9 Natural Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction (2024)

The best treatments for erectile dysfunction may include natural remedies such as changes in diet and alcohol consumption, and prescription medications.

9 Natural Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction (1)
  • Cost|Go to details
  • Exercise|Go to details
  • SleepIGo to details
  • Weight loss|Go to details
  • psychotherapy|Go to details
  • Sex therapy or relationship therapy|Go to details
  • Stressvermindering|Go to details
  • Alcohol reduction|Go to details
  • Stop smoking|Go to details

Erectile dysfunction (ED)occurs when a person with a penis cannot get or maintain an erection. The condition affects about a third of men, according to researchresearch from 2018.

ED is more common in people who:

  • isolder
  • has health problems such asdiabetesofhigh bloodpressure
  • have had an injury to the spinal cord, penis or pelvis
  • take medications such asantidepressantsor blood pressure medication
  • herangst of stress
  • are overweight
  • rook

Oftreatment for EDdepends on the cause. This may include a recipemedicine, vacuum devices or operations. But lifestyle changes and other natural treatments can also help improve ED.

There are many natural treatments for ED. They may include lifestyle changes such as changing your diet and exercise, as well as seeking mental health or relationship therapy.

It's best to talk to your doctor before trying any new treatment. They can help you identify the cause of your erectile dysfunction and recommend effective treatment options for erectile dysfunction, whether conventional, natural, or a combination.

1. Cost

To eat onebalanced dietcan help maintain sexual function and reduce your risk of erectile dysfunction.

IN2020 surveyfound that men who followed more strictly aMediterranean dietor the Alternative Healthy Eating Index 2010 diet had a reduced risk of developing erectile dysfunction. In particular, they consumed less red or processed meat and mainly ate:

  • fruits
  • vegetables
  • legumes
  • nuts
  • vis

Research from 2017similarly discovered to eat more fruits, vegetables and fruitsflavonoids(compounds found in produce, coffee and other foods) lowered the risk of erectile dysfunction in men ages 18 to 40.

These foods are important for your overall health, so it's a win-win if you want to maintain or improve your sexual function.

2. Movement

Research points to thisfysical activitycan help protect against and improve ED. It can be particularly effective ifobesity, inactivity orcardiovascular diseaseamong other things, contribute to your ED.

Research from 2018found it moderate to intenseaerobic exercisefor 40 minutes a day, four times a week for 6 months, helped reduce ED. This includes exercises such as:

  • race
  • don't snelle
  • misuse
  • swimming
  • to ski

Physical activity helps improve blood vessel health, reduce stress, and increase testosterone levels, all of which can help with ED.

3. Sleep

To get enoughsleepevery night is important for your overall health. Regular sleep can also improve your ED.

IN2017 surveyfound that men who worked night shifts volunteeredpoorer sleep qualityhad a higher risk of ED.

Research from 2019also indicated that individuals with a sleep disorder were at greater risk of developing ED. Other thingsresearchhas connected obstructivelysleep apneato an increased risk of ED.

Can't get enough sleeplower your testosteronelevels that can contribute to ED. Persistent lack of sleep has also been linked to conditions related to erectile dysfunction, such asdiabetesand high blood pressure.

4. Weight loss

Weightmay be another factor in ED.

According to2020 researchED was significantly more common in obese men who were overweight or had a larger waist circumference.

A little2014 surveyindicated that gastric bypass surgery improved vascular health and ED in obese men. In addition,research from 2017similarly found an improvement in ED after bariatric (weight loss) surgery.

If weight is contributing to your ED, exercise and abalanced dietcan help you lose weight and improve your ED.

Additionally, like semaglutide (Away,Ozempisk) en tirzepatid (Mounjaro) are now available. Talk to your doctor to see if these are right for you.

5. Psychotherapy

In some cases, ED is caused by a combination of physical and mental health disorderspsychological problems. These can include fear of failure, religious beliefs, and sexual trauma.

ED can lead to additional mental health problems, including emotional distress and lower self-esteem, which can further worsen ED. Therapy can help address these issues to improve ED.

