Application for asylum and for removal detention (2024)

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Use this form to apply for asylum in the United States and for detention of removal (previously called "deportation detention").

Get asylum in the US by:

  • Submit toPaving asylumIf you are not in the case of the Executive Office for Immigration Review (Eoir);
  • Defensive submission to the asylum people if you are in a case for an immigration court or the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) in section "Where to archive" below to get information about how you can decide whether you are in procedure forEoir.

If you do not archive form I-589 within 1 year after your arrival in the United States, you may not have the right to request asylum in accordance with section 208 (A) (2) (B) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (In a) .

Can I archive my I-589 form with USCIS?

Work instructions tools

The archiving instructions tool contains information about where you can archive form I-589 based on the information you provide.The tool does not determine whether you are eligible for asylum.

Consult the "where archive" below for more information about whether you may submit form I-589 with USCIS.

If you are eligible to submit form I-589 in USCIS, you must view the sections "where to submit" and "special instructions" below to find out if you can submit your form I-589 online ormust submit by e-mail.

Form information

Forms and Document Downloads

Form I-589 (PDF, 391,82 kb)

Instructions for form I-589 (pdf, 143.49 kb)

Edition date

03/01/23.You can find the date of the edition at the bottom of the page on the form and instructions.

Dates are stated in MM/DD/JJ layout.

If you fill in and print this form to send it, make sure that the form edition and page numbers are visible at the bottom of all pages and that all pages are in the same form.Another form of shape, we can reject your shape.

If you need help downloading and printing forms, read ourinstructions.

Where to archive

Who can archive with USCIS

You can activate your affirmative form I-589 with USCIS If you are not an American citizen, is physically present in the US and ::

  • You have never received an A number; or
  • You have received an A number, but you are currently not in a case for the executive office for Immigration Review (Eoir) (see below for more information about how you can check whether you are in the Eoir case) or
  • You are in removing procedures and are currently or have been established as a "non -guidance of foreign child" (UAC).

You cannot archive your form I-589 with USCIS if you are currently at Eoir, unless you are currently determined, a UAC as defined in 6 U.S.C.§ 279 (G) (2).You must submit your form I-589 to Eoir if you are in the case of an immigration court or before the immigration of immigration and you are not and it was never determined to be a UAC.

With these steps you can determine whether you are in an Eoir procedure:

  1. Do you have a "strange number" (a number)?and Eoir -correspondence and documents including USCIS, VScustoms and Border Protection (CBP) and VSimmigration and Customs enforcement documents (ICE) documents.
  2. If you have received an A number, check whether you are in Eoir procedures of:
    • Eoir Automated Case Information Hotline Free in the US on 800-898-7180 ​​(TDD 800-828-1120) or 304-625-2050 (local road tax call);
    • Control ofEoir Automated Case InformationOnline system.
  3. If the Eoir-Hotel or Online System has information about your name and the next consultation date, your form I-862 will be informed (NTA), submitted and covered with Eoir and you are in Eoir procedures.Archive your form I-589 with Eoir.To find where you can archive your form I-589 with Eoir:
    • Use Eoir Hotline or Online System to find an address to the Immigration Court where you must submit your form I-589;
    • Find information about the immigration court aboutDepartment of JusticeInternet side.
  4. If you are currently in Eoir procedures and you were asked to provide your biometric and biographical information to USCIS for your form I-589 for Eoir, consult youInstructions for submitting certain applications to the Immigration Court and for providing biometric and biographical information to U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (PDF, 279.49 KB)InInstructions for form I-589 (pdf, 143.49 kb)In part 1, section XII.How should you archive about submitting this information.

Important:If you submit your form I-589 other places than the Immigration Court, identified by Eoir Hotline or Online System, EIR will reject your form I-589 and send you a message that indicates the address where you must submit your form in -589.If you do not follow these instructions and any additional instructions from DHS or Eoir, your form I-589 can be rejected or closed, or it may take longer to process your form I-589.

See the section on defensive asylum treatment with Eoir Op for more information about the application of asylum during the EIR proceduresReach asylum in the USHomepage.

Submission at USCIS

If you are eligible to request asylum with USCIS as described in the above section, you can submit your form I-589 via USCIS online or by post, depending on your situation., where you live and whether you are subject to the special instructions (see section below).

