CFA vs MBA: Which Career Path and Salary is Better? (2024)

CFA vs MBA: Which Career Path and Salary is Better? (1)

CFA vs MBA, which one should you choose?

You're not alone if you're at the crossroads of choosing between an MBA and a CFA.

Every year, thousands of ambitious professionals struggle with the same decision. They wonder: "Should I go for broad business knowledge with an MBA? Or should I dive deep into the financial world with a CFA?"

CFA vs MBA: Which Career Path and Salary is Better? (2)

Choosing to continue your education by working on aCFA credential or an MBAis significant. Both are prestigious qualifications that can improve employment opportunities and salary potential.

Both can open doors to higher level positions in the financial, consulting or other sectors.

So what gives? How do you make this crucial decision? Ultimately, pursuing a CFA or MBA depends on one's career goals and interests. This comprehensive guide will break down the CFA vs. MBA debate, dissecting the pros and cons of each program, career options, and more. Ultimately, you will be better able to choose the path that best suits your career goals. Let's dive in!

CFA vs MBA: An Overview


The CFA program offered by the CFA Institute is a globally recognized certification tailored for financial and investment professionals. It is designed to enhance investment analysis, portfolio management and asset allocation skills. As a result, the CFA designation is highly sought after in the investment management industry.


An MBA (Master of Business Administration) is a postgraduate course offered by business schools. The program covers a broad business curriculum, including finance, marketing, operations and management. MBA graduates often pursue careers in management positions, investment banking or corporate finance.

Similarities between CFA and MBA

Although the CFA and MBA differ in focus and career paths, they share some similarities. Let's take a look at some of the main similarities between these two prestigious references:

Focus on economics

Both the CFA program and the MBA program, especially an MBA with a focus in finance, provide a strong foundation in financial principles. They cover areas such as financial analysis, corporate finance and investment management, providing graduates with a robust understanding of the financial landscape.

Professional development

Both credentials are intended to promote professional development and are highly regarded in the business and financial world. They provide graduates with valuable skills and knowledge to improve their employment opportunities and career development.

Ethical norms

Both the CFA program and the MBA programs place a strong emphasis on professional ethics. In addition, both the CFA Institute and the business schools require graduates to adhere to strict rules of ethics and professional conduct.

Global recognition

The CFA charter and an MBA degree are both recognized worldwide. So whether you are a CFA charterholder or an MBA graduate, you will have a respected and recognized qualification that can open up international career opportunities.

Striving for perfection

Both the CFA and the MBA require a significant commitment of time, effort and resources. They require in-depth study and a high degree of dedication, demonstrating the candidate's commitment to professional excellence and continuous learning.

Network options

Both offer excellent networking opportunities.Top MBA Programmer in USAoften emphasizes group work and has strong alumni networks. At the same time, the CFA Institute organizes events and has local chapters around the world where charterholders can connect with other financial professionals.

Although the CFA and MBA differ in many ways, they also share some important similarities. Both are valuable references that can expand your knowledge, boost your career prospects and help youdifferentiated from the competitionbusiness and financial landscape.

Differences between CFA and MBA

Although the CFA and the MBA share some similarities, they are fundamentally different in several respects. Let's explore some of these important differences:

Focus area

CFA: The CFA program has a strong focus on investment management, including areas such as portfolio management, asset allocation and investment analysis. It is aimed at those who want to delve deeper into the financial and investment aspects of the business.

MBA: The MBA program offers a broad business education. It covers a range of topics including marketing, operations, management, strategy and much more. It is suitable for those looking for a more general business education or to expand into a variety of management roles.

Program structure and duration

CFA: The CFA program consists of three levels, each with a six-hour exam. Graduates spend an average of 300 hours preparing for each level, and the average graduate takes approximately four years to complete the program.

MBA: MBA programs typically last two years for full-time students, but can be expanded to executive orpart-time MBA programs. The program usually includes courses, projects and internships. In addition, you will benefit from help fromMBA Admissions Consultantsif you want to join one of the best MBA programs.


CFA: The CFA program may be more cost-effective. The costs mainly relate to exam registration and study materials. However, there is an opportunity cost in the form of the necessary time investment. On average, CFA certification costs less than $10,000. This includes exam fees at the CFA level and the costs of preparing for the CFA exam.

MBA: MBA programs can be expensive, with the top business schools charging high tuition fees. On average, the cost of obtaining an MBA is approximately 60,000. If you plan to become a full-time student at one of the top MBA schools, this price is doubled. But many students see it as a long-term investment, given the potential salary increase and career opportunities.

Learning mode

CFA: The CFA program is a self-study program. Candidates prepare for the exams independently using study materials from the CFA Institute and other resources.

MBA: MBA programs involve structured classroom learning, often involving group projects and active involvement with professors and classmates.