According to2021 research, psychological interventions such ascognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)were especially effective when combined with ED medications. Mental health interventions can also be effective, but more research is needed.

A little2018 surveyinvolving four weeks of mindfulness-focused group therapy, indicated that this type of therapy can help improve ED and sexual satisfaction.

More research needs to be done to determine the most effective forms of psychotherapy for erectile dysfunction.

6. Sex therapy or relationship therapy

Around10-25%of men with ED have no known risk factors. This condition, known as inorganic ED, can be caused by a mental health condition such asdepressionor by experiencingfear of sex.

A little2020 surveyfound that cognitive behavioral sex therapy (CBST) and medication alone were effective in reducing non-organic erectile dysfunction. Additionally, CBST was more effective at reducing anxiety among study participants.

It may also be helpful to get involvedconsult with your partnerto help them understand your condition and discuss ways to support you.

OfAmerican Urological Associationhas drawn up a guideline for the treatment of erectile dysfunction based on an overview of studies. The association recommends talking to a mental health professional, especially your partner, and says therapy can improve communication between couples and help them integrate ED treatments into their sexual relationship.

7. Stressvermindering

Stress and anxiety are often associated with ED.

IN2019 surveyfound that stress was one of the most important predictors of erectile dysfunction, along with anxiety and depression. The study suggests that chronic stress may affect testosterone or cause sleep deprivation, which may contribute to ED.

Yet other research suggests that the effect of stress on erectile dysfunction is still unclear. A2020 surveyfound no correlation between stress and ED.

Another little oneresearch from 2014found that an 8-week stress management program along with ED medication was equally effective at improving ED compared to the medication alone.

Until more is understood about stress and ED, reducing it is still helpfulspanningin your daily life to improve your overall health.

8. Alcohol reduction

Studies have shown mixed results for the effects ofalcoholin D.

Research from 2018found that consuming moderate amounts of alcohol (fewer than 21 drinks per week, as defined by the study) was associated with a lower risk of erectile dysfunction. On the other hand, regular and high consumption had no significant impact on ED.

Still, other research has linked alcohol use to ED. A2018 surveyfound that sexual dysfunction, especially ED, was common in people with alcohol dependence syndrome. In addition,2020 researchalso identified alcohol as a risk factor for erectile dysfunction.

More research is needed into the role of alcohol in erectile dysfunction. ThatCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)recommends that men consume two or fewer alcoholic drinks per day.

9. Quit smoking

Smokingis another behavior that likely contributes to ED. This may be partly because smoking can damage blood vessels and prevent enough blood from reaching the penis for an erection.

Smoking can also decrease the body's availability of nitric oxide, which is necessary to cause involuntary muscle relaxation and increased blood flow that play a role in erection.

According toresearch from 2015More frequent smoking was associated with an increased risk of developing erectile dysfunction and more severe erectile dysfunction.

Some damage from smoking may not be reversible. Still, the review concluded that quitting smoking, especially for men under 50, can help improve ED.

Quitting smoking is a challenge, but there are manysourcesavailable to help. Quitting smoking has the potential to help ED and benefit many other areas of your overall health.

Please note that this includes quitting smokingavoid steaming, a source of nicotine.

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Lifestyle changescan be an effective natural remedy for erectile dysfunction and can improve your overall health. But many changes – such as losing weight, quitting smoking or eating a balanced diet – can be difficult.

It can also take some time for natural treatments to take effect. Depending on the cause of their erectile dysfunction, some people may not show improvement without medication or other treatments. It's helpful to work with your doctor to find a treatment that works for you.

Risks of taking unproven treatments for erectile dysfunction

Many supplements are advertised online as a treatment for erectile dysfunction, but none have been proven to be effective and safe. Some may also contain dangerous combinations of ingredients or excessive doses.

Many of these claims require more conclusive research on herbal remedies and other supplements for erectile dysfunction. But if you decide to try one, talk to your doctor first. They can help you determine if the treatment is safe and whether it will interact with the medications you are taking.

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Depending on the cause of your erectile dysfunction, natural remedies may not be effective for you. If this is the case, your doctor can prescribe a proven ED drug. These medicines are only available with a prescription.