Use our form to determine whether you-use your form I-589 by Uscis Online or by e-mail, ourWork instructions tools.

Remark:You cannot archive online and you have to archive your form I-589 PR, as:

  • You are currently or was previously determined to be oneNon -Guidance Alien Child (UAC)As defined in 6 U.S.C.§ 279 (G) (2) .UACS must be stated by mail in “Where to submit to USCIS by mail” table below to ensure that we identify their form I-589 correctly.
  • You were previously in a disposal case, but your external case was rejected or completed. Person whose removal case has been rejected or completed and who wants to submit a form I-589 to USCIS must be submitted perpost at the address specified in theform "where you have to submit to USCIS by e -mail" below to ensure that their application is not rejected and which is applied to the correct submission date to the application. See the section "Special submission instructions such as Eoir has rejected or completed your removal case andYou want to register for asylum at USCIS "For more information about submitting applicants who have previously submitted a form I-589 to the EIR before the dismissal or completion of their removal procedure.
  • DHS has previously published a form I-862, reports to appear (NTA), but NTA has not been submitted to Eoir and you have never been to the Eoir procedure. Mail with the address mentioned in the diagram below.What happens after you have submitted form I-589 to USCISkant.
  • Your asylum application falls in 1 of these categories and must be submitted on the asylum research center as indicated in the Special Instructions section on this page:
    • Loss of derivative status after asylum approval, but before the status is adjusted (NUNC Pro Tunc)
    • Loss of derivative status after the first submission, but before the final decision
    • Simultaneous submission as the main applicant and as a derivative applicant
    • Rather a final action by USCIS issued on a form I-589

Remark:See the "special instructions" section below for more information about specific archives and more information about when form I-589 should be submitted in the asylum research center and the e-mail instructions.Fat Center, you cannot submit it online or via e -mail to the places stated in the graph below.

Where to archive with uscis per.mail

If you aredoesn'tRequired to archive your form I-589 to the asylum research center, as specified in the Special Instructions section on this page, use this graph to determine where you can send your form I-589.

If you live:Then file your form I-589 with:
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Maryland
  • New Jersey
  • Pennsylvania
  • Texas

USCIS Dallas-lockbox

U.S. Postal Service (USPS):

Attn: I-589 (BOKS 653080)
P.O.BOKS 653080
Dallas, TX 75265-3080

FedEx, UPS en DHL -supplies:

Attn: I-589 (BOKS 653080)
2501 S. State Highway 121 Business Suite 400
Lewisville, TX 75067-8003

  • Any other state or territory

USCIS Chicago Lockbox

U.S. Postal Service (USPS):

Attn: I-589
P.O.BOKS 6893
Chicago, 60680

FedEx, UPS of DHL -Supplies:

Attn: I-589 (Box 6893)
131 S. Dearborn St., 3. Sal
Chicago, 60603-5517


You can find the archiving costs for form I-589 by visiting ourReimbursem*nt plankant.

Archivertips form

See oursWork instructions toolsTo determine whether you want to archive your form I-589 with USCIS Online or per.mail.

General submission tips for submitting form I-589 via e-mail:

  • View the instructions for suitability requirements for yourself, spouse and children.
  • Use 03/01/23 edition of the form. You can find the release date at the bottom of the page on the form and the instructions.
  • Fill in the form in English.
  • OmitServe photos in pass-like photos, multiple copies of the form or several copies of supporting documentation.
  • If you already have a form I-589 pending USCIS, you do not need any other form I-589.
  • After we have accepted your I-589 form for processing, you should not enter an additional correspondence or evidence at Lockbox or Atlanta Vetting Center.

Required form fields: We can reject your form I-589 if the following form is empty:

  • Share a.i., information about you
    • Full surname (question 4.)
    • Place of residence in the United States (where you live physically) (Question 8.).
    • Date of birth (question 12.)
    • Native country (Question 13.)
  • Share a.ii., information about your spouse and children
    • If relevant, make sure the following is completed:
      • Information about your spouse (Questions 1 - 24) and children (Questions 1 - 21) fields.
        • If you have more than four children, provide information for each extra child on form I-589, Supplement A. If necessary, use additional copies of form I-589 Supplement A to mention all your children.
  • Part B., Information about your application
    • You must provide an answer in at least 1 box or give an explanation of:
      • Question 1. - 1.b.
    • You have to choose no or yes, and if so, give an explanation of:
      • Question 2. - 3.a.
      • Question 4.
  • Part C., More information about your application
    • You have to choose no or yes, and if so, give an explanation of:
      • Question 1.
    • You must provide an answer in at least 1 box or give an explanation of:
      • Question 2.a.and 2.b., or
      • Statement Box under Question 2.b.
    • You have to choose no or yes, and if so, give an explanation of:
      • Question 3. - 6.
  • Share D. Your signature
    • The applicant's signature (the person in part A.1.)

