15 Motivation Examples in the Workplace + How to Motivate - sixads (2024)

If your employees are not motivated in the workplace, it will be impossible to achieve goals, come up with innovative ideas and keep morale high.

But motivation can be difficult to quantify. Just because your employees are meeting KPIs doesn't necessarily mean they feel motivated or fulfilled in their role. And if they don't feel comfortable speaking up, it can be difficult to spot motivated versus unmotivated employees.

So the next time you're in the office or talking to an employee, pay attention to these signs of motivation (or demotivation) your team may be exhibiting.

What is motivation?

Before we discuss the different types of motivation and some important examples of motivation in the workplace, let's first determine what motivation is.

The dictionary defines motivation as “the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way” or “a person's general desire or willingness to do something.” It comes from the Latin word 'movere', which means 'movement'.

15 Motivation Examples in the Workplace + How to Motivate - sixads (1)

Maslow's hierarchy of needsis a good starting point to understand where motivation comes from and what drives us to 'move'.

What types of motivation are there?

There are countless types of motivation, both in the workplace and in life in general. Understanding the types of motivation in psychology is a good starting point for learning how to motivate others in the workplace and beyond, giving you the motivational skills you need to help your business thrive.

Psychologists tend to divide motivation into two main categories: intrinsic and extrinsic.

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Inner motivation

Intrinsic motivation comes from within. It is driven by strong beliefs and values, such as acceptance, honor, desire to achieve and curiosity.

In other words, intrinsic motivation is about doingvanfeeling good without an external reward.

Examples of intrinsic motivation:

There are a few ways someone can demonstrate intrinsic motivation, but a few examples are:

  • Go to the gym to lose weight
  • Improving your diet
  • Learn new skills
  • Playing games or exercising for fun
  • Helping someone without expecting a reward
  • Donate to or volunteer with a charity

Extrinsic motivation

If intrinsic motivation is about internal motivators, it should come as no surprise that extrinsic motivation is caused by external factors: rewards, recognition, or avoidance of punishment.

Examples of extrinsic motivation:

  • Monetary rewards, such as bonuses, pay increases and/or other benefits
  • Society's expectations (e.g. buying the latest smartphone or branded clothing)
  • Students study to impress their parent(s)
  • Fear of losing your job if you are constantly late or absent from work
  • Park in a designated spot to avoid fines

Why is motivation in the workplace important?

Motivated employees are likely to work harder, develop better ideas and generally become an asset. Unmotivated employees can bring the entire team down and cause problems for the individual's mental health.

But it's not just about mental and emotional well-being. Studies have shown that highly committed and motivated teams provide companies with a wide range of benefits, including:

  • High productivity level -There are committed and motivated employees43%more productive than unmotivated individuals.
  • Pure innovation –Research has shown that motivated employees are more creative and confident when sharing ideas for business improvement.
  • Higher profits– Companies with"higher than average" employee motivationand engagement benefit from 27% higher profits, 50% more revenue and 50% improved customer loyalty.
  • Lower absenteeism –Studiesdiscovered that highly involved working groups achieve an absenteeism reduction of 41%.
  • Lower employee turnover –INinspectionof over 50,000 employees, motivated team members are 87% less likely to leave a company... That's five times lower than disengaged individuals!
  • Greater corporate reputation –When employees are happy, satisfied and highly motivated, they will be driven to provide a better customer experience and spread the word about how great your company is.
  • Stronger recruitment opportunities –Companies with low employee turnover and excellent reputations are much more attractive to job seekers, allowing you to select the very best candidates.
15 Motivation Examples in the Workplace + How to Motivate - sixads (2)

15 signs that your employees are motivated

Now that you know what motivation is and some of the benefits of employee motivation in a company, how do you know if your team is engaged and motivated?

1. They smile

It may sound simple, but smiling is an easy indicator that someone is happy and satisfied at work, and it's a crucial part of discovering motivation... After all, if someone finds joy in their work, they're likely intrinsically motivated. to perform well.

In addition to ensuring smiling faces, it's also a good idea to pay attention to the language your team uses in meetings and general conversations. For example, employees who consistently use negative, pessimistic language are likely to be dissatisfied, unmotivated, and/or disengaged. Conversely, if employees regularly use positive language when talking about the company or their job, they are likely to experience job satisfaction... Important for motivation!