Career paths

CFA: CFA charterholders typically pursue careers in the financial and investment industries, such as portfolio managers, financial analysts, or investment bankers.

MBA: MBA graduates have a wide range of career options in various sectors, including roles as general manager, consultant, entrepreneur or project manager.

The choice between pursuing a CFA charter or an MBA degree should be based on your career goals, learning preferences, and financial considerations. Both credentials offer unique benefits and can pave the way to a rewarding career.


The CFA exam is divided into three levels, with each level requiring an in-depth knowledge of investment principles and financial analysis. The average candidate spends approximately 300 hours of self-study per year. level and often spend several years completing all three exams.

Level 1: Investment instruments

Level 1 includes basic knowledge, investment tools and ethical principles. The topics include accounting analysis, finance and portfolio management.

Level 2: Valuation of assets

Level 2 applies investment tools and ethical principles to the valuation of assets such as equities, fixed income securities and derivatives.

Level 3: Portfolio management and wealth planning

Level 3 emphasizes portfolio management strategies including asset allocation, risk management and wealth planning for individual and institutional clients.

MBA considered

Core subjects

The MBA curriculum typically begins with foundational courses in finance, accounting, marketing, business and management. These basic courses provide an understanding of the principles of business management.

Electives and concentrations

MBA students can choose electives specializing in finance, marketing or entrepreneurship. Some MBA programs also offer concentrations, allowing students to delve deeper into a specific area, such as investment banking or corporate finance.

Capstone projects and internships

MBA programs often require students to complete a capstone project that applies business concepts to real-world problems. Additionally, internships are common, giving students hands-on experience in their chosen field.

Career Options: CFA vs. MBA


CFA charterholders are typically found in investment management roles where their specialized knowledge and skills are highly valued.

Here are some common career paths for a CFA charterholder:

  • Portfolio managers: Portfolio managers are responsible for making investment decisions and managing investment portfolios on behalf of clients. This role requires an in-depth understanding of investment principles, portfolio management and financial analysis, all of which are important components of the CFA curriculum.
  • Financial analysts: Financial analysts analyze financial data, monitor economic trends and make investment recommendations. These finance roles play a crucial role in guiding investment decisions in both the corporate finance and investment banking industries.
  • Investeringsbankiers: Investment bankers are involved in raising capital for companies, advising on mergers and acquisitions and conducting financial analysis. The knowledge acquired through the CFA program, especially in corporate finance and financial analysis, is highly relevant in this field.

Keep in mind that the CFA designation can open doors to several other positions in the finance and investment world, and these are just a handful of the many possible career paths. The versatility of the CFA charter is one of its key benefits, allowing charterholders to apply their skills in a variety of roles across the financial landscape.


MBA graduates possess a versatile skill set that offers a wide range of career opportunities in business administration, management positions and corporate finance. Here are some common career paths for MBA graduates:

  • Advisors: Consultants provide advice to organizations to help improve their performance. An MBA degree, with its broad business curriculum, is often seen as a prerequisite for advanced consulting roles.
  • Marketingmanagers: Marketing managers plan, direct, and coordinate marketing efforts. The extensive knowledge of business management gained through an MBA program can be useful in this role.
  • Entrepreneurs: An MBA graduate can use the skills and knowledge acquired during their studies to start their own business. The broad business education that an MBA program provides is invaluable to entrepreneurs.
  • Project managers: Project managers are responsible for planning, executing, and overseeing projects in a company to ensure they are completed on time and within budget. The leadership skills developed in an MBA program can be extremely useful in this role.
  • Investeringsbankiers: Like CFA charterholders, MBA graduates can also pursue a career in investment banking. MBA knowledge about economics and business administration, acquired during an MBA program, is very relevant in this sector.
  • Personnel chief: Human resources (HR) managers plan, direct, and coordinate the administrative functions of an organization. They oversee recruitment, interviews and hiring of new staff and act as a liaison between an organization's management and its employees.

MBA graduates can leverage their broad business knowledge skillsto pursue a career in a wide range of industries. The versatility of an MBA degree enables graduates to adapt to changing business environments and meet different industry demands. Whether you are interested in finance, marketing, consulting or entrepreneurship, an MBA degree can provide the skills and knowledge needed to excel in your chosen field.

CFA vs MBA: Cost and Time Consumption


The CFA program is generally cheaper than an MBA, with exam fees and study materials totaling about $2,000 to $4,000. However, the self-study nature of the program requires a significant time investment, with graduates typically taking around four years to complete all three exams.


CFA or MBA Salary: Which is Better?

MBA programs are generally more expensive, with tuition ranging from $50,000 to more than $150,000 for top business schools. Full-time MBA programs typically last two years, while part-time and executive programs can take three to five years to complete. Additionally, pursuing an MBA often comes with opportunity costs, such as lost wages and work experience, while attending school full-time.