Submit tips:View oursTips for submitting forms per.e -mailPage for information about how we can ensure that we accept your form.

We reject any form i-589 that lacks the explanation why you are requesting an asylum or which is missing a supplement to you in your form I-589.

Do not forget to sign your form I-589.We reject every non -signed form.

Special instructions

Applications that must be submitted to Asylum Vettencentrum

Below are instructions for submitting form I-589 if you are unable to submit in the places in the "where you must submit" section above, because your form I-589 requires special handling.

When you archive your I-589 form, please include a letter explaining why you archive in the asylum research center and identify which category below applies to your form I-589. If your form I-589 does not match someone from theCategories mentioned below, we remove it with instructions to archive to the relevant lockbox.

The following forms I-589 must be submitted for the asylum research center:

  • Loss of derivative status after approval of asylum, but before the status (Nunc Pro Tunc) is adjusted:If you are currently a derivative asylum seeker, but you are unable to adjust your status to a legal permanent residence permit due to the loss of the derivative status, you may be able to submit a new form I-589 and a allocation of Asylum Nunc Pro TuncIn requests your letter, provide information about your previous form I-589 and explain that you now independently submit an application as the main applicant.
  • Loss of derivative status after the first submission, but before the final decision:If you withdraw from the form I-589 of a rector as a dependent, or if you lost the derivative status due to marriage, divorce or death, you can submit form I-589 as main application.I-589 and explain that you now submit independent as a main application.
  • Simultaneous archiving as a main application and a derivatus applicant:If you are already mentioned as a derivative applicant on another current form I-589, you can submit form I-589 as main application.Each other as derived applicants.In your letter you must provide information about a previous form I-589 and explain that you now submit independent as main application.
  • Rather a final action by USCIS issued on a form I-589:If you have previously submitted form I-589 to USCIS, you may be eligible to submit a new form I-589 with USCIS if you are not placed in the immigration law obligation after you have withdrawn your form I-589.

If your form I-589 matches a category mentioned above, send your form I-589 to USCIS to the address below:

Mailing AF U.S. Postal Service (USPS):

USCIS Asylum Vetting Center
P.O.BOKS 57100
Atlanta, GA 30308-0506

Paint from FedEx, UPS or DHL:

DHS-uscis Asylum seals
401 W. Peachtree St. NW, Suite 2500
Atlanta, GA 30308

Special submission instructions if Eoir has rejected or terminated your disposal negotiation and you request asylum with USCIS

If the Eoir has rejected or completed your removal case, you can request by e -mail asylum from USCIS by using the place specified in the form "where you have to use USCIS per e -mail" above in the section "where you needsubmit ". Archives not online. Please check thisHow uscis processes a form I-589 that has been submitted after removalWebsite for more information about processing a form I-589 that has been submitted to USCIS after your removal of the procedure has been rejected or terminated:

For information about permission from employment on the basis of an ongoing form I-589 after the dismissal or termination of your disposal negotiation, see the "Special Instructions" section inForm I-765kant.

Related links

  • Asylum
  • Increased asylum often asked questions
  • The confirming asylum process
  • Types of affirmative asylum decisions
  • Reach asylum in the US
  • What happens if you have submitted form I-589 with USCIS
  • Revised guidelines on informal ("camp") marriages (pdf, 997.34 kb)
  • Asylum earns interview with USCIS: Processing after a positive credible fear determination
Application for asylum and for removal detention (2024)


How do you apply for asylum in removal proceedings? ›

Defensive Asylum: A person who is in removal proceedings may apply for asylum defensively by filing the application with an immigration judge at the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR).

Can I apply for asylum with a deportation? ›

If you were previously in the United States as a foreign national but got deported, and then you came back illegally and want to apply for asylum because you fear persecution in your home country, you unfortunately cannot do so in any direct fashion.