15 Motivation Examples in the Workplace + How to Motivate - sixads (3)

2. They arrive at work early or are willing to stay longer

If your team is happy and motivated at work, a few extra minutes in the office won't be a problem. Both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation can lead to employees working overtime, for example:

  • Intrinsic motivation to arrive early, stay late, or volunteer for overtime may be related to a genuine desire to provide excellent service, help the team, or enjoy the job.
  • Extrinsic motivation for overwork is likely motivated by fear of punishment. Employees may not want to be punished for being late, so do your best to arrive early. Alternatively, extrinsic rewards can be motivating, for example overtime or promotional opportunities.

3. They take initiative

Highly motivated individuals do not feel the need to wait for "permission" to complete a task. They will see that tasks need to be done and move forward with them because of the sense of satisfaction brought about by a job well done. This initiative-rich 'can-do' attitude is an excellent sign of motivated employees.

4. They are not afraid to challenge management

In addition to showing initiative, motivated and satisfied employees will not be afraid to challenge management if it will improve the business. This intrinsic motivation usually comes from an innate desire to do soTo be successfuland experiential performance.

So motivated people will speak up if they don't feel that management is not giving them (or the company as a whole) the best chance for success.

5. There are signs of teamwork and camaraderie

Highly motivated teams consist of people who are willing to help and support each other. But this isn't just about teamwork and helpful behavior... Look for genuine friendships in the office as a sign of employee motivation.

Remember that making friends is a form of commitment and investment. Friendship takes time and effort, and an employee who isn't committed doesn't care about that.

If your workplace is full of friends working together to achieve a common goal, chances are you have an engaged and motivated workplace.

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6. They participate in after-hours events

Just like making friends in the office, it can be worth keeping an eye on who is/isn't going to after-hours events.

Social events outside of work are an excellent opportunity for employees to develop bonds that strengthen teamwork and camaraderie. So participation can be a good indicator of whether someone is interested in making friends with their colleagues and whether they view 'work' as more than a paycheck.

7. There is a minimum of absence or absence of responsibility

If someone is unhappy and unmotivated, you can spot excessive absenteeism... While he or she may have legitimate reasons for it, chances are he or she simply doesn't care enough about his or her job.

Conversely, highly motivated team members will do their best to participate in every shift and may even stay later or arrive early to help.

Likewise, motivated employees will be more enthusiastic about taking on additional responsibility or accountability. Unmotivated individuals are unlikely to volunteer for additional work and will often do the 'bare minimum' to keep their job.

8. They seek feedback and self-improvement

Motivated people want to make things better at every opportunity. The best way to achieve this is to actively ask for feedback.

If you have an employee who regularly asks for feedback and guidance, this is an excellent sign that he or she is motivated by self-improvement and eager to succeed!

9. They look for opportunities to learn

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation can both stimulate the desire to learn. Intrinsic motivation is driven by an innate curiosity and desire to know more. Extrinsic motivation may view a new skill as a way to receive rewards, such as a raise or promotion.

Whether motivated by intrinsic or extrinsic rewards, an employee who demonstrates an eagerness and desire to learn and improve at every opportunity is always an asset.

10. They volunteer for challenging tasks

We've said that seeking feedback and working overtime are excellent examples of motivation in the workplace. Yet the types of roles, tasks and responsibilities your employees are willing to take on can also tell a story.

When individuals successfully complete a challenging project, they feel a sense of satisfaction and pride in their work. Usually this is associated with intrinsic motivation, but a financial reward for the task can also be a driving factor.

Dedicated and motivated team members will actively seek out these challenging projects to develop their skills, impress leadership and instill a sense of pride in their work.

Furthermore, after successfully completing a challenge, these motivated employees are likely to seek out more challenges.

11. Their energy levels are high

When you walk into an organization full of motivated individuals, there is a kind of 'electricity' or charged atmosphere in the air. This energy is contagious and you can't help but feel motivated and stimulated in these types of environments.

Simply put, when people are motivated, they are energetic and enthusiastic. And it's something you can feel in their air.

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12. They keep their workplaces tidy

There is reason for a messy desksigns of intelligenceand creativity... However, if an employee regularly leaves their workplace, kitchen area or meeting room in a mess, this can be a sign of demotivation and dissatisfaction in the workplace.

Keeping the places where you spend your time clean and tidy is a fundamental part of staying healthy, productive, active and proud. So keep an eye out for people who are willing to clean the break rooms or have an organized/clean desk.