But if you want to avoid an in-person meeting with your doctor, you can get evaluated by a healthcare provider online through companies such asHam.

Here's a quick look at some of the erectile dysfunction treatments available through Hims:

Side effectsof these medications may includeheadache,poor digestion, Indizziness. Do not use these medications if you are also taking nitrates or medications for chest pain.

Because of the long history and research on these drugs, especially sildenafil and tadalafil, these drugs are generally considered very safe, especially when taken as directed by your doctor.

Additionally, many of these medications are available online through reputable services such asRoman,Ham, InOptum storeThese can all put you in touch with a doctor and – if prescribed – send the medicine straight to your door.

Are you considering buying Viagra or Cialis online?

It is important to know that there are risks associated with buying brand name medicines online if they come from a disreputable or unreliable source. To help narrow your online search for a reputable ED drug dealer, we've created lists ofbest places to buy Viagra onlineInbest places to buy Cialis online.

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It is not uncommon to lose an erection from time to time. It can even be caused by stress.

However, if you often have trouble getting or keeping an erection, it may be time to seek help for ED.

If ED is making you anxious or putting a strain on your relationship, it's a good idea to talk to your doctor.

ED can be a sign of an underlying condition. Even if ED isn't a concern for you, it may be wise to make an appointment with your doctor to discuss the problem, as it could be a sign of an underlying health problem.

If you suspect that your erectile dysfunction is caused by stress, trauma, or relationship problems, consider talking to a therapist.

The most effective treatment for you depends on the underlying cause of your ED. Although lifestyle changes are usually safe while improving ED, they can be difficult to manage. Oral medications are another primary treatment for erectile dysfunction, but they don't work for everyone.

Taking prescribed medications is likely to lead to faster improvement. That said, the improvement may be temporary if you don't address the underlying cause. You may be hesitant to take prescription medications, but if you need quick relief or are getting limited results with natural remedies, ED medications like sildenafil and tadalafil may be worth considering.

If ED is caused by a lifestyle factor, health condition, or a medication you are taking, it may be possibleturn it aroundby addressing the underlying cause. Surgery can also cure ED in some cases.

On the other hand, medications treat ED symptoms and may improve ED, but do not cure the underlying condition.

You can start living a healthy lifestyle by changing your diet if necessary, exercising, getting enough sleep, and working on reducing your stress. Also consider limiting or quitting smoking and alcohol consumption. If this does not help, see your doctor to determine the underlying cause and obtain medical treatment.

Offirst treatment for erectile dysfunctionis usually a drug such as sildenafil. Other medical treatments include an injection of a vasodilator drug, which opens the blood vessels in the affected area, hormone replacement therapy, a penile implant, and shockwave therapy.

That said, that of the American Urological AssociationGuidelines 2018for ED states that men can choose any option – medication, lifestyle changes, assistive devices, or surgery – to begin treatment. The guidelines suggest that you talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of each treatment.

Researchers have explored other options for ED treatment. One of the newest treatments for ED isShockwave treatment of the penisor low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy.

Research from 2019suggest that this treatment may be effective for erectile dysfunction caused by vascular disease. However, this treatment is still largely experimental and not widely used outside of clinical trials.

Shockwave therapy works by improving blood function and encouraging the growth of new blood vessels. It does this by pulsing and sending low-intensity sound waves through the erectile tissue. However, more clinical trials are needed to assess whether penile shockwave therapy is safe and effective.

ED is a common condition that can affect confidence, relationships, and quality of life. The most effective treatment for erectile dysfunction depends on the cause of your erectile dysfunction. Still, natural remedies can help improve your ED and overall health.

It's best to talk to your doctor about ED. They can help you identify the right treatments for you. It can also be helpful to address your condition with your partner.

Please note that treatment may take some time, especially lifestyle changes such as losing weight and increasing exercise. Work with your doctor to find the treatment or combination of remedies that works best for you.