CFAs are revered in the financial and investment industries. With in-depth knowledge of investment analysis and portfolio management, they often hold well-paid positions. According toCFA InstituteAccording to the latest compensation survey, the average total compensation for CFA charterholders worldwide is approximately $180,000 per year. Here is an overview of salaries for different positions:

  • Portfolio Managers: $90,000 – $150,000
  • Financial Analysts: $55,000 – $90,000
  • Investment banking analysts: $75,000 – $100,000

Of course, these numbers may vary based on experience, location and the size of the organization.


Known for their versatile skills, MBA graduates have the potential to earn significant salaries in a variety of industries. According toGMACthe average starting salary for MBA graduates in the US in 2020 was around $115,000. Here is a brief overview of salaries in different positions:

  • Financial managers: $80,000 – $120,000
  • Managementconsulenten: $80.000 – $150.000
  • Investeringsbankiers: $90.000 – $150.000

As with CFAs, salaries for MBA graduates can vary based on factors such as experience, location and the size of the employer.

CFA- and MBA-salaried

For individuals who hold both CFA and MBA credentials, the earning potential increases significantly due to the combination of deep financial knowledge and broad business administration skills.

Assuming a premium of 15%-25% for each previously mentioned salary range due to the additional qualification, we could expect the following salary ranges:

  • Portfolio/Financial Managers: $103,500 – $187,500
  • Financial Analysts/Management Consultants: $63,250 – $112,500
  • Investment Banking Analysts/Investment Bankers: $86,250 – $187,500

In terms of average salary, if we consider a 20% increase over the average of average CFA and MBA salaries ($147,500), someone with both credentials can expect an average salary of approximately $177,000.

CFA vs MBA: Which is Right for You?

Consider the following factors when choosing between a CFA and an MBA:

  1. Career goals: If your primary focus is investment management, the CFA designation may be the better choice. However, if you are interested in a broader range of business management and leadership roles, an MBA may be more suitable.
  2. Costs and time commitment: The CFA program is generally more affordable, but requires significant self-study and dedication. MBA programs are more expensive, but offer a structured learning environment and potentially faster career development.
  3. Network options: Both the CFA and the MBA offer networking opportunities, but the MBA program can provide a more comprehensive experience with access to alumni networks and classmates.

Get help with your MBA


Ultimately, the decision between a CFA and an MBA depends on your career goals, financial resources, and personal preferences. Both paths provide valuable opportunities for professional development, networking and career development. By carefully considering the factors discussed in this guide, you can make an informed decision that best suits your goals and ambitions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I take both CFA and MBA?

Yes, some professionals choose to take both the CFA and MBA to improve their skills and marketability. This can be a significant investment of time and money, but can also provide greater career opportunities.

Is CFA or MBA more difficult?

The difficulty of the CFA and MBA programs depends on your background and suitability for the respective subjects. The CFA exams are known for their rigor, while the MBA program can be challenging in terms of workload and time management.

Do employers prefer CFA or MBA?

Employer preferences depend on the industry and position. In the investment management industry, the CFA designation is often highly respected. For broader business management and leadership roles, an MBA may be more desirable.

Can I complete the CFA program while working?

Yes, many graduates complete the CFA program while working full-time. The self-study nature of the program allows candidates to study at their own pace.

Does an MBA guarantee a well-paying job?

An MBA can increase your earning potential and open doors to new career opportunities. However, it is important to consider factors such as the business school's reputation, networking opportunities, and the current job market when evaluating potential outcomes.

Which has a higher return on investment: CFA or MBA?

The return on your investment for a CFA or MBA depends on your career goals, industry and location. Although the CFA program is generally more affordable, an MBA from a top business school can lead to better-paying management positions and faster career advancement.

What does the CFA exam entail?

The CFA exam, administered by the CFA Institute, is divided into three levels: Level I, Level II and Level III. Each level requires a comprehensive understanding of topics such as portfolio management, asset management and financial analysis. The exam is known for its rigorous standards and requires an average of 300 hours of study per semester. level. Completing all three levels is a requirement to obtain the CFA charter and become a Chartered Financial Analyst.

Can I pursue both MBA and CFA credentials?

Absolute! There is no rule that says you can't have both MBA and CFA credentials. In fact, it can be useful to have both as they complement each other quite well. The MBA course provides a broad understanding of business administration and management principles, while the CFA program provides in-depth knowledge of finance and investments. This combination can make you a very attractive candidate in the financial career landscape.

What options does a CFA charter offer?