13. They don't waste company resources

Just like keeping the workplace clean and tidy, employees involved in the company will respect the company's resources. Consider, for example, how often an employee asks for extra supplies, whether he or she turns off the lights when leaving a room, or turns off the computer at the end of the day. These small, environmentally friendly activities are often indicators of an employee who cares about the company and is committed to helping it thrive.

14. They give feedback

When employees are motivated and happy in their workplace, they are more likely to feel comfortable sharing their ideas to move the company forward.

It is important to take care of those who use the incentive to actively improve company and workplace culture. These people have impressive motivational skills and will always be an asset to the company.

15. They adjust their positions

The perfect job rarely exists without some customization. Andinvestigationsfound that employees who are given the autonomy to work on projects and adjust their roles are often more productive and happier in their jobs.

So when you give your employees the opportunity to be more flexible in their working hours or the way they complete tasks, you will find that it motivates them to work harder and achieve more success.

15 Motivation Examples in the Workplace + How to Motivate - sixads (6)

And in seven signals, employee motivation is lacking

While it can be useful to monitor employee performance and attitudes for examples of motivation in the workplace, it can also be useful to watch for signs of dissent or a lack of motivated behavior.

The following motivation list will help you identify anyone who may need additional support to reach their full potential:

  1. They often have a delayed or slow onset
  2. Their attitude towards their colleagues has changed or they have no contact with colleagues
  3. There has been an increase in absenteeism due to illness
  4. They are unfocused and/or distant
  5. They are noticed with inappropriate or negative comments
  6. They don't participate in team meetings
  7. They are reluctant to take on additional responsibilities at work

What causes demotivation in the workplace?

It can be tempting to reward a motivated person and ignore anyone who doesn't show focus or dedication... However, there are many reasons why someone may feel disengaged in the workplace.

Rather than leaving this group behind, try to understand the reasons for their behavior and ask how you can help improve their performance.

While this is not a definitive list, the following things can all cause someone to lose motivation for work:

  • Boredom
  • Lack of confidence in management
  • An unmanageable workload or unattainable goals
  • An unfriendly or unsuitable working environment
  • Lack of career path (or career path information)
  • Feeling unappreciated
  • External problems not related to work – for example family illness, death or health/financial problems
15 Motivation Examples in the Workplace + How to Motivate - sixads (7)

How to improve motivation in the workplace?

Now you know how to separate someone's competence from his or her motivational skills; if you want to be bigmanager, you need to know how to encourage and enable your team to reach their full potential.

1. Recognize great work

Employees will often feel demotivated if their great work or helpful attitude goes unnoticed. That's why it's important to recognize and reward inspiring examples of motivation.

Remember, this doesn't always have to be money (although money is a great extrinsic reward). Simply praising outstanding performance can be a valuable intrinsic motivator that your group can appreciate.

2. Communicate openly and regularly

In line with providing recognition and incentives for good work, it is crucial to ensure that your employees have a credible line of communication with management. This could include a detailed complaints procedure and regular team meetings with constructive feedback and compliments.

Remember that communication between management and staff should always feel like a safe space. If you make your team uncomfortable talking to you, they are unlikely to take the initiative and you may miss out on valuable information.

3. Offer challenging work

Boredom is a common reason why someone takes a break from work and exhibits a decreased level of productivity. Keep the focus high by offering challenging and rewarding projects for your team to volunteer for, and be sure to recognize their achievements.

4. Make sure everyone understands the impact of their work (set the 'why')

Often employees become unmotivated if they don't really understand itWhythey perform a specific task. To counter this, a good manager will explain how the employee's job affects the broader goals of the company.

5. Set clear, achievable goals

A recent oneGallupA survey found that when employees are involved in the goal-setting process, they are more than three times more engaged than employees who have no say.

In addition, it is also important to break down large goals into smaller, achievable goalsgoal. These achievable chunks will help prevent your staff from feeling overwhelmed, and noticing when these smaller goals are being achieved will go a long way in ensuring your employees feel valued, satisfied, and that their work has meaning.

6. Don't micromanage!

According to a2017 rapport, micromanagement isofThe top complaints employees have about their bosses. It kills everything from motivation to creativity, and almost always leads to a reduction in job satisfaction.

On the other hand, giving your team some autonomy and allowing them to manage their own workdays leads to greater job satisfaction, happier employees, more motivation, and better productivity across the board.

So resist the urge to micromanage and let your teams get on with their work!

