • President Mei - Out of the Detective
    • Vice -President Kenji - of the escalator at the main entrance
    • Regular member Manaka - 2F for the rainbow plate player
    • Slacker Lily - 3F north of the stars of Fantasy Mansion

    After finding all four students and talking to them, another event will bring you to Shibuy.When you return the control over the treasure hunt, you cross the street and go to the left to find the pathetic high school and talk to her.Go back to the right of the cross to find the girl again.leading to the end of the case.

    Rewards:1.000 yen, 500 csp, panikbarriere x1

    Search for the desired hacker

    Difficulty:1 ster

    Client:Mirei Mikagra

    Details:There are many bad hackers in this world.

    After accepting the search, the hacker shop wanted to leave the office and use the phone in the hallway to travel to Digilab.

    Travel to Kowloon LV.2. If you are there, go to the second area.He uses 2 Demidevimons that are weak to vaccinate Digimon.

    Rewards:1000 yen, 100 CSP, HP -capsule B X1

    Shinjuku Food Tour

    Difficulty:1 ster



    Details:Agumon and the others will just eat and eat!Take them to Shinjuku and nourish!

    After accepting the Shinjuku Food Tour case, an event will activate the location of you in Shinjuku.About three buildings from the metro.And look for the store with a green overhang with white worlds.Ready to close the case.

    Rewards:600 Yen, 500 CSP, Memory Up X1

    Exclusive Screp of Terriermon!

    Difficulty:5 stars


    Place:Kuremi Detective Agency

    Details:I want Digimon to be better friends with people!That is why I need a secret human scoop!

    After starting the exclusive scoop of Teriermon!Din Sleuth and Digimon will then be transported to Shibuya to meet the waitress of Café.Stories.They can be found around the waitress of Café.Or Ichihara?"Followed by" Nishio and Sanpeis Testimony must be correct.

    After you have played, you will be transported to Shibuya Subay Station.To the other end of the hall and take it to the right of the right staircase.From the corridor.Finally go to the north and take the first, followed by going north again..The implementation of the research.Return to the board to close the case!

    Rewards:18.000 yen, 300 CSP, Master Disk X1, Master Guard X1

    Gamer nr.1!

    Difficulty:2 -Tar

    Client:Rank-Besat plays

    Place:Nakano TRF, Broadway 4F

    Details:I want you to investigate the man who took my title as a master in the top player.

    Accept the number 1 player!Tal with him to start with a fight against the Digimon of the vaccine type.When you have won, grab the nearby chest and return to the arcade.Board to close the case.

    Rewards:1,000 Yen, 300 CSP, Farm Expansion Plugin X1

    Time capsule Snowwoman

    Difficulty:2 -Tar

    Client:Broadway Management


    Details:There is something wrong with the air conditioner in Broadway.

    After accepting the Tijdcapsule Snow Female Avenue activates an event.Ga to the 4th floor and go to k -cafe.ga to the north side of the area to find an LV.1 firewall. Bridge your wall crack -hacking -profit to itto delete.And take the teleport cushion to the left.

    Keep following the path.It will take you to an access point just for another Teleportpad.Ahead.Talk to the girl to activate a match against Frigimon.

    Rewards:100 Yen, 500 CSP, Farm Expansion Plugin X1

    Top quality beans

    Difficulty:1 ster

    Client:Live today

    Place:Kuremi Detective Agency

    Details:Buy coffee beans from K-Cafe.

    In the case of high -quality beans, you introduce yourself to the various employees in Nakano Mall.Owner in K-Cafe on Broadway 4F.

    • Broadway 1F
      • Store owner
    • Broadway 2F
      • Card Store Guy
      • Nokia*
    • Broadway 3F
      • Used bookstore Lady
      • Standyuzenor to Takoya
    • Broadway 4F
      • Oruru (in the Speelhal)
      • K-Cafe Owner / Delimer Sacchan
      • Medal Man (walk to the left of the K-Cafe input)

    After you have picked up the K-Cafe coffee beans, return to the detective agency and communicate with the board to close the case.

    Rewards:300 yen, 500 CSP, HP -capsule C X5

    Two faces

    Difficulty:3 stars

    Client: Angemon


    Details:My Digimon is out of hand in this world and does not leave people alone!

    When you accept the case of two faces, you will be sent to Akihabara to meet Angemon who will ask for your help to punish Devimon.Fighting against Angemon in the end!Detective desk and communicates with the board to close the business!

    Rewards:1,600 Yen, 300 CSP, Kotemon medal X1, Medical Spray X2


    Difficulty:3 stars


    Place:Broadway -Card Store

    Details:There are seven riddles at school.

    After you have taken the coverage of the seventh hiking sceaum, you will be sent to the customer to go over the details...

    Rewards:500 yen, 300 CSP, Pandamon Medal X1, Dark Night Symbol X1

    Urgent case of Mirei

    Difficulty:1 ster

    Client:Mirei Mikagra

    Place:Has been used

    Details:Learn malignant hackers a lesson.

    After accepting the urgent case from the Mirei case, you must leave the detective agency and then use the phone in the hallway to travel to Digilab.When you are there first, talk to Mirei and return to the detective desk and use the TV to log in at Eden.Travel to Kowloon LV.1, then go to the third area.Go to the end of the area and then follow the path that was left past the end to find the hacker.Invoicing fraud take.He uses a Botamon and Demidevimon.

    Follow the path to the right to find the next hacker who wears a striped polo shirt and then select "Yes" to start a match against E -mail -Scam Mamoru.han uses a pagum and Gazimon.To the entrance of this area.You will then follow the path that remains to reach the next area where you can find the third hacker on the right.He uses 2 tsumemones and a ceramon.

    Rewards:3000 Yen, 300 CSP, develops know -how X1, Mega HP Generator X1, Mega SP Generator X1


    Difficulty:2 -Tar

    Client:Live today

    Place:Kuremi Detective Agency

    Details:This is a personal issue ... Help me with the Matayoshi case without being noticed.

    After accepting WOW!

    Go to area 3 and talk to the quirky hacker in the northwestern corner to give him the keyword.If you wish, you can talk to the other hackers along the way..

    Leave the detective agency and then go to the entrance to the mall and use the map to travel to Shinjuku.Entry.speak with the police officer and use the keyword.Go back to Square station near where you first arrived Shinjuku to find a man wearing a cardigan next to the access point.

    When the event ends, you are in Eden., it ends and you regain control of your tracking, returns to the board to end the case.

    Rewards:150 yen, 500 income, insult

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