What's the difference between asylum and withholding of removal? ›

And unlike asylum, when a family seeks withholding of removal together a judge may grant protection to the parent while denying it to the children, leading to family separation. Withholding of removal also does not offer permanent protection or a path to permanent residence.

What is an I589 form? ›

Use this form to apply for asylum in the United States and for withholding of removal (formerly called “withholding of deportation”). You may file for asylum if you are physically present in the United States and you are not a U.S. citizen.

What is the process of removal proceedings? ›

A removal proceeding, also known as deportation, is the legal process of expelling a non-citizen from the United States or sending them back to their home country. This legal repercussion often comes as a consequence of the commission of certain acts, such as violations of U.S. immigration laws or criminal laws.

How much does it cost to apply for asylum in the US? ›

There is no fee to apply for asylum. You may include your spouse and children who are physically present in the United States as dependents on your affirmative or defensive asylum application at the time you file or at any time until a final decision is made on your application.

What disqualifies you from asylum? ›

Bars from a Grant of Asylum

Were convicted of a “particularly serious crime” such that you are a danger to the United States. Committed a “serious nonpolitical crime” outside the United States. Pose a danger to the security of the United States.

What are the five grounds for asylum? ›

According to U.S. and international law, a claim of persecution must be made based on one of five “protected grounds”: race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group.

What is the difference between deportation and removal? ›

Removal is a newer term for what was deportation proceedings and encompasses inadmissibility and deportability. People seeking to be admitted to the USA are subject to the grounds of inadmissibility (INA 212 (a) and persons who have been admitted are subject to the grounds of deportability (INA Sec 237).

What are the 2 types of asylum? ›

There are two types of asylum applications, affirmative and defensive: An affirmative asylum application is filed at the USCIS asylum office before the initiation of removal proceedings. It must be filed on applicants' own initiative.

How to qualify for withholding of removal? ›

You must demonstrate that it is more likely than not that you will suffer future persecution if returned to your home country because of your race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. The standard of proof for withholding of removal is higher than for asylum.

Can I file my own asylum application? ›

But if you cannot find an attorney to represent you, you can request asylum on your own (also known as “pro se”). If you decide to file for asylum on your own, the attached document titled “I'm Afraid to Go Back:” A Guide to Asylum, Withholding of Removal and the Convention Against Torture may help you.

What is the new asylum rule? ›

The proposed rule would allow Asylum Officers to issue denial of claims within days after an individual is encountered when there is evidence that the individual is barred from asylum because of a terrorism, national security, or criminal bar, thereby significantly shortening the overall time between encounter and ...

What happens after you file form i589 with USCIS? ›

We will accept your Form I-589, send it to the EOIR immigration court where your proceedings are pending, and notify you by mail. EOIR will adjudicate your Form I-589. The date USCIS receipted your Form I-589 will serve as the filing date for the purpose of the asylum one-year filing deadline.

What is the waiting time for I-589? ›

Form I-589 Processing Time

In general, USCIS will issue a decision or next steps on an asylum application within 180 days after the filing date, unless there are exceptional circ*mstances.

How do you apply for adjustment of status in removal proceedings? ›

Steps for Adjustment of Status
  1. Determine if you are eligible to apply for a Green Card. ...
  2. You or someone else must file an immigrant petition for you (if applicable) ...
  3. Check visa availability (if applicable) ...
  4. File Form I-485. ...
  5. Go to your Application Support Center appointment. ...
  6. Go to your interview (if applicable)
Apr 1, 2022

How long does it take to withdraw asylum? ›

How Long Does It Take to Withdraw from Asylum? After you send your withdrawal letter to the Asylum Office, it can take anywhere from weeks to months. There is no certain time frame, but you can send a follow-up email to the asylum office you originally filed your application to check the status of your withdrawal.

Can I leave the US while in removal proceedings? ›

What Happens If You Leave? Automatic Removal Order: If you depart the U.S. while in removal proceedings without resolving your case, it may be considered self-deportation, resulting in an automatic order of removal against you.

Can I apply for asylum while out of status? ›

Who Is Eligible to Apply for Asylum? You may apply for asylum if you are at a port of entry or in the United States. You may apply for asylum regardless of your immigration status and within 1 year of your arrival to the United States.

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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.