7. Create a welcoming environment

A sense of belonging is a crucial requirement for humans, just like food or shelter. To keep your team motivated, try to create a work environment that feels welcoming and keeps everyone working as a team.

Of course, not everyone will perform at their best every day, but if you make an effort to ensure the workplace is non-toxic and friendly, you can keep your team engaged and satisfied in their work.

8. Provide benefits and fair pay

Moneyis often considered the default extrinsic motivator. It's tangible, measurable and necessary for... Well, everything! And it is a valuable incentive to encourage employees to work hard. If you've ever heard the expression "pay peanuts, buy monkeys," you know that you need to pay your staff fairly if you want to get the best out of them.

But thinking that money is all that matters is a sign of lazy leadership. Of course, your employees should be paid appropriately for their work, but it's not always about the money. In fact, studies found9 out of 10People are willing to earn less money if they can do more meaningful work.

What does this mean for you as a manager? Finding the perfect balance between money and meaning is the best way to keep your employees happy, engaged and motivated.

Motivation is contagious

Once you have the right procedures and communication flows in place, you will certainly notice more and more “motivated employee behavior.” And by providing trust and autonomy, you can rest assured that if someone feels disengaged, they can talk to you.

Remember that motivation (like smiling) can be contagious. If just one employee is happy and engaged in the workplace, you'd be surprised how quickly these positive qualities can spread.

So why don't we start spreading it? Set a good example and get involved in the workplace with a smile on your face. You may be surprised by the results.


What are some examples of motivation?

We often think of money as a great motivator, but there are other examples of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

Inner motivation:

  • Exercise because you enjoy it.
  • Improve your diet and fitness to feel healthier.
  • Helping someone without expecting a reward.
  • Donate to a charity or cause you believe in.

Extrinsic motivations involve external rewards. Money is a popular extrinsic motivator.

Extrinsic motivators:

  • Overtime for a greater chance of promotion.
  • Buying branded clothing to 'fit in'.
  • Study hard because your parents want you to get an A.
  • Fear of punishment – ​​for example losing your job or being put under house arrest.

How do you show motivation at work?

If you're motivated at work, chances are you're exhibiting some of the following symptoms:

  • Smiling
  • Willing to work overtime to help the company
  • Initiative
  • Share proposal
  • Seeking feedback at work
  • Participation in events outside the office
  • Volunteer for challenging projects
  • Ask questions about career paths

What are good motivators in the workplace?

Money is often considered the best motivator in the workplace, but this is not entirely true. In fact, many people consider job satisfaction and meaningful work to be much better motivators than just making money

To keep your team motivated, try the following:

  • Set a clear career path
  • Setting achievable goals
  • Make sure your team can speak to you honestly
  • Involve your employees in setting goals
  • Set a good example with a positive attitude and friendly attitude.

How can you tell if an employee is not motivated?

There are many reasons why an employee may feel unmotivated or disengaged, and it's important to set up a private, non-threatening meeting to see if there's anything you can do to help.

Look for these signs to recognize someone who is not motivated:

  • They are often late or absent from work.
  • They don't interact with their colleagues.
  • They are unfocused.
  • They make negative comments.
  • They don't participate in team meetings.
  • They accept no additional responsibility.
15 Motivation Examples in the Workplace + How to Motivate - sixads (2024)


15 Motivation Examples in the Workplace + How to Motivate - sixads? ›

Through research with thousands of employees and leaders, we've discovered that there are five major motivations that drive people's actions at work; Achievement, Power, Affiliation, Security and Adventure.

How do you motivate a team at work examples? ›

  1. Set clear goals and share them with your team.
  2. Give team members the autonomy to do their work.
  3. Accommodate flexible work schedules.
  4. Encourage open and frequent communication.
  5. Balance workload among team members.
  6. Give and receive feedback from your team.
  7. Recognize and reward your team's contributions.
Aug 31, 2023

What are five most important motivations for staff? ›

Five things that will motivate your employees more than money
  • Feeling a sense of meaning and purpose in their work. ...
  • Working in a positive company culture. ...
  • Being recognised for their hard work. ...
  • Opportunities for learning and development in the workplace. ...
  • A clear path of career progression.
Apr 26, 2016

What are the five motivations? ›

Through research with thousands of employees and leaders, we've discovered that there are five major motivations that drive people's actions at work; Achievement, Power, Affiliation, Security and Adventure.