9 Natural Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction (2024)


What is a quick fix for erectile dysfunction? ›

A vacuum constriction device (VCD) or penis pump can help men get an erection by pulling blood into the penis. The device is made up of three main parts: Plastic tube ( worn around the penis) Pump (draws air out of the tube to create a vacuum)

How to get a strong erection? ›

How to get better erections
  1. Stop smoking. As several clinical studies have found – men who smoke increase their likelihood of developing erectile problems. ...
  2. Maintain a healthy diet. ...
  3. Reduce alcohol intake. ...
  4. Diabetes and ED. ...
  5. Exercise and ED. ...
  6. Reduce stress. ...
  7. Certain medications/drugs. ...
  8. Heart health and ED.

How can I get hard without ED pills? ›

  1. How to get an erection without medication.
  2. Get treatment for underlying conditions.
  3. Stop or limit smoking and alcohol.
  4. Exercise more frequently.
  5. Change your diet.
  6. Get better sleep.
  7. Manage your stress.
  8. Try pelvic floor exercises.
May 27, 2024

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The types of so-called natural “Viagra” you see on the market may include:
  • Horny goat weed (also known as epimedium)
  • Red ginseng.
  • Ginseng.
  • L-citrulline.
  • L-arginine.
  • Yohimbe.
  • DHEA.
  • Ginkgo biloba.

What spice is like Viagra? ›

Nutmeg: It's oneof the most popular natural aphrodisiacs. Research proves that nutmeg has thesame effect on mating behavior as Viagra.

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Your doctor or other health care professional can recommend one for you based on these factors, other health conditions you have and any other medicines you take.
  • Sildenafil (Viagra). This medicine works best when you take it on an empty stomach an hour before sex. ...
  • Vardenafil. ...
  • Tadalafil (Cialis). ...
  • Avanafil (Stendra).
Jun 24, 2023

Which exercise is best for erectile dysfunction? ›

Pelvic floor exercises

The most targeted exercise that you can do to help erectile dysfunction is strengthening your pelvic floor. Pelvic floor exercises can help men improve or even ultimately overcome ED. Pull up on your pelvic floor. In order to do so, think of pulling in your genitals and lifting them up.

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How do you use apple cider vinegar to treat erectile dysfunction?
  1. Over-the-counter pills/supplements (made from dehydrated ACV)
  2. Mixed into salad dressings, marinades, or fermented foods.
  3. One or two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar diluted in water, juice, or tea.
Sep 9, 2022

How to help arouse a man with erectile dysfunction? ›

Take the emphasis off the penis, says Kerner, and “try something else for a little bit of time.” That can include oral sex, sex toys, and a vibrator, he says. “Try putting his hand on the vibrator and showing him exactly what feels good.”

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Sex is important to elderly men. Even among the 70-80-year-olds, an intact sexual desire, erection and org*sm are common and it is considered important to preserve them.

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Oral drugs or pills known as phosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitors are most often prescribed in the U.S. for ED (Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, Stendra) Testosterone Therapy (when low testosterone is detected in blood testing)

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Lifestyle and home remedies
  1. If you smoke, quit. If you have trouble quitting, get help. ...
  2. Lose excess pounds. Being overweight can cause — or worsen — erectile dysfunction.
  3. Include physical activity in your daily routine. ...
  4. Get treatment for alcohol or drug problems. ...
  5. Work through relationship issues.
Mar 29, 2022

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Causes of erectile dysfunction

This is usually caused by stress, tiredness or drinking too much alcohol, and it's nothing to worry about. It can also be a side effect of some medicines. If erectile dysfunction happens often, it may be caused by a condition such as: high blood pressure or high cholesterol.

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Losing an erection or being unable to become erect often results from nerves, anxiety, or using alcohol or other drugs. Sometimes, people worry about performance. Sometimes, they're anxious about whether having intercourse is the right decision or whether they're with the right partner.

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Lifestyle changes like eating a nutritious diet, exercising, and managing stress may all help improve blood flow to the penis. Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol may also help. If natural remedies to improve erectile function don't work, see your healthcare provider.

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Comparing the best over-the-counter pills for ED
SupplementList price
Spring ValleyDHEAaround $16
HorbaachL-argininearound $16
Mason Naturalginsengaround $9
Mar 25, 2024

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.