Aphasia: What You Need to Know (2024)

What is aphasia?

Aphasia is a communication disorder that makes it difficult to use words. It can affect your speech, writing, and ability to understand language. Aphasia is caused by damage or injury to language parts of the brain. It is more common in older adults, especially those who have had a stroke.

Aphasia hinders a person's ability to communicate, but does not affect intelligence. People with aphasia may have difficulty speaking and finding the 'right' words to complete their thoughts. They may also have trouble understanding conversations, reading and understanding written words, writing words, and using numbers. People with aphasia may also repeat words or sentences.

Symptoms of aphasia

The main symptoms of aphasia include:

  • Issuesspeaks
  • Difficulty finding the right expression or word
  • The use of strange or incorrect words in conversation
  • Difficulty understanding what other people are saying or following conversations
  • Writing sentences that don't make sense or struggling to express yourself in writing
  • To speak in short sentences or sentences
  • Use of unrecognizable words

Aphasia can be mild or severe. With mild aphasia, the person may be able to carry on a conversation but still have difficulty finding the right word or understanding complex conversations. Severe aphasia makes the person less able to communicate. The person may speak little and be unable to participate in or understand a conversation.

Some people with aphasia have difficulty understanding what others say. The problems arise especially if the person ismoeor in a busy or noisy environment. Aphasia does not affect thinking ability. But the person may have trouble understanding written material and difficulty with handwriting. Some people have difficulty using numbers or even performing simple calculations.

Types of aphasia

There are different types of aphasia. Any language can cause language problems ranging from mild to severe. But the verbal expressions can usually be categorized as fluent or non-fluent aphasia.

Fluid versus non-fluent aphasia

Fluent aphasia.You may be able to produce speech that contains coherent sentences. But even if the sentences are connected, they may not have the correct meaning.

Non-fluent aphasia.With this type, yourstorythere may be stops. You may have to put a lot of effort into putting together a sentence and it may not be grammatically correct. But perhaps you can remember the meaning of the words enough to get the point across.

Common forms of fluent aphasia include:

Anomisk-afasi.With anomic aphasia you have difficulty finding words. This is called anomie. Because of the difficulties, it can be difficult to find the right words to speak and write.

Conductive aphasia.This is also called associative aphasia. It is a form where you may have difficulty finding words or repeating sentences.

Transcortical sensory aphasia.With this type you are quite good at repeating words and sentences. But you're more likely to repeat questions someone might ask you, rather than answering them. This phenomenon is calledecho sound.

Wernickes are ready.It is also called receptive aphasia. You may hear a voice or read a printout, but you may not understand the meaning of the message. Someone with receptive aphasia often takes language literally. Their own speech may be disturbed because they do not understand their own language.

The most common forms of non-fluent aphasia are:

Drill away.This is also called expressive aphasia. If you have this, you will know what you want to say, but you will have difficulty communicating this to others. It doesn't matter whether you are trying to speak or write what you are trying to convey.

Global halfway.This is the most severe form of aphasia. It is often seen right after someone has oneslak. With global aphasia you have difficulty speaking and understanding words. You can't read or write either. In the event of a stroke, aphasia can improve with proper treatment.

Transcortical motor aphasia.You may have strong repetition skills, but you may find it difficult to answer questions without thinking about them.

Extraordinary aphasia

These types generally do not fit well with fluent or non-fluent aphasia. They can include:

Crossed aphasia.You can get this type of aphasia after having oneinjuryto the brain that controls the dominant side of your body. But it happens on the other side. For example, if you are right-handed, the left hemisphere of the brain is usually dominant. But in this case, a stroke in the right hemisphere causes language problems in right-handed people.

Subcortical aphasia.This type of aphasia can develop if you have damaged the subcortical area of ​​the brain.

Primary progressive aphasia.Primary progressive aphasia is a form ofDementia. It is a rare condition in which, over a period of time, people slowly lose their ability to speak, read, write and understand what they hear during a conversation. There is no treatment to reverse primary progressive aphasia. People with primary progressive aphasia are able to communicate in ways other than speech. For example, they can use gestures. And many benefit from a combination of speech therapy and medication.

Causes of aphasia

Aphasia is usually caused by a stroke or brain injury with damage to one or more parts of the brain related to language. According to the National Aphasia Association, approximately 25% to 40% of people who survive a stroke develop aphasia.

In addition to a stroke, there are other causes:

  • Head wound
  • Brain tumor
  • Infection
  • Dementia

In some cases, aphasia is a symptom ofepilepsyor other neurological disorder. Today, experts aren't sure whether aphasia can cause you to lose the structure of language completely, or whether it simply affects your ability to access and use language.

