Communicé From the 44th General Top of SADC State Head and Government August 17, 2024, Harare, Republic of Zimbabwe (2024)

  • The 44th common top for the heads of state and the government of the South African Development Society (SADC), hereinafter called "Summit" was held on August 17, 2024 in Harare, the Republic of Zimbabwe.

  • Summit was attended by the following heads of state and the government or their representatives:

  • Angola:HE.
    Botswana:Han.Prædant Dr.Drik Eric Keabetswe Masisi
    The Democratic Republic Congo:Hij.President Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo
    I swaite:His Majesty King Mswati III
    Lesotho:The real honorable prime minister Mr.Ntsokoane Samuel Matekane
    Madagascar:He.President Andryelina
    MalawiHe.President Dr.Lazarus McCarthy is High
    Namibia:He.President Dr.Drawing
    South Africa:Heez.Cyril Ramfos, Presidential Matmela
    United Republic of Tanzania:Hij.President Dr.Samaia Suluhu Hassan
    Zimbabwe:He.President Dr.Mmerison is a mixed
    Mauritius:Man.Standard Prime Minister, Louis Steven Obleegadoo, Minister of Housing and Land Use, Planning and Tourism
    Zambia:Fair Meneermulambo Haimbe, Foreign Minister and International Cooperation
    Seychelles:He.Ambassador Claude Morel, the special envoy of the president
  • Summit was also attended by ministers of SADC member states and the executive secretary of SADC.

  • Summit chose his Excellency Dr.Miemmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, president of the Republic of Zimbabwe, president of SADC, and his Excellency Andry Rajoelina, president of the Republic of Madagascar, the incoming chairman.

  • The top also opted for his Excellency Dr.Samia Suluhu Hassan, President of the United Republic of Tanzania, president of the Organ for Politics, Defense and Security Cooperation, and his Excellency Dr.Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera, President of the Republic of Malawi, the incoming chairman ofThe chairman of the Organ of Politics, Defense and Security cooperation.

  • Summit expressed compassion with the government of the Republic of Namibia about the approval of his Excellency Dr. -Hage G. Geingob;to the government of the Republic of Malawi on the approval of the real honorable Dr.Saulos Klaus Chilima, vice -president of the Republic of Malawi, and to the government of the United Republic of Tanzania by his Excellie Ali Hassan Mwinyi, former President of the United RepublicTanzania, transfer.

  • Summit acknowledged the expression of dedication of his Excellency Dr.Nangolo Mbumba, president of the Republic of Namibia in his virgin speech against promoting regional cooperation, integration and economic growth in the SADC region.

  • The top received a report from the chairman of the organ on politics, defense and security cooperation, his excellence Mr. Hichilema, president of the Republic of Zambia, and praised him for his excellent leadership and continuous efforts to promote peace and security in the regionduring his term of office.

  • Summit praised the Republic of Zimbabwe for saving the construction of a Pan-African multi-country in Harare, which will present and retain the various African liberation history;

  • Sompnoted the positive development with regard to national reforms and called the government of the Kingdom of Lesotho and the political parties in parliament to accelerate the passage of the tenth, eleventh and twelfth amendment to the Constitutional accounts, 2024 (Omnibus -Law proposal);and the SADC panel praised by the elderly led by his excellence Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, former President of the United Republic of Tanzania, and the mediation reference group, for their continuous support for the extensive reform process in the Kingdom of Lesotho.

  • Summit saw the official closure of the SADC mission in Mozambique (Samim) and the famous Member States to contribute to the successful end of Samim.Summit praised extra Samim Management and all employees for their victims,Dedication and dedication to peace, stability and safety in the province of Cabo Delgado and the region as a whole and called for the worthy closure of the mission.

  • Summit praised the government of the Republic of Mozambique for the support that was offered to Samim operations and greeted the insurance policies that the Mozambique government gave to protect the profit that Samim achieved when repairing safety to all districts of Cabo Delgado -Province.

  • Summit repeated his relentless support to the Republic of Mozambique and the Democratic Republic of Congo to promote and consolidate peace, security and stability in the two countries.

  • Summit praised the Republic of Angola for his role in supporting the SAMIDRC and for continuous enlightenment of the Luanda process that tries to find a peaceful and lasting solution for the conflict in Eastern DRC;And the Secretary General of the United Nations to explore various opportunities to support Samidrc.

  • The top famous His Excellence João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço, the president of the Republic of Angola, for his efforts to bring the security challenges in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo through the Luanda process and mediates the fire agreement between DRC and Rwandaog Stop with allhostilities.

  • Summit approved the establishment of the office and the structure of the special representative of SADC and head of Samidrc's mission.

  • Summit recognized expressions of gratitude from the governments of the Democratic Republic Congo and the Republic Mozambique for the constant support of SADC to tackle the safety challenges with which the two Member States is confronted and to clear the way for permanent peace, safety and economic development.

  • The top famous the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Kingdom of Eswatini and Republics in Madagascar, South Africa and Zimbabwe for having peaceful elections.