Obtaining a CFA charter means you have an in-depth understanding of financial and investment principles, particularly in the areas of asset and portfolio management. CFA charterholders often pursue investment careers in asset management, investment banking and portfolio strategy. They are recognized for their skills in financial analysis and their commitment to maintaining the high ethical standards of the CFA Institute.

What is the value of an MBA from a top business school?

An MBA from a top business school can provide significant benefits. It's not just about the knowledge you gain, but also about the network you build. The MBA experience allows you to make connections with classmates, faculty, and alumni, which can be incredibly beneficial to your career. Additionally, employers often view an MBA from a renowned business school as a sign of competent leadership and management skills.

How do I choose between becoming a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and pursuing an MBA?

Becoming a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and pursuing an MBA largely depends on your career goals and personal preferences. For example, the CFA program may be a good fit for you if you are passionate about the nitty-gritty of finance, wealth management, and investing. On the other hand, if you are interested in a broad understanding of business and aspire to a leadership or management role in various sectors, an MBA may be more suitable. You may also consider factors such as cost, mode of study (self-study versus classroom learning), and duration of the program. In some cases it may be an option to consider both.

CFA vs MBA: Which Career Path and Salary is Better? (3)

Bryce Welker

Bryce Welker is an active speaker, blogger and regular contributor to Forbes, and He shares his knowledge to help others boost their careers. Bryce is the founder of more than twenty test prep websites that help students and professionals pass their certification exams.

CFA vs MBA: Which Career Path and Salary is Better? (2024)


CFA vs MBA: Which Career Path and Salary is Better? ›

The answers depend on your career goals. An MBA and CFA can complement each other, so earning both is worth consideration. An MBA program provides a broader education than the CFA program. The CFA focuses more on detailed topics like investment management.

Is CFA or MBA more valuable? ›

The answers depend on your career goals. An MBA and CFA can complement each other, so earning both is worth consideration. An MBA program provides a broader education than the CFA program. The CFA focuses more on detailed topics like investment management.

Should I get CFA or MBA first? ›

If you are young, have little to no experience as a finance professional, and can afford an MBA program, earning an MBA before you pursue the CFA charter can benefit you in a few ways. There will be some overlapping curriculum material between an MBA Program and the CFA Program.

Does getting a CFA increase salary? ›

When you get CFA certified, getting a salary bump will depend on your position and employer, so there is no guarantee you'll get a raise just for earning your charter. But if you're in the investment industry or plan to transfer to an investment firm, it's likely your CFA designation will garner you more money.

Who earns more CFA or MBA in USA? ›

The average starting salary of those with MBAs is around $97,000, while those with a CFA might see an average starting salary of $104,000.

Do people do CFA after MBA? ›

The curriculum also fills in any gaps in your financial education. It is one of the main reasons why you should do your CFA after MBA. The CFA makes you eligible to work in a number of job profiles. Today, most financial analysts working in some of the top global companies are CFA holders.

Is CFA still worth it? ›

According to the CFA Institute, this credential "is the professional standard of choice for more than 31,000 investment firms worldwide."1 It can be especially helpful if you don't have an undergraduate degree in finance, economics, or accounting, and your goal is a job or career in the finance industry.

Which degree is best for CFA? ›

A degree in either finance or accounting is the best for CFA since these cover concepts of the CFA course. However, a degree in business is also useful for CFAs. Is CFA course useful? Yes since CFA is one of the esteemed job profiles in the finance industry.

What is CFA level 1 expected salary in the USA? ›

On average the base CFA Salary In US is $126,000 USD and total compensation of about $177,000 USD. CFA Professionals have a wide range of scope to hold different positions in the finance industry in various streams such as trading, asset management, investment portfolio management, and the like.

Do CFA make a lot of money? ›

As of May 30, 2024, the average annual pay for a Cfa in California is $104,029 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $50.01 an hour. This is the equivalent of $2,000/week or $8,669/month.

Which country pays the most for CFA? ›

Which country gives the highest CFA salary? According to current reports, Singapore offers CFA charter holders one of the highest salaries. For the role of portfolio manager, the base salary for CFA Level 3 in 2024 hovers around $126,000.

How much does a CPA make vs MBA? ›

The average starting salary for an MBA graduate is $73,417. Starting salaries often range between $40,000 and $98,500 depending on the state that you work in. For an entry-level CPA, the average starting salary is $60,697. A majority of base starting salaries for new CPAs ranges between $43,000 and $72,500.

Which MBA program makes the most money? ›

STANFORD LEADS ALL B-SCHOOLS WITH AVERAGE MBA SALARY OF $182K. Consider: From 2020 to 2021, six of the top 30 B-schools saw their mean base salaries decline. From 2021 to 2022, none did.

Can you get a CFA with an MBA? ›

Undertaking CFA with MBA was definitely the right thing to do for me. I found there were multiple benefits from going from business school directly into the CFA exam curriculum.

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