Diagnosis of aphasia

Typically, a doctor diagnoses aphasia when treating you for a stroke, brain injury, or tumor. The doctor may ask you questions based on a series of neurological tests. The doctor may also give specific commands and ask you to name objects or objects. The results of these tests help the doctor determine whether you have aphasia. They also help to find out how severe the aphasia is.

Imaging tests used to diagnose aphasia include:

  • CT scanning
  • DHR
  • PET scanning

If the doctor suspects aphasia, he or she can also refer you therespeech therapistfor a detailed exam. These doctors are trained to identify and improve language and communication skills.

During the exam they can test whether they observe language skills, such as:

  • Grammatically
  • Ability to form sounds and letters
  • Ability to understand words and sentences
  • Objectvideo's
  • Describes images
  • Use some words to name objects and images
  • Matching spoken words with images
  • Answer yes-or-no questions
  • Follows instructions

Treatment for aphasia

Treatment for a person with aphasia depends on things like:

  • The
  • Cause of brain damage
  • Type aphasia
  • Location and size of the brain lesion

For example, a person with aphasia may have a brain tumor that affects the language center of the brain.Surgerytreating the brain tumor can also improve the aphasia.

Someone with aphasia who has had a stroke may benefit from sessions with a speech therapist. The therapist meets with the person regularly to help him speak and communicate better. The therapist will also teach the person ways to communicate that do not involve speech. This will help the person compensate for language difficulties.

Here are some tips from the National Stroke Association for someone with aphasia:

  • Use props to get the message across.
  • Draw words or pictures on paper when trying to communicate.
  • Speak slowly and remain calm while speaking.
  • Carry a card to tell strangers that you have aphasia and what aphasia means.

Speech and language therapy.If you have aphasia and have had a stroke, you may benefit from speaking with a speech therapist. It is best to start as early as possible. The therapist will meet with you regularly to help you speak and communicate better. The therapist will also teach you ways to communicate that do not involve speaking. This will help you compensate for the languageissues.

This type of therapy can also be done in a group setting to initiate and practice conversations. The interaction can also help you relearn and correct incorrect pronunciations. Therapy may also use computers and technological devices to relearn words and sentences.

Non-verbal communication therapy.If aphasia limits how well you communicate correctly using words and phrases, you may benefit from nonverbal communication therapy.

Your treatment plan may include:

  • An image-based communication system
  • Using a communication book to draw
  • A drawing program
  • Working on using gestures
  • Works directly to improve function in areas that affect verbal communication

Medicine.Decidedsubstancescan help improve blood flow to the brain, allowing it to restore or replace some of the chemicals that may be reduced after aphasia. Drugs such as memantine (Namenda) and piracetam have shown some success in small studies. But more research needs to be done before they can be recommended for treatment.

Group therapy.This can be helpful for both a person with aphasia and their loved one. Licensed professionals can help you develop tools to communicate well and adjust expectations during the recovery process.

Other treatments.Experts are studying brain simulation treatments such astranscranial magnetic stimulationand transcranial direct current stimulation. These are non-invasive options that stimulate damaged brain cells. But more research needs to be done.

What is the outlook for people with aphasia?

The outlook for people with aphasia can depend on several things, such as:

  • Cause of brain damage
  • Extent of damage
  • Damage area
  • The
  • Health

If a stroke caused your aphasia, you will likely regain your language skills within hours or days. For others,language problemscan be a lifelong problem. And aphasia can range from mild to severe.

If a neurodegenerative condition such as dementia is the cause of aphasia, you may lose your language skills over time.

Complications of aphasia

Possible complications depend on the cause of aphasia. This may include:

  • Depression
  • Loss of mobility
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control
  • Higher risk of infection
  • Busywound
  • Untreated pain

Aphasia vs. dysphasia

Aphasia is used to describe the total loss of language and speech due to brain damage. Dysphasia refers to the partial loss of language. However, the term "aphasia" is usually used to refer to both conditions.

Afasi vs. dysartrie

Unlike aphasia, which occurs as a result of brain injury,dysartriis a speech disorder. It can happen when the muscles that used to talk become weak, injured, or paralyzed. Causes may include damage to the nervous system or neuromuscular disorders such as ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease, cerebral palsy or multiple sclerosis.

Tips for communication for people with aphasia

If you have aphasia, there are things you can do to improve your communication with others. You can:

  • Make movements with your hands.
  • Use facial expressions.
  • Try using devices such as a phone, computer or communication apps for a video call.
  • Use communication tools such as images.
  • Pantomime or act it out.
  • Combine reading, writing and speaking to get the point across.
  • Point to keywords.

Tips for communicating with someone who has aphasia

If someone you know has aphasia, these tips can help you communicate better:

  • Get their attention before you speak.
  • Maintain eye contact.
  • Pay attention to their body language.
  • Speak where it is quiet.
  • Use simple words, but don't use childish language.
  • Use shorter sentences and repeat important words.
  • Speak slowly.
  • Give them time to say something.
  • If words don't work, try drawings, gestures, writing, or facial expressions.
  • Ask them to draw, write or point if they have problems.
  • Ask yes-or-no questions.
  • Let them make mistakes and try.
  • Don't speak louder. People with aphasia hear normally.
  • Don't finish their thoughts for them.

When should you consult a doctor?

Aphasia can often be a sign of a serious medical problem, such as a stroke. Tell your doctor immediately if you notice any sudden problems such as:

  • It's hard to speak
  • Problems understanding speech
  • Can or has difficulty remembering words
  • Problems with reading or writing

If it is a medical emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital.

Other causes of sudden speech problems

Feeling tired or stressed

Just being tired ormoecan make it difficult to think of the right words. And if you fear that others will judge you or if you feel ashamed, you may freeze or have difficulty speaking.

Anxiety can lead to anxiety, especially if it appears when you are in front of many peopledry mouth, stumbling over your words and even more problems that can get in the way of speaking.

It's okay to be nervous. Don't worry so much about perfection. If you take that pressure off yourself, you can let your words flow again.

Better self-care, therapy, and support groups can help if you're feeling exhausted or exhausted. Depending on the situation, your doctor may also prescribe medication. Get useful tips aboutliving with social anxiety.

Too much to drink

Alcohol is well known to cause slurred speech because it slows down the way the brain communicates with the body. Yourlevercan only break down a small amount of alcohol at a time and leave the rest in the bloodstream. The more you drink, the more intense the effects and the longer they last.

If you are concerned about yourdrinks, ask your doctor for advice. Read more about how drinking too much alcohol on a regular basis can be harmful to your body.


Difficulty speaking, along with a numb or drooping face and weakness in an arm or leg, are one of the main signs of a stroke. When the oxygen supply to your brain is cut off by ablood clotor you have bleeding in the brain, your speech may be slurred, you may be difficult to understand, or you may not be able to speak at all.

Permanent language problems, called aphasia, are often the result of a stroke.

Call 911 as soon as stroke symptoms occur so trained emergency personnel can quickly get you to the right hospital. Don't wait and try to go there yourself. Know itwarning signs of a stroke.


A severe migraine headache can also ruin your words. This is called transient aphasia because it goes away on its own.

MigraineThey are known to be very painful and sometimes lead to changes in the senses. Up to a quarter of people with migraines say they get an aura beforehand, in which they see flashing lights or have blind spots. Other symptoms you may have with an aura or during a migraine include numbness,dizziness, confusion or difficulty speaking. You may even feel these symptoms without having a painful headache.

The exact causes of migraines are not completely understood, but some can be prevented by paying attention to your diet and lifestyle, using prescription medications and taking certain vitamins. Treatment for headaches may include over-the-counter pain relieversnauseamedications and prescription drugs.

If you notice that migraines are getting in the way of your daily life, your regular doctor can refer you to a specialist, a so-called neurologist. Read more about common symptoms of migraine headaches

Neurological disorders

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease that changes the way the brain transmits information between cells and to the rest of the body. People with MS who have lesions in areas ofbrainresponsible for speech can have speech problems that range from mild to severe. A common pattern in MS is 'speech scanning': the rhythm of how you speak has extra long pauses between words and syllables.

Weak muscles and problems coordinating the muscles in your mouth and cheeks can also make it difficult for someone with MS to say words.

Brain cancerIf the tumor is in the part of the brain that processes language, it can also affect your speech. Other common symptoms of brain cancer include headaches, seizures, changes in personality or memory, nausea, unusual sleepiness, and difficulty performing daily activities.

One type of seizure, a sudden burst of brain activity that people with epilepsy have, affects specific muscles depending on where in the brain it occurs. Another type can cause people to appear awake, but are actually unaware of what is happening around them. They may also make strange noises, gag or smack their lips without realizing they have done it. Seizures can be caused by strokes or brain tumors that also affect the language areas.

Read more information about differentdiseasesof the brain.


A wide variety of medications and supplements — from allergy medications to blood pressure medications and even high doses of vitamin C — can affect your voice by drying out the mucus that protects your vocal cords. They can also thin your blood, meaning your vocal cords are more easily damaged. They can cause your body to retain fluid, which can enlarge your vocal cords and make you hoarse.

Some medications and sedatives can slow or slur speech, making it difficult to control your mouth muscles.

Not being able to talk normally is a side effect of thisantidepressant drugbupropion. Topiramate, a seizure control medication, can cause speech problems, such as finding the right words, although these usually go away if your doctor reduces the dose or if you stop taking the drug.

If you have just started taking a new medicine, check the label or leaflet or ask your pharmacist if it may be related to your speech problems. Learn more aboutcommon side effects of medications.

Aphasia: What You Need to Know (2024)


Aphasia: What You Need to Know? ›

A person with aphasia may have trouble understanding, speaking, reading, or writing. Speech-language pathologists are professionals who work with people with communication problems and can diagnose and treat the type of difficulty you're having.

What can people with aphasia not do? ›

A person with aphasia may have trouble understanding, speaking, reading, or writing. Speech-language pathologists are professionals who work with people with communication problems and can diagnose and treat the type of difficulty you're having.

What makes aphasia worse? ›

Aphasia can also come on gradually from a slow-growing brain tumor or from progressive damage related to dementia — such as language-variant frontal-temporal dementias or primary progressive aphasias. In cases where aphasia is related to progressive dementia, the aphasia symptoms tend to worsen over time.

Do people with aphasia know what they're saying? ›

“It's a devastating disease because it doesn't impact someone's cognitive abilities: People know exactly what they want to say, but they can't get the words out,” explains Darlene Williamson, President of the National Aphasia Association.

What is the etiquette for aphasia? ›

“Aphasia Etiquette” is an illustrated guide highlighting the challenges facing people with aphasia and uses the concept of Ask, Wait, Listen.

How not to speak to someone with aphasia? ›

Avoid The Following When Communicating With Someone Who Has Aphasia
  1. Don't repeat yourself in a louder voice. ...
  2. Don't discount the person's intelligence. ...
  3. Don't talk for or over the person with aphasia. ...
  4. Don't lose sight of who they are. ...
  5. Don't give up on communication.

Can a person with aphasia drive a car? ›

It remains unclear whether aphasia impacts fitness-to-drive; however, people with aphasia face barriers in returning to driving due to: (1) uncertainty regarding the role of language in driving; (2) poor awareness and knowledge of aphasia, and (3) communication demands in the patient-journey and assessment.

Do people with aphasia know they don't make sense? ›

Types of aphasia

Symptoms can range widely from getting a few words mixed up to having difficulty with all forms of communication. Some people are unaware that their speech makes no sense and get frustrated when others don't understand them. Read more about the different types of aphasia.

What is the life expectancy of someone who has aphasia? ›

Limited research suggests that those with primary progressive aphasia (PPA) live on average from 7 to 12 years after symptoms onset. However, PPA does not appear to be a direct cause of death. Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is a rare neurological disorder that involves the gradual deterioration of language skills.

Why do I forget words while speaking? ›

When this happens, language scientists use the terms “anomia” or “anomic aphasia” to describe the condition, which can be associated with brain damage due to stroke, tumours, head injury or dementia such as Alzheimer's disease.

Can you live a normal life with aphasia? ›

With the support of medical providers, speech-language therapists, family, and friends, people with aphasia can often have long, fulfilling lives.

What improves aphasia? ›

The recommended treatment for aphasia is usually speech and language therapy. Sometimes aphasia improves on its own without treatment. This treatment is carried out by a speech and language therapist (SLT). If you were admitted to hospital, there should be a speech and language therapy team there.

How do people with aphasia feel? ›

Aphasia disrupts the ability to communicate, which often leads to feelings of severe isolation and loneliness. You can make a huge difference if you communicate with your loved one in ways that are easier and more comfortable for them. Make it easier for them to communicate.

How to care for someone with aphasia? ›

Continue to treat the person with aphasia as the mature adult that they are. Reduce background noise, such as the radio and other conversations. Reduce visual distractions, such as TV or movement. Be sure you have the person's attention prior to speaking.

How does a person with aphasia act? ›

A person with aphasia may have trouble understanding, speaking, reading, or writing. Many people have aphasia after a stroke. Both men and women are affected equally.

What people with aphasia want their goals according to the ICF? ›

The goals of a 30% consecutive subsample were then coded using the ICF. Outcomes & Results: Nine broad categories of goals were identified. Participants with aphasia wanted to return to their pre-stroke life and to communicate not only their basic needs but also their opinions.

How do you cue someone with aphasia? ›

Types of Communication Cues for Someone with Aphasia
  1. Gestural Cues – think charades for this type of cue. ...
  2. Sound Cues – for this type of cue you give the first few sounds in the target word. ...
  3. Meaning Cues – this type of cue involves describing the target word.

What makes something aphasia friendly? ›

Use gestures, pictures, or tools such as digital communication apps. Also, some people communicate better by writing things out with pen and paper. Phrase questions so people can give yes or no answers. They may want to use a thumbs up or thumbs down gesture.

Can people with aphasia understand you? ›

They may have trouble saying and/or writing words correctly. This type of aphasia is called expressive aphasia. People who have it may understand what another person is saying. If they do not understand what is being said, or if they cannot understand written words, they have what is called receptive aphasia.

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.