  • Sumit noted the SATC election calendar for the remaining part of 2024, which includes elections in the Republic of Botswana and Mozambique in October, the Republic of Nambia in November and the Republic of Mauritius on a date to be decided, and wish the member states successful elections.

  • Summit noted the positive progress of the political and security situation in the Kingdom of Eswatini as presented by the government of the Kingdom and approved the request that the Kingdom of Eswatini had to be removed from the agenda of the organ faith and would welcome his Majestit King Mswatiii, the government and the population of Eswatini for this milestone.

  • MeetingRobed all Member States who participated in the disclosure of ceremony for the statue in honor of his excellenceDocentJulius Kammarage Nyerere, a Pan Africanist and one of the founders of SADC and the organization of the African unit, now the African Union (AU), February 18, 2024;

  • Summit repeated the regional call on the 39th SADC -TOP for unconditional removal of sanctions imposed on the Republic of Zimbabwe and acknowledged that the sanctions continue to pass on the progress and prosperity for the Republic of Zimbabwe and the SADC region.

  • Summit noted progress in the implementation of the theme of the 43. SADC Summit meeting of the head of state and the government, entitled"Human and Financial Capital: the most important drivers of sustainable industrialization in the SADC region”,And decided the departing chairman of SADC, H.E.Presidentjoão Manuel Gonçalve's Lourenço for his exemplary leadership in delivering the most important areas of the theme during his term of office.

  • Summit approved the theme of the 44th SADC top of the head of state and the government entitled "Promoting innovation to lock the opportunities for continuing economic growth and development for an industrialized SADC'',,Recognize that innovation is a fundamental instrument with considerable potential to stimulate priority sectors in production, mineral distribution and agro processing to improve industrialization and economic growth in the SADC region.

  • Summit famous the government of the Republic of Zimbabwe to organize and host7. Annual SADC -Industrialization week and exhibition held in Harare, Zimbabwe, from 28 July to 2 August 2024 in collaboration with the SADC Secretariat, SADC Business Council and Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries under the theme'Promote innovation to lock opportunities for sustainable economic growth and development towards an industrialized SADC'.

  • The top took knowledge of an extensive market in 26 countries, a population of approximately.700 million and a GDP of $ 1 billion.

  • The top has adopted and signed the SADC statement about the protection of people with albinism, who indicates the collective decision of the SADC member states to take the necessary measures at regional and national level to confront the challenges with albinism people are confrontedto go.

  • Sumit alonotedthempox situation on the continent and in the SADC region;To strengthen the monitoring of diseases, diagnostic tests and clinical care, also infection prevention and the control of consciousness to increase the disease at all levels of society.

  • Summit expanded solidarity and support to the Member States that are affected by MPOX and further asked the World Health Organization, Africa CDC and other partners to use resources for the MPOX response in the region.

  • Summit instructed the secretariat to convene an urgent meeting of health care ministers to assess the effect of MPOX and to facilitate coordinated regional response to check the spread of the disease.

  • Summit insisted on the Member States to continue to follow again and climate risks, including the expected La Niña event and to develop the unforeseen measures to reduce the impact of disasters.

  • Summit called on the Member States to implement the SADC-Regional Humanitarian profession for El Niño-induced drought and floods launched by the SADC chairman at the Extraordinary Top held on 20 May 2024 in close collaboration with SADC secretariat and partners.

  • The famous Summit famous Republic Namibia, which co-facilitates with the Summit of the Federal Republic of Germany, which will be held on 22-23."The top of the future: multilateral solutions for a better morning".

  • Summit also noted that Namibia represents the Global South and undertakes to support these efforts to strengthen the collective voice and to determine the best direction for the future generation.

  • Summit, with concern, noted the relentless attack on citizens in Palestine (GAZA), which resulted in loss of life, destruction of ownership and the worsening of humanitarian circ*mstances and proclaimed an immediate cessation -the -fires, release ofAll hostages and starting similarities to bring a lasting agreements for the conflict.

  • Summit asked goodbye to his Excellency branch Jacinto Nyusi, whose term of office as president of the Republic of Mozambique will end after the October 2024 elections and expressed gratitude and appreciation for his most important contribution to SADC integration and development agenda.

  • Summit called on the Member States who are not a party to SADC -Vage instruments that have come into force to join the legal instruments and member states that have not yet signed or ratified the legal instruments to do this to accelerate regional integration.

  • Summit expanded his appreciation to the government and people of the Republic of Zimbabwe for organizing the 44th SADC top of state heads and government.

  • The chairman of SADC, Hans Excellency Dr.Miemmeron Dambudzo Mnangagwa, chairman of the Republic of Zimbabwe, gratefully expressed to all heads of state and the government for attending the 44th top of SADC State and Government and Elected him for the SADC region in Leiden.

  • Summit noted that the next SADC top with heads of state and the government will be held in the Republic of Madagascar.

  • Communicé From the 44th General Top of SADC State Head and Government August 17, 2024, Harare, Republic of Zimbabwe (2024)
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