How would you inspire a team? ›

Here are some ways leaders can motivate their teams:
  1. Develop a rewards system. ...
  2. Ensure their work environment is positive and welcoming. ...
  3. Communicate with your team. ...
  4. Share your vision with them and set goals. ...
  5. Provide opportunities for career development. ...
  6. Give positive feedback. ...
  7. Give your team freedom to collaborate.
Jun 6, 2023

How can I motivate my team? ›

7 Powerful Ways to Motivate Your Team.
  1. Make them feel valued. ...
  2. Clear frequent communication. ...
  3. Encourage career progression. ...
  4. Create a positive working environment. ...
  5. Give them responsibility. ...
  6. Define their career paths. ...
  7. Employee surveys.

What are the top 3 motivators? ›

But it turns out that each one of us is primarily triggered by one of three motivators: achievement, affiliation, or power. This is part of what was called Motivation Theory, developed by David McClelland back in 1961.

What is the most powerful workplace motivator? ›

The number 1 motivator is employee recognition. When employees feel appreciated, they do better work. In fact, 81% of employees say they feel motivated to work harder when a boss shows appreciation. Recognition can take many forms.

What is the biggest motivation to work? ›

Inside Thomson Reuters
  • The chance to make an impact. “It is important that I am part of something that is bigger than myself. ...
  • Learning something new. ...
  • Finding innovative solutions. ...
  • Staying curious. ...
  • Working with great people in a great culture. ...
  • Having fun. ...
  • Continuous improvement. ...
  • Having flexibility.

What are the 6 C's of motivation? ›

Turner and Paris' Six C's of Motivation (1995) identifies six characteristics of motivating contexts, namely, choice, challenge, control, collaboration, constructing meaning, and consequences.

What are the 8 types of motivation? ›

The 8 Types of Motivation You Need to Know for Online Learning
  • 1) Extrinsic: Incentive. This extrinsic motivation is fairly straightforward. ...
  • 2) Extrinsic: Power. ...
  • 3) Extrinsic: Fear. ...
  • 4) Extrinsic: Social. ...
  • 5) Intrinsic: Achievement. ...
  • 6) Intrinsic: Competence. ...
  • 7) Intrinsic: Creativity. ...
  • 8) Intrinsic: Attitude.
Jan 26, 2021

What are the 6 types of motivation explained? ›

6 Types of Motivation Explained
  • What is motivation? Motivation is generally defined as the force that compels us to action. ...
  • Types of Motivation.
  • Incentive. A form of motivation that involves rewards, both monetary and nonmonetary is often called incentive motivation. ...
  • Fear. ...
  • Achievement. ...
  • Growth. ...
  • Power. ...
  • Social.
Mar 1, 2017

What is the best motivator to succeed? ›

FAILURE! Yes, failure is the best motivation to succeed. One who fails knows the very value of success. He is the one who will try the hardest to achieve what he has missed, in the past.

What are the 2 main types of motivation explain with examples? ›

Extrinsic vs. Intrinsic Motivation
Participating in a sport because it's fun and you enjoy it.Participating in a sport in order to win a reward or get physically fit.
Learning a new language because you like experiencing new things.Learning a new language because your job requires it.
8 more rows
Feb 2, 2020

How would you motivate your team best answer? ›

The ultimate guide to motivating a team — and why it matters
  • Share your vision and set clear goals.
  • Communicate with your staff.
  • Encourage teamwork.
  • A healthy office environment.
  • Give positive feedback and reward your team.
  • Provide opportunities for development.
  • Give employees the space they need to thrive.
Aug 26, 2022

What is the best example of motivation? ›

An example of motivation is watching an Olympic athlete and working hard in sports to become like that athlete. Other examples include working hard at achieving a degree to get a high paying job and taking a drink of water to quench a thirst.

What are the best motivators for teams? ›

These could be obvious motivators like money, promotion prospects, recognition, achievement, growth, and good relationships, but it could also include other things, such as flexible working arrangements, or the opportunity to bring dogs to work.

How do you inspire and motivate employees? ›

How to Motivate and Inspire Employees
  1. Remind People Why They Were Hired. ...
  2. Push Employees to Challenge Themselves. ...
  3. Ask Employees for Advice. ...
  4. Lead by Example. ...
  5. Tap Into Employees' Passions. ...
  6. Ask for Feedback. ...
  7. Highlight Employees' Inspiring and Motivational Stories. ...
  8. Let Employees Share in